Individual Details

Schrilda Jane Sanders

(Jun 10, 1862 - Dec 20, 1945)

Cause of Death:<CAUS> carcinoma (skin cancer) Obituary: Schrilda J ane Sanders, Owen Leader, December 27, 1945: Mrs. Wm. Christenberry D ies; Funeral Sunday. Dies Thursday at Home of Daughter, Mrs. Millie Ha tt, at Kokomo - Internment at Garrard Chapel. Mrs. Schrilda Jane (Sand ers) Christenberry, 83 years old, wife of the late William H. Christe nberry, passed away Thursday, December 20, at th e home of her daughte r, Mrs. Millie Hatt, following a four week illness of carc inoma. Fo r the past few years she had made her home with her daughter at Koko m o. She was born June 10, 1862, in the state of Illinois, a daughte r of Elijah and Jane Sanders. When she was 12 years old her parents m oved to this county a nd settled in Morgan Township. Here she grew t o womanhood and was married to W illiam H. Christenberry, who precede d her in death January 19, 1931. Early in life she joined the U.B. Chu rch at Garrard Chapel and here she held her members hip until death . Mrs. Christenberry was the mother of several children and it was he r desire in life to make a good home for her children and husband. Su rvi vors include the following children: Mrs. Dora Williams, Romulus , Mich.: Mrs. N ellie Mills, Lebanon; Mrs. Millie Hatt, Kokomo; Mrs. F lorence Moran, Spencer; L ewis C Christenberry, Pine Village; Lee Chri stenberry, Attica; Mrs. Ruth Chapma n, Terre Haute; Alvin Christenberr y of Attica, and Howard Christenberry of Vand alia. The following chi ldren preceded her in death: Mrs. Minnie Query, Elmer C hristenberry , Mrs. Mollie Pifer, Oliver Christenberry; and one son, Albert, di e d in infancy. Mrs. Christenberry also leaves 33 grandchildren and 2 6 great-gra ndchildren; one sister, Mrs. Rose Lykens, of Indianapolis ; and a brother, John Sanders, of Petersburg. Funeral services were h eld Sunday afternoon at Garrard Chapel in Charge of Rev. Arthur J. Cr oy, and internment was made in the adjoin ing cemetery. West & Sons w ere in charge of the arrangements.


BirthJun 10, 1862Coles County, Illinois
MarriageMar 26, 1882Owen County, Indiana, USA - William Harrison Christenberry
DeathDec 20, 1945Kokomo, Howard County, Indiana
BurialGarrard Chapel Cemetery, Owen County, Indiana


SpouseWilliam Harrison Christenberry (1865 - 1931)
ChildDora Christenberry (1883 - 1945)
ChildMinnie Christenberry (1884 - 1926)
ChildElmer Christenberry (1886 - 1913)
ChildNellie Christenberry (1888 - 1945)
ChildMillie Christenberry (1890 - 1977)
ChildFlorence Christenberry (1892 - 1973)
ChildMollie Christenberry (1894 - 1925)
ChildLewis C Christenberry (1896 - 1971)
ChildAlbert Christenberry (1899 - 1899)
ChildLee Christenberry (1900 - 1989)
ChildRuth Christenberry (1901 - 1999)
ChildOliver Christenberry (1903 - 1908)
ChildAlvin Lee Christenberry (1905 - 1975)
ChildHoward Christenberry (1907 - 1971)
FatherAlexander Sanders (1828 - 1880)
MotherElizabeth Jane Faulkner (1836 - 1880)
SiblingDavid Alexander Sanders (1856 - 1942)
SiblingMatilda E Sanders (1864 - 1942)
SiblingSarah A Sanders (1867 - 1942)
SiblingJohn W Sanders (1870 - 1945)
SiblingIssac Edgar Sanders (1873 - 1942)
SiblingRosetta Sanders (1878 - 1945)
