Individual Details

Major John Wheeler

(22 Jan 1631 - 9 Jan 1694)

Birthplace variously reported as Shropshire, England and Deptford,Lewisha
m, England.
A John Wheeler Jr. emigrated from England to Maryland in 1658. Reported el
sewhere that he arrived in Charles Co., MD in 1659.
1657 (St. Mary's CoMD) "Robert COLE [of St. Mary's County] demandeth 4
50 acres of land for theseservants, Robert GATES, 1655, John JOHNSON, Ma
ry MILES, and Joseph ALVEY 1657, by special warrant from his Lordship 1
00 acres and 100 more by assignmentfrom John WHEELER.
Prepared by Kenneth Frank Doig:,

Roman Catholic

The Wheeler Family goes back to the early history of Maryland where John Wheeler obtained a patent 10 July 1663 for 4000 acres of land, known as "Wheeler's Choice", in Charles County. (1) An emigrant, he was of the Shropshire, England, Wheelers. (2) In 1676 he was commissioned Captain of Militia, and from 1680-1684 he was Major of the Infantry of Charles County, Province of Maryland. (3) For his services as Captain he was at one time granted 2000 lbs. of Tobacco. (4) In 1685 he was a Justice of Charles County (5) and also served as Commissioner of Port towns.

Major John Wheeler was born about 1631. In a deposition made 22 January 1652, he gave his age as 21 years. (6) In another deposition made 22 October 1691, he gave his age as 61 years. He made his will 11 November 1693, and it was proved 8 January 1694-1695 in Charles County, Maryland. In it he mentions property, "Planter's Delight", "Mayor's Choice", "Middleton's Lot", "Wheeler's Purchase", and "Wheeler's Delight." (7) At the August term of court of Charles County in 1694, Mary Wheeler is named as his widow. (8) In the Charles County land records (9) are found the following births, children of 1 JOHN WHEELER (1631-1694) of Charles County, Maryland.
2 John Wheeler, born 1654. Not mentioned in father's will.
3 James Wheeler, born 9 days before Christmas, 1656.
4 Mary Wheeler, born March 22, 1658.
5 Thomas Wheeler, born March 18, 1660.
6 Winnifred Wheeler, born March 1663. Married John Speake.
7 Ignatius Wheeler, born May 1665.
8 Francis Wheeler, born 1672. Not in list of births above. "Chuck Thornton"

Charles County John Wheeler Will Page 128

In the name of God Amen, I John Wheeler of Charles County being sick of body but in full and perfect memory make & constitute this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as following
Item. I give and bequeath my soul to almighty God the giver thereof hoping to receive a free pardon for all my sins and my body to be decently buried at the direction of my Executor after mentioned, Item. my will is that all my debts Justly due be paid to every person I am indebted to & as for the rest of my Estate I leave it as so forth. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Wheeler and his heirs forever two hundred acres of land where he now liveth together with one hundred and thirty acres thereunto adjoining called by the names of Wheelers rest & Wheelers adjoining allsoe I give one great Copper Kettell and one pair of and Irons to my aforesaid son Thomas Wheeler with one Gelldin called by the name of luckett after my death.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Ignatius Wheeler to him and his heirs forever all that parcell of Land Called planters delight containing for hundred acres at the end of one year after my death and the decease of my beloved wife Mary Wheeler together with one feather bed & fernerture to be delivered after the decease of my beloved wife aforenamed with one iron pott & pott hooks.
I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Wheeler to him and his heirs forever all that parcel of land Called Magers Chowse being one hundred eighty seven acres together with middletons Loll being ninety six acres thereunto adjoining, allso
I give to my sonn Francis aforesaid the fether bead which I do ly upon with the fornerture thereunto belonging after the decease of my beloved wife aforesaid. Item.
I give and bequeath unto my Grandson John Wheeler the son of my son James Wheeler deceased to him and his heirs forever


