Individual Details

Cyrus "Baldy" Williams

(14 Oct 1875 - 5 Oct 1970)

BIRTH: July 29, 1939 letter to Social Security Commission of MO (James H.
Williams); copy in possession of Nancy & Art Hawkinson.

DEATH: Obituary of Cyrus Williams, THE JORDAN TRIBUNE, 16Oct1970; 1970; p5;
Copy in possession of Nancy & Art Hawkinson.

Vol. II, "Garfield County-The Golden Years", the M.W. Robuck story,
pg 435.

"...Baldy's real name was Cyrus and he wasn't bald, in fact, he had very
heavy wavy hair but when a boy, he had lost his hair from a fever. The hair
came back but not the name."

The Jordan Gazete, 5Nov1914

Cyrus Williams, James F. Trotter, and Frank B. Haney in from Chalk Butte
neighborhood with election results.

The Jordan Gazette, 22Apr1915, p5

Cyrus Williams went into Miles City on Tuesday of this week for medical
treatment at the hospital. Mr. Williams has been somewhat indisposed for
sometimes past and his many friends hope that he will enjoy a speedy recovery.
He was accompanied by Dr. D.A. Baker and C.A. Kramer, who returned home

The Jordan Gazette, Jordan MT, 6May1915, p5

Frank B. Haney returned last Friday from Portland, Oregon, where he accompanied
Cyrus Williams, who will spend sometime with relatives on the coast. Mr.
Williams is not feeling very well and it is thought that the change in the
climate will be beneficial to his health.

The Jordan Gazette, 12Aug1915, p5

Cyrus Williams, the well-known Snow creek horseman, returned last Friday
evening from Portland, Oregon, where he has been spending the past three or
four months. Mr. Williams was not enjoying the best of health when he left
Jordan, but the change in climate and conditions in general seems to have been
very benefical to him and he looks the best his friends have ever seen. His
many friends are pleased to observe the change.

The Jordan Gazette, 6Dec1917, p5, Local News

Cyrus Williams was a Miles City business visitor two or three days during the
past week.

The Jordan Tribune, 9Oct1970, p1


News has been received of the death of Cyrus "Baldy" Williams, who passed away
Monday evening at the Garfield County Hospital.

Funeral arrangements are being made at this time.

The Jordan Tribune, 16Oct1970, p5


Cyrus "Baldy" Williams, 94, died Monday in the Garfield County Hospital.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Thursday in the Assembly of God Church
with the Rev. A. E. Arney officiating. Burial was in the Green Ridge Cemetery,
east of Jordan.

He was born in Nebraska on October 14, 1875, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Williams. He moved to the Jordan area in 1911 and farmed and ranched all his

Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Nellie Rothermel, Jordan, and a niece, Mrs. Warner
(Nellie) Burchett, Billings.

Graves Funeral Home, Miles City were in charge of the funeral arrangements.


Birth14 Oct 1875
BurialOct 1970Jordan, Garfield, Montana, Greenridge
Death5 Oct 1970Jordan, Garfield, Montana


FatherJames Henry Williams (1836 - )
MotherElizabeth Wright (1840 - )
SiblingSarah Frances "Aunt Frank" Williams (1867 - )
SiblingJohn James Williams (1869 - )
SiblingJames Williams Jr. (1871 - )
SiblingWilliam M. "Doc" Williams (1873 - )
SiblingLillian Williams (1878 - )
SiblingNellie "Aunt Nell" Williams (1882 - 1972)
SiblingJane M. (Janey) Williams (1884 - 1965)