Individual Details

James W Christenberry

(Jan, 1831 - Bef Sep 24, 1915)

BIRTH: James W Christenberry first appears in the census records of 18 50 where he is listed living with his mother Mary Ann (Evans) at the h ousehold of Clark Anderson in Jackson Township, Owen County, Indiana . James is listed as being e ight years old (born approximately 1842) . In the 1860 Census, he and his mothe r are listed as living in the h ousehold of John Carter of Morgan Township, Owen County. At that tim e, "James W" is listed as 19 years of age (born approximat ely 1841) . In James W's marriage record to Susanna Gaston of October 23, 1895 , it indicates that his father's name was also James and notes that h e was 61 ye ars old at the time of this second marriage (which would m ake his birth date as 1834). The 1900 U.S. Federal Census, Okaw Town ship, Shelby County, Illinois i ndicates that James' birth date was Ja nuary 1831. His September 1915 obituary in the Owen Leader states tha t he was 80 years old at the time of his death, wh ich make his birt h date would be in 1834/1835. Military: James' Civil War un it was co mmanded by Colonel William A Fairbanks. Other officers of the 149t h I ndiana infantry iincluded Colonel William D Mull and Major Thoma s B Reeder. Th e regiment was raised in the 7th Congressional Distric t and organized at Indian apolis, Indiana in February 1865. It eventu ally had over 1,000 soldiers on its rolls. The unit was mustered o n March 1st and left the state of Indiana on Ma rch 3, 1865. It proce eded to Nashville, Tennessee and few weeks later onto Dec atur, Alabam a. While stationed in Decatur, it received the surrender of the co nf ederate forces commanded by Generals Roddey, Polk and Warren. It als o confis cated a large quantity of arms and munitions. The unit the n performed garrison and guard duty in Decatur until September. Th e unit was mustered out of servi ce at Nashville, Tennessee on Septemb er 27, 1865. Obituary: The Owen Leader, Spencer, Indiana, Wednesday , September 29, 1915. James Christenberry Dead. W ord was received h ere last week of the death of James Christenberry, 80 years o ld, at h is home in Illinois. Funeral services were held Friday (September 24 , 1915). His widow is the sister of A. E. Gaston. He left Owen Count y some 20 y ears ago, moving to a farm near Casey, Illinois. He leave s three children: Wm. Christenberry and Mrs. Henry Williams of Morga n Township and Mrs. Amy Hendrick s, of near Bloomington.


BirthJan, 1831Indiana
MarriageNov 4, 1861Marion County, Indiana - Dovey Ann Freeman
Divorce filedAug, 1864Owen County Indiana - Dovey Ann Freeman
Divorce filedAft 1880Dovey Ann Freeman
MarriageOct 23, 1895Owen County, Indiana, USA - Susanna Geraldine Gaston
DeathBef Sep 24, 1915Casey, Clark County, Illinois
Unknownthe Civil War. He enlisted in Vandalia, Indiana on February 24, 1865
Event (I)


SpouseSusanna Geraldine Gaston (1863 - 1920)
SpouseDovey Ann Freeman (1848 - 1911)
ChildLucinda Jane Christenberry (1862 - 1941)
ChildWilliam Harrison Christenberry (1865 - 1931)
ChildAmy Ann Christenberry (1868 - 1942)
ChildKing Edward Christenberry (1873 - 1881)
FatherJames Christenberry (1809 - 1860)
MotherMary Ann Evans (1814 - 1860)