Charles County Page 129

Two hundred acres of land part of five hundred acres Called Wheelers Purchase beginning at the first bound tree of the Tract for the beginning of his two hundred acres all of my death alsoe I give him one feather bead and furniture and one Iron pott to be delivered at the decease of my beloved wife.
Item. I give unto my Granson James Wheeler the son of my son James Wheeler deceased to him his heirs forever two hundred acres of land itt being the part of the five hundred acores aforesaid beginning at the end of John Wheelers aforesaid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my gran Daughter Ann Wheeler the daughter of my son James Wheeler deceased one hundred acres of land it being the remainer part of the five hundred acres of land Called Wheelers purchase the other fore hundred acres to ge given to John Wheeler and James Wheeler, to her and her heirs forever alsoe
I give to my Gran Daughter Ann Wheeler one hundred and sixty five acres of land Could Wheelers delight & if the said Ann Wheeler should dye without heirs of her body Lawfully begotten then to fall to Richard Wheeler, the son of my sonn Thomas Wheeler and his heirs forever together with one filey to be delivered at my death and I do hereby anullifie and make void all other former wills by me made making and Constituting this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I doe hereunto set my hand & fix my Ceall this 11th day of November in the year of our Lord God 1693.
The mark of
John J W Wheeler seal

Charles County Page 130

On the back of the foregoing will was endorsed the following probate (to wit) January 8th 1694. The within written Will was in Common form proved at Port Tobacco in Charles County by the oaths of John Sanders, William Montgomery & Anniah Montgomery that they did see the within named John Wheeler sign & seal the same and heard him publish & declare the same to be his last Will and Testament, &c.
C. Lomax, Dep. Com

Please send any corrections or additions to Jesse M. Lawrence Jr. <> This data is updated continuously, so please revisit to make sure you have latest information. This file represents my entire
data base, I do not have any other information! Please use the reference number so I can get to the correct person in my data base.
NOTE: Please use this data with the knowledge that you must do your own research to validate data. It contains theories and facts from many sources and is only a starting point for your own research.
Pre-1750 Charles County MD Familes: Wills, Court, Church, Land, Inventories & Accounts; Entries: 15815 Updated: Sat Feb 28 22:27:13 2004 Contact: Michael Marshall,
ID: I02104
Name: John Sr. Wheeler
Sex: M
Birth: 1630 in Ashenfield, England
Death: 8 JAN 1693/94 in Charles Co. MD - Probate
John Wheeler was born in 1630 in Ashenfield, England [JMW: What is the source?]. He died in 1693 in Charles County, Maryland.

John Wheeler was 21 years old in 1651, when he left England for the Colony of Maryland. John was a Roman Catholic, and it is probable that he left England to escape the persecution of Catholics following the end of the English Civil War when Oliver Cromwell beheaded the Catholic King Charles I in 1651.

John arrived in Maryland in January, 1652, on the ship "Thomas and John", under the command of Captain William Mitchell. John had traveled from Debtfordshire to London, where he boarded the ship. He may have been an indentured servant, since the ship contained about a dozen indentured servants who had contracted for a period of time (usually seven years) of labor in exchange for payment of their passage to the Colonies. John may have paid for his own passage, however, as no record exists of his having worked as an indenture in Maryland, and he purchased a land warrant for 100 acres from Walter Hall in June 1654, something an indenture could not have done. It is not known if John brought a wife with him, or married after his arrival, but he did have a wife, Mary (or perhaps Marie), and one son by 1654.

John was obviously a good farmer and business man, as his estate and his importance grew rapidly. Raising tobacco, cattle, and hogs, in 1658 he rented, for seven shillings per acre, 350 acres from Robert Cole on the northeast branch of the Nanjernoy River. He continued to acquire land to the degree that between 1654 and 1688 he had accumulated 3,293 acres of land in Charles County, Maryland, this at a time when the average small planter owned only about 100 acres. Because of his prosperity, he was appointed a Gentleman Justice of Charles County on May 30, 1685, by the Royal Governor. As a Justice, he served as one of the twelve judges of the county court.

