Individual Details

King Freeman

(1811 - Bef 1884)

BIOGRAPHY: 1884 History of Morgan Township, page 787: This passage men tions Kin g Freeman...."Later came Elijah Creech and his son William , both of whom locate d in the western part of the township, the forme r entering the land upon which Charles White lives. Noah Randle and h is son Benager became residents about th e year 1834, settling in th e northern part, where they both became owners of re al estate. Kin g Freeman came about the same time, and entered a tract of land in th e western part of the township, where Hamilton Moffett lives. He afte rwar d sold his farm and purchased in the southeast corner of the town ship, where hi s widow still resides. William Nichols was an early s ettler, locating where h is son, A. L. Nichols, lives, as early as th e year 1835. A. L. Nichols came wi th his father, and for almost fift y years has been one of the prominent citizen s of Owen County, servin g three terms as Commissioner, besides filling several minor position s of trust. Among the early settlers who became identified with the t ownship prior to 1840, can be named William Wiley, Henry Singleton , a step -son of John Carter, and one of the earliest Justices of th e Peace; John Wallac e, William Carter, brother of Moses and John Cart er, Robert Mustard, William Cr ises, Jacob Hicks and his brothers Abl e and Wiley, Jacob and Zachariah Beaman, David Staley, Ezekiel Jenkins , Frederick Shroer, Robert Burbridge, James W. Hal tom, George Hicks a nd Spencer Haltom. Other settlers additional to those menti oned ar e entitled to a notice, but their names and facts concerning them hav e b een forgotten in the lapse of time. A few of those enumerated ar e still living , but by far the greater number have passed away as ' a tale that is told', many being scattered to other lands, but by fa r the greater number have Passed to t hat 'undiscovered country from w hose bourn no traveler returns'."


Birth1811Burke County, North Carolina
MarriageAbt, 1833Amy Humble
DeathBef 1884


SpouseAmy Humble (1808 - 1884)
ChildCarlotte Freeman (1833 - )
ChildHenry H Freeman (1837 - )
ChildJohn Freeman (1837 - 1912)
ChildWilliam B Freeman (1841 - )
ChildAmanda J Freeman (1847 - )
ChildDovey Ann Freeman (1848 - 1911)
FatherMicajah Freeman Sr. (1779 - 1845)
MotherElsa Margaret Peggy Fincannon (1782 - 1830)
SiblingJames H Freeman (1804 - 1871)
SiblingJohn C Freeman (1807 - 1888)
SiblingWilliam F Freeman (1809 - 1896)
SiblingMicajah Freeman II (1814 - 1882)
SiblingMary B Freeman (1822 - 1861)
SiblingAsa Burtis Freeman (1824 - 1896)
SiblingAlpha Mertsel Freeman (1825 - )
