Individual Details

John Wheeler

(1654 - 1688)

WHEELER JOHN son of John & Mary borne in 1654

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Spring 1993 Vol 34 No 2; Charles County Depositions by Robert W. Barnes; Continued from vol. 34, no. 1, p. 21.
WHEELER, JOHN, Jr, age 22, 14 Sept. 1675; CHLR F#1:145

NJL: The John Wheeler who died 1688 in Anne Arundel County (described below) was the son of a John Wheeler who died 1684. Christian Bateman was his mother in a second marriage. This quote is definitely is not correct.
JOHN WHEELER, Jr. (1654-1688)
John Wheeler, Jr. was born in 1653, in Charles County, Maryland, the son of John and Mary Wheeler. John Wheeler, Jr. witnessed a deed (MD. Archives, V. 60, p. 404) in Charles County, Maryland, in October of 1671, when this John would have been only 18 years of age.
13 June 1688, William Bateman, and Christine, his wife, and John Gray signed as bondsmen for settlement of the estate of John Wheeler, Jr, and an inventory was filed 15 June 1688 by Walter Phelps and James Gray. (46-08-00, inv. & Accts. 10, 87). No children could be identified, and none were mentioned in the will of John Wheeler, Sr. (Ball, p. 13)
Anne Arundel County, MD.

Re: John Wheeler
This John Wheeler died 1684, with son John still living. He bequeaths land that was left to Ruth Beard in the Will of John Beard, Sr., which causes me to believe he may have been married to Ruth Beard before he m. Christian.
Wheeler, John, Anne Arundel Co., 21st Nov., 1684; 13th Dec., 1684. To son John, ex., home plantation and 100 A., "Timber Neck" on South R., Anne Arundel Co.; also 200 A., "Wheeler's Lot" on Magothy R. To Richard and Matthew, sons of Richard Beard, sd. lands in turn in event of death of son John without issue. To wife Christian, personalty. To John Belt and the Protestant Church of South R., personalty. Test: Henry Hanslap, Richd. Beard, Robt. Wade, Jno. Skinner, Saml. Gray. 4. 170.

I had not realized that his wife Christian had m. William Bateman. Wm. Bateman had an illegitimate child by way of a Mary (?) according to the All Hallows church records:

Bateman, William
bastard son of William Bateman and Mary [?]
Burial: Nov. 27, 1701
Source: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (All Hallow's Protestant Episcopal Church Collection) Parish Register 1669-1721, p. 17 [MSA SC 2458 M 221]

Bateman, William
Burial: Feb. 3, 1706
Source: SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (All Hallow's Protestant Episcopal Church Collection) Parish Register 1669-1721, p. 32(1) [MSA SC 2458 M 221]

I wonder who Mary was! The records indicate that Wm. Bateman was living on the land, Timberneck, listed in the Wheeler will, as reverting to Richard and Matthew Beard, should his son John not live: 00001/000038/html/am38--183.html
Acts of the General Assembly hitherto unpublished 1694-1698, 1711-1729
Volume 38, Page 183 Acts. 183
Acts of
April, 1715,
ch. 5
p. 123