John was also very active in the Charles County Militia. He was the Ensign (2nd Lieutenant) in Captain James Longworth's Company in February, 1661, participated in operations against hostile Indians in 1666, became Captain in June, 1676, and Major in June, 1679. On June 28, 1692, the Charles County Court ordered "Major John Wheeler being very much old and very much inabled through a wound he received in the Country's therefore removed from all tax rolls...for the future."

John had a number of servants, but it is not possible to tell whether they were indentured or slaves. He probably had a combination of both. The only ones specifically known are Dorothy Hinks, age 10, Sam Gaskoyne, age 15, John Morton, age 20, Bridgett, age 18, and William Davis, age 13. These persons could have been indentured to John, or some could habe been the children of his other sevants or slaves. It was not uncommon for children to be indentured, as among the requirements of the person accepting an indenture contract was to feed, clothe, teach a trade, and educate the indenture, in exchange for the indenture's work for the specified period of time of the contract.

Obviously because he could not write, John used a distinctive mark instead of a signature on all documents he signed, up to and including his will, which was probated on January 8, 1694. His mark was ..........

Source of the above information, and most of the data on John Wheeler's descendants through Thomas Wheeler, Jr, 1734-1770, is Walter V. Ball's book "John Wheeler, 1630-1693, of Charles County, Maryland, and Some of His Descendants", published privately by the author in Chevy Chase, MD, in December, 1966. It is also at Jones Memorial Library, 2311 Memorial Ave, Lynchburg, VA, 24501.

The Wheeler Family goes back to the early history of Maryland where John Wheeler obtained a patent 10 July 1663 for 4000 acres of land, known as "Wheeler's Choice", in Charles County. (1) An emigrant, he was of the Shropshire, England, Wheelers. (2) In 1676 he was commissioned Captain of Militia, and from 1680-1684 he was Major of the Infantry of Charles County, Province of Maryland. (3) For his services as Captain he was at one time granted 2000 lbs. of Tobacco. (4) In 1685 he was a Justice of Charles County (5) and also served as Commissioner of Port towns.

Major John Wheeler was born about 1631. In a deposition made 22 January 1652, he gave his age as 21 years. (6) In another deposition made 22 October 1691, he gave his age as 61 years. He made his will 11 November 1693, and it was proved 8 January 1694-1695 in Charles County, Maryland. In it he mentions property, "Planter's Delight", "Mayor's Choice", "Middleton's Lot", "Wheeler's Purchase", and "Wheeler's Delight." (7) At the August term of court of Charles County in 1694, Mary Wheeler is named as his widow. (8) In the Charles County land records (9) are found the following births, children of 1 JOHN WHEELER (1631-1694) of Charles County, Maryland.
2 John Wheeler, born 1654. Not mentioned in father's will.
3 James Wheeler, born 9 days before Christmas, 1656.
4 Mary Wheeler, born March 22, 1658.
5 Thomas Wheeler, born March 18, 1660.
6 Winnifred Wheeler, born March 1663. Married John Speake.
7 Ignatius Wheeler, born May 1665.
8 Francis Wheeler, born 1672. Not in list of births above. "Chuck Thornton"

Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q
Wheeler, Ignatius, s/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. May 1665
Wheeler, James, s/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. 9 days before Christmas 1656
Wheeler, John, s/o John and Mary Wheeler; b. 1654
Wheeler, Mary, d/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. 22 Mar 1658
Wheeler, Thomas, s/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. 18 Mar 1660
Wheeler, Winifrid, d/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. Mar 1663

1654: Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q: Wheeler, John, s/o John and Mary Wheeler; b. 1654

1656: Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q: Wheeler, James, s/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. 9 days before Christmas 1656

1658: Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q: Wheeler, Mary, d/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. 22 Mar 1658

12 Feb 1660: Liber A, Page 123, folio 325; Charles County Circuit Court, Microfilm Cr 35,689, Court 12 Feb 1660 Ensign John Wheeler enters a caveat against the estate of Hennery Lilly for 100# of tobacco

18 Mar 1660: Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q: Wheeler, Thomas, s/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. 18 Mar 1660

1663: Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q: Wheeler, Winifrid, d/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. Mar 1663

1665: Charles County Circuit Court, Birth, Deaths & Marriage Records, Liber Q: Wheeler, Ignatius, s/o John and Mary Wheeler, b. May 1665

James Pearse (merchant) 1.363 I #32523 Oct 18 1674
of Dartmouth in County of Devon.
Appraisers: Mr. Thomas Husey, Ignatius Causine.
List of debts: Mathew Stone, Samuell Sherrell, Thomas Waker, Francis Wyne, John Allen, John Stone, John Wheeler, Clement Theobald, Richard Owen, Zachary Wade, Thomas Hussey, Benjamin Rozer, Thomas Gerrard, Anne Fowke, William Barton, Samuell Sewell, Philip Lyne, John Helem, Thomas Marie, Bennett Manegin, Thomas Kilbourne, Henry Barnes, William Gough, Gerrard Browne, Elmond Taylor, Richard Beck, Administrator: Benjamin Rozer.
Nicholas Proddy 4.7 I #9859 Apr 12 1677
Servants mentioned: Griffith Davis.
Appraisers: John Wheeler, Thomas Shuttleworth
William Barton 8.407 I £6.19.0 Aug 22 1685
Appraisers: John Wheler, Robert Midleton.
Joseph Wolf 8.444 I CH £34.10.0 Nov 20 1685
Appraisers: John Wheeler, Phill. Hoskyns.

John Probartt 9.418 A CH £2.18,6 #3822 Sep 13 1687
The amount of the inventory also included £0.5.0 and #2826.
Payments to: Thomas Hussey, Phil. Hoskins & Robert Middleton, Ignatius Cousin, James Wheeler, Richard Boughton, Mr. George Thompson, Mr, Robert Doyne, Mr, James Heath.
Administrator: Maj. John Wheeler,
Margret Leamer 10.96 I CH £67,18,0 Jun 5 1688
Appraisers: John Wheeler, John Godshall,
Thomas Gerard 10.177 I SM. #64124 Sep 29 1688
List of debts: Walter Story, Gilbert Clarke, Francis Mason, Dr. Thomas Johnston, Thomas Barron, Christopher Williamson, John Addison, Robert Foster, Lawrence Hoskins, Anthony Mitchell, Thomas Grunwin, James Floyd, Thomas Elmes, John Scott (planter), Philip Perry, Thomas Mudd, Joshua Guibert, Robert Haley, Thomas Powell, Richard Land, William Keet, Christmas Smith, George Ruddiford,
Thomas Jackson, Daniel Crew, George Short, John Rose, James Regon, Hugh Teres, William Newman, William Lewton, William Boarman, Jr., Edmond Dennis, Robert Ratcliff, William Langer Richard Oliver, Thomas Wichaley, Thomas Dammer, John Shepheard, John Breacher, James Cottwell, Thomas Simpson, Sr., Thomas Simpson, Jr., Timothy Mahoney, George Goer, Capt. Charles Partis, Gilbert Cropper, John Long, Richard Clouds, John Hudworth, William Marshall, Robert Yates, Daniel Hanley, Edward Rookwood, Joseph Fowler, William Treestone, George Barron, Thomas Orrell, Edward Smoote, James Key, John Carvile, John Wilder, William Hardy, John Nalley, Commissioners of Newport, Thomas Wheeler, Peter Dent, Justinian Tennison, Vincent Mansfeild, Anthony Neale, Thomas Huggon, Robert Gates, John Hawkins, John Vaidry, John Nichols, Maj, John Wheeler

1693 WILL: Transcribed from photocopy of Will recorded in Book A32, pages 128-130, obtained from Maryland Hall of Records. Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Ellis Michaels,,
Charles County John Wheeler Will Page 128.