An Act to Supply Certain Defects in the Conveying of Lands from Matthew Beard to Stephen Wright and from Stephen Wright to Samuel Chambers of Ann Arundell County Gent.
Whereas Matthew Beard late of Ann arundell County in the province of Maryland Carpenter by his Deed of bargain & Sale bearing date the Twelfth day of November Anno Dom one thousand and seven hundred and eight [This would mean that John Wheeler Jr. died w/o heirs by 1708? Is he the one who died in 1688?] for the Consideration of twenty five pounds Sterling granted and sold unto Stephen Wright of the same County and province Planter and to his heirs and Assignes forever the moyety or half parte of a Tract or parcell of land Called Timber neck Lying in Ann arundell County on the South Side of South River on the West side of a Creek Called Jaccobs Creek Beginning at a marked red oake standing upon a point and running for breadth West South west up the Creek one hundred and Sixty perches to a marked Oak by a Marish side being a bounded tree of Richard Beards on the west by Beards line drawn west and by north two hundred perches to a marked pock hiccory and by a line drawn north and by East from the said Pock hiccory fifty perches to a marked red oake in the line of Richard Chenys land and by Chenys line East south East twenty five perches to a marked white oake bounded on the North by a line drawn North north East from the said Oak one hundred perches to a marked Pock hiccory and from the said Pock hiccory north East and by North to a marked Oake by a Branch in the line of the land laid out for Murreen Duvall and William Young on the East by the said Land on the south by Jacobs Creek Containing and laid out for two hundred acres more or less being formerly granted to Richard Uggins and John Wheeler that is to say that moyety or halfe parte of the said Tract of land Called Timber neck formerly Occupied by the said John Wheeler and late in the Tenure or Occupation of William Bateman of Ann arundell County late deced as by the same Deed duly Executed and acknowledged and now remaining upon the land Records of Ann Arundell County in the Book marked P L page four hundred and Eighty two reference being thereto had may more at Large appear And whereas the said Stephen Wright by his Deed of Bargaine and Sale bearing date the Sixteenth day of May Anno Domini Seventeen hundred and Eleven for the Consideration of Thirty five pounds Sterling granted and sold the said moyety or halfe part of the Tract of land aforesaid unto Samuell Chambers of the same County and Province Gentleman and to his heirs and Assignes forever as by the Deed thereof duly Executed and acknowledged and now remaining upon the same land records and in the same Book aforementioned page four hundred and Eighty five reference being thereto Likewise had may more fully appeare. But forasmuch as the said Stephen Wright Omitted to get his aforementioned Deed from Matthew Beard Recorded in time so that by the Act of Assembly of this province for Quieting possessions Enrolling Conveyances and secureing the Estates of purchasers no Estate in the said land was past thereby and for that the said Matthew Beard and Stephen Wright are Both since deceased And for that the said Samuel Chambers on finding the said first mentioned Deed not recorded Omitted Recording the said Deed from Wright to himself well knowing the Recording the said Deed would avail him nothing unless he Could procure a Confirmation of the aforementioned first Deed so that Neither of the said Deeds were recorded within the Express time Limitted by the act afd Whereupon the said Samuel Chambers being otherwise Remediless has petitioned this present Generall Assembly for relief in this Behalfe and for that the Truth of the premises is Sufficiently made appeare and that the Considerations of the said respective Sales have been duly paid and that the Petitioners case most properly requires an Equitable reliefe by an Act to be past in his favour. It is therefore humbly praid that it
may be Enacted.
And be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and Consent of his Majestys Governeur Councill and Assembly of this province and the Authority of the same that the same Deeds and the aforementioned Records thereof shall bee Deemed had and held as Effectuall in Law to all Intents Constructions and purposes whatsoever as if the same Deeds had been Duly recorded according to the Directions of the aforesaid Act for Quieting possessions Enrolling Conveyances and Secureing the Estates of purchasers anything in the same act or any other Law Statute or Usage to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding Saveing to our Sovereigne Lord the King his heirs and Successors and all bodyes politick & Corporate & all others not mentioned in this act their severall & respective rights.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Prepared by Kenneth Frank Doig:,

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

JOHN WHEELER, JR. (1654-1688)
>> John Wheeler, Jr. was born in 1654, in Charles County, Maryland, the
>>son of John and Mary ( ) Wheeler.
>> John Wheeler, Jr. witnessed a deed (Md. Archives, V. 60, p. 404) in
>>Charles County, Maryland, in October of 1671, when he was only seventeen
>>years of age.
>> On 13 June 1688, William Bateman, and Christine, his wife, and John
>>Gray signed as bondsmen for settlement of the estate of John Wheeler,
>>Jr., and an inventory was filed 15 June 1688 by Walter Phelps and James
>>Gray. (46-08-00, inv. & Accts. 10, 87). No children could be
>>identified, and none were mentioned in the will of John Wheeler, Sr.
>>(Ball, p. 13)

Please send any corrections or additions to Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <> This data is updated continuously, so please revisit to make sure you have latest information. This file represents my entire
data base, I do not have any other information! Please use the reference number so I can get to the correct person in my data base.
NOTE: Please use this data with the knowledge that you must do your own research to validate data. It contains theories and facts from many sources and is only a starting point for your own research.

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

SOURCE: Marc Wheat,


Birth1654Charles County, Maryland, United States
Death1688Charles County, Maryland


FatherMajor John Wheeler (1631 - 1694)
MotherMary Causine (1631 - 1694)
SiblingMary Wheeler (1658 - 1708)
SiblingWinifred Wheeler (1663 - 1746)
SiblingIgnatius Wheeler (1665 - 1699)
SiblingJames Wheeler (1656 - 1684)
SiblingThomas Wheeler (1660 - 1735)
SiblingIgnatius Wheeler (1665 - 1699)
SiblingFrancis Wheeler (1667 - 1736)