In the name of God Amen, I John Wheeler of Charles County being sick of body but in full and perfect memory make & constitute this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as following

Item. I give and bequeath my soul to almighty God the giver thereof hoping to receive a free pardon for all my sins and my body to be decently buried at the direction of my Executor after mentioned, Item. my will is that all my debts Justly due be paid to every person I am indebted to & as for the rest of my Estate I leave it as so forth. Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Wheeler and his heirs forever two hundred acres of land where he now liveth together with one hundred and thirty acres thereunto adjoining called by the names of Wheelers Rest & Wheelers adjoining allsoe I give one great Copper Kettell and one pair of and Irons to my aforesaid son Thomas Wheeler with one Gelldin called by the name of luckett after my death.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my son Ignatius Wheeler to him and his heirs forever all that parcell of Land Called Planters Delight containing four hundred acres at the end of one year after my death and the decease of my beloved wife Mary Wheeler together with one feather bed & fernerture to be delivered after the decease of my beloved wife aforenamed with one iron pott & pott hooks.

I give and bequeath unto my son Francis Wheeler to him and his heirs forever all that parcel of land Called "Magers Chowse" (Major's Choice) being one hundred eighty seven acres together with Middletons Loll being ninety six acres thereunto adjoining, allso I give to my sonn Francis aforesaid the fether bead which I do ly upon with the fornerture thereunto belonging after the decease of my beloved wife aforesaid. Item. I give and bequeath unto my Grandson John Wheeler the son of my son James Wheeler deceased to him and his heirs forever
Charles County
Page 129

Two hundred acres of land part of five hundred acres Called Wheelers Purchase beginning at the first bound tree of the Tract for the beginning of his two hundred acres all of my death alsoe I give him one feather bead and furniture and one Iron pott to be delivered at the decease of my beloved wife. Item. I give unto my Granson James Wheeler the son of my son James Wheeler deceased to him his heirs forever two hundred acres of land itt being the part of the five hundred acores aforesaid beginning at the
end of John Wheelers aforesaid.
Item. I give and bequeath unto my gran Daughter Ann Wheeler the daughter of my son James Wheeler deceased one hundred acres of land it being the remainer part of the five hundred acres of land Called Wheelers purchase the other fore hundred acres to ge given to John Wheeler and James Wheeler, to her and her heirs forever alsoe I give to my Gran Daughter Ann Wheeler one hundred and sixty five acres of land Could Wheelers delight & if the said Ann Wheeler should dye without heirs of her body Lawfully begotten then to fall to Richard Wheeler, the son of my sonn Thomas Wheeler and his
heirs forever together with one filey to be delivered at my death and I do hereby anullifie and make void all other former wills by me made making and Constituting this my last Will & Testament. In Witness whereof I doe hereunto set my hand & fix my Ceall this 11th day of November in the year of our Lord God 1693.
The mark of
John J W Wheeler seal

John Sonders, William Montgomerey
Anniah Montsgomerey

Charles County
Page 130

On the back of the foregoing will was endorsed the following probate (to wit) January 8th 1694. The within written Will was in Common form proved at Port Tobacco in Charles County by the oaths of John Sanders, William Montgomery & Anniah Montgomery that they did see the within named Jo
Wheeler sign & seal the same and heard him publish & declare the same to be his last Will and Testament, &c.
C. Lomax, Dep. Com

January 08, 1693/94 probate
John Wheeler Will

To son Thomas and hrs.,200 A.(unnamed) on which he now lives, and 230 A,"Wheelers's Rests.'
To wife Mary,extx, 600 A,"Planter's delight' and all personalty
To son Ignatius and hrs," Planter's Delight" at death of wife afsd.
To son Francis and hrs., 187 A "Mayor' Choice." and 96 A,"Middleton's Lot"
to grandson, John Wheeler, son of dec'd son James,200 A,part of 500 A," Wheeler's Purchase"
To granddaughter Ann wheeler, dau of sd.dec'd son james,100a, residue of" Wheelers Purchase"
To grandau. Ann, 165 A. Wheeler's Delight
To grandson Richard,son of afsd,and his hrs,"Wheelers Delight" in event of death of grandau. Annafsd,without issue

Test: Jno Sanders, Wm. Montgomery, Ann Montgomery

Entries: 122017 Updated: Thu Jul 25 16:48:44 2002 Contact: Jesse Macon Lawrence Jr. Home Page: Ancestors and Descendants of Jesse Macon Lawrence Jr.

ID: I26690
Name: John Wheeler
Given Name: John
Surname: Wheeler
NPFX: Major
NSFX: Immigrant 1 2
Title: Immigrant
Sex: M
Birth: 22 Jan 1631 in Derbyshire County, England 3 4 1 2 5
Death: 11 Nov 1693 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County 1
Reference Number: 26690 1
Note: Roman Catholic 6 2 7
Event: Immigrated 1651 Maryland 1
Change Date: 22 Mar 2002 at 19:26
The Wheeler Family goes back to the early history of Maryland where John Wheeler obtained a patent 10 July 1663 for 4000 acres of land, known as "Wheeler's Choice", in Charles County. (1) An emigrant, he was of the Shropshire, England, Wheelers. (2) In 1676 he was commissioned Captain of Militia, and from 1680-1684 he was Major of the Infantry of Charles County, Province of Maryland. (3) For his services as Captain he was at one time granted 2000 lbs. of Tobacco. (4) In 1685 he was a Justice of Charles County (5) and also served as Commissioner of Port towns.

Major John Wheeler was born about 1631. In a deposition made 22 January 1652, he gave his age as 21 years. (6) In another deposition made 22 October 1691, he gave his age as 61 years. He made his will 11 November 1693, and it was proved 8 January 1694-1695 in Charles County, Maryland. In it he mentions property, "Planter's Delight", "Mayor's Choice", "Middleton's Lot", "Wheeler's Purchase", and "Wheeler's Delight." (7) At the August term of court of Charles County in 1694, Mary Wheeler is named as his widow. (8) In the Charles County land records (9) are found the following births, children of
1 JOHN WHEELER (1631-1694) of Charles County, Maryland.
2 John Wheeler, born 1654. Not mentioned in father's will.
3 James Wheeler, born 9 days before Christmas, 1656.
4 Mary Wheeler, born March 22, 1658.
5 Thomas Wheeler, born March 18, 1660.
6 Winnifred Wheeler, born March 1663. Married John Speake.
7 Ignatius Wheeler, born May 1665.
8 Francis Wheeler, born 1672. Not in list of births above.

Father: Henry Wheeler b: 1579-1608 in England [what is the evidence?]

Marriage 1 Mary Causine b: 9 Mar 1631 in Saint Mary's County, Maryland Formed 1637 [what is the evidence?]
Note: Reference Number:43552
Married: Jan 1651 in Saint Mary's County, Maryland Formed 1637 Ccreated As Original Colony
Change Date: 12 Jul 2001
[Has No Children] John Wheeler b: 1654 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County
[Has Children] James Wheeler b: 16 Dec 1656 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County
[Has Children] Mary Wheeler b: 22 Mar 1658 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County
[Has Children] Thomas Wheeler b: 18 Mar 1660 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County
[Has Children] Winnifred Wheeler b: 13 Mar 1663 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County
[Has Children] Ignatius Wheeler b: 14 May 1665 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County
[Has Children] Francis Wheeler b: 1670 in Charles County, Maryland Formed 1658 From Potomac County

Abbrev: Phillip Wheeler Data from Jean J Holman
Title: Phillip Wheeler Data from Jean J Holman
Author: Walter Ball
Publication: Wheeler History by Walter Ball ,
Phillip Wheeler references this book as his source
Text: Data passed from Jean J Holman
All Wheelers posting address Dallas,Tx. 6/25/97
Abbrev: Merritt, Lynch & Allied Families=20by Sara Belle Merritt Shannon
Title: Merritt, Lynch & Allied Families=20by Sara Belle Merritt Shannon
Abbrev: W. Conway Price, "Some Descendants of Giles Thomas, Revolutionary Sol=
Title: W. Conway Price, "Some Descendants of Giles Thomas, Revolutionary Sol=
Page: 44
Quality: 3
Abbrev: John Wheeler 1630-1693 of Charles County, MD and Some of His Descendants by Walter V. Ball
Title: John Wheeler 1630-1693 of Charles County, MD and Some of His Descendants by Walter V. Ball
Abbrev: 6wft3661.FTW
Title: 6wft3661.FTW
Text: Date of Import: Jan 2, 1999

Descendant: Thomas Dale Ashby; 1437 Sunset Terrace; Western Springs, Illinois 60558

Jeane Bolton,
Title: Fern Creek, Lore & Legacy 200 years
Author: Fern Creek Woman's Club
Publication: Published 1976
Note: book is out of print
Note: Jim Fox; Jeffersontown Cemetery Association
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: page 128

From Gordon Wheeler's website,
Lesa Pfrommer has death date as 9 JAN 1693/94 in All Hallows, Anne
Arundel County, Maryland and Immigration date, before 29 APR 1659 to
Wheeler, John,Chas. Co.,11th Nov., 1693;
9th Jan., 1694.
To son Thomas and hrs., 200 A. (unnamed) on which he now lives, and
230 A., “Wheeler's Rest.
To wife Mary, extx., 600 A., Planter's Delight and all personalty.
To son Ignatins and hrs., sd. Planter's Delight at death of wife afsd.

To son Francis and hrs., 187 A., Mayor's Choice, and 96 A.,
Middleton's Lot.
To grandson, John Wheeler, son of dec'd son James, 200 A., part of 500
A., Wheeler's Purchase.
To grandson James, son of sd. dec'd son James, 200 A., part of
Wheeler's Purchase.
To granddau. Ann Wheeler, dau. of sd. dec'd son James, 100 A., residue
of Wheeler's Purchase.
To granddau. Ann, 165 A., Wheeler's Delight.
To grandson Richard, son of son Thomas afsd., and his hrs., Wheeler's
Delight in event of death of granddau. Ann afsd, without issue.
Test: Jno. Sanders, Wm. Montgomery, Anna Montgomery.
7. 70.
A strict Roman Catholic, John came to Maryland in 1652 undoubtedly to escape the Puritans of England. He purchased land in Charles County, where he was a tobacco farmer. In 1688 when Maryland became a Royal Colony, Catholics were disenfranchised and he lost his position as Major in the Militia and Justice of Charles County. Composed on 11 Nov 1693, John Wheeler's will divides his estates among the children and son Francis Wheeler inherited 187 acres of a parcel "called Major's Choice, together with Middleton Lott of 96 acres." (from "OUR AMERICAN COUSINS")

Abbrev: "Chasing Dead People"
Title: "Chasing Dead People", Smith's Starting /w Gulielmus Smith, Hanover
County,Va. (From Ancestry World Tree)
Author: Helen L. Smith Hoke (
Page: Sources cited:
1.Title: Doyle Fenn
Note: Owned by Helen L. Smith Hoke
Call Number: Media: Book, Page: pg 540

2.Title: Of The Wheeler Family In America
Author: Albert Gallatins Wheeler
Publication: by Boston Repository: Call Number: Media: Book Page: pg
3.Title: Phillip Wheeler
Repository: Call Number: Media: Other Page:
Text: His data from Jean J. Holman
4.Title: Walter Ball Repository: Call Number: Media: Other Text:
Wheeler History
5.Title: Sandy Rowe
Repository: Call Number: Media: Other
6.Title: William 'Bill' Wheeler
Repository: Call Number:
Media: Other Page:

8.Title: CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS; Abstracts of VA Land Patents and Other Grants, 1623-1666
Author: Nell Marion Nugent, 1963, Page: pg 388, Patent Book #4

MILITARY: John Wheeler was Capt. and Major of Militia, Charles County, Md. (Ball, John Wheeler, 101)

Marc Wheat,,
Lori Blackburn
Jeane' Bolton
Greg Burton, 6068 Adcock Lane, Hanover, MD 21076 410-379-8078
John Crunk
Diana Davidson-Ferrell ,
Helen L. Smith Hoke
Jean J Holman
Annette Hunt
Sarah Kienzle
Jesse Macon Lawrence Jr.
Ellis Michaels, Will of John Wheeler
Christine Murcia
P. Obrist
Lesa Pfrommer
Sandy Rowe 39500 Stevenson Pl. #204, Fremont, CA 95439 (510) 794-6850
Neal Schneider
Bonnie Sutherland
Chuck Thornton
Catherine Thurston
Gordon Wheeler

SOURCE: Marc Wheat,

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

WHEELER, JOHN, age 25, 26 Oct, 1658; CHLR A#1:25. As Major John WHEELER, age 61, 22 Oct. 1691, mentioned William BARTON and his brother, orphans of Nathan BARTON; CHLR R#1:275.

Land Patents index:
NAME: Wheeler, John 1658
Certificate 350 Acres Liber Folio
Patent 350 " " Q " 205
Remarks: Certificate in name of Robert Cole, Liber Q, folio 20 (1658)
NAME: Wheeler, John 1658
TRACT: Wheeler's Point; COUNTY: Now Cecil
Certificate 250 Acres Liber Q Folio 246
Patent 250 " " Q " 246
NAME: Wheeler, John 1659
TRACT: Round Stone; COUNTY: Now Cecil
Certificate 300 Acres Liber 4 Folio 276
Patent 250 " " 4 " 477
NAME: Wheeler, John 1659
TRACT: Whittland; COUNTY: Charles
Certificate Acres Liber Folio
Patent 450 " " 4 " 124
NAME: Wheeler, John 1661
TRACT: Whitland; COUNTY: Now Prince George's
Certificate 450 Acres Liber 4 Folio 560
Remarks: Certificate to Thomas Hussey, Liber 4, folio 582
NAME: Wheeler, John 1663
TRACT: Wheeler's Choice; COUNTY: Charles
Certificate 400 Acres Liber 5 Folio 165
Patent: 400 " " 5 " 400
And several others in Charles, Prince George's, Cecil and Anne Arundel County that I was too lazy to transcribe.

Wheeler, John, Chas. Co, 11th Nov, 1693; 9th Jan, 1694.
To son Thomas and hrs, 200 A. (unnamed) on which he now lives, and 230 A, "Wheeler's Rest."
" wife Mary, extx, 600 A, "Planter's Delight" and all personalty.
" son Ignatius and hrs, sd. "Planter's Delight" at death of wife afsd.
" son Francis and hrs, 187 A, "Mayor's Choice," and 96 A, "Middleton's Lot."
" grandson, John Wheeler, son of dec'd son James, 200 A, part of 500 A, "Wheeler's Purchase."
" grandson James, son of sd. dec'd son James, 200 A, part of "Wheeler's Purchase."
" granddau. Ann Wheeler, dau. of sd. dec'd son James, 100 A, residue of "Wheeler's Purchase."
" granddau. Ann, 165 A, "Wheeler's Delight."
" grandson Richard, son of son Thomas afsd, and his hrs, "Wheeler's Delight" in event of death of granddau. Ann afsd. without issue.
Test: Jno. Sanders, Wm. Montgomery, Anna Montgomery, 7. 70.

John is said to have come from Deptford, Wiltshire, England or he was of the Shropshire, England, Wheelers. In 1676 he was commissioned Captain of Militia, and from 1680-1684 he was Major of the Infantry of Charles County, Province of Maryland. For his services as Captain he was at one time granted 2000# of Tobacco. In 1685 he was a Justice of Charles County and also served as Commissioner of Port towns. Major John Wheeler was born about 1631. In a deposition made 22 January 1652/53, he gave his age as 21 years. In another deposition made 22 October 1691, he gave his age as 61 years. He made his will 11 Nov 1693, and it was proved 8 January 1693/94 in Charles County, Maryland. In it he mentions property, "Planter's Delight", "Mayor's Choice", "Middleton's Lot", "Wheeler's Purchase", and "Wheeler's Delight." At the August term of court of Charles County in 1694, Mary Wheeler is named as his widow. In the Charles County land records are found the following births, children of JOHN WHEELER (1631-1694) of Charles County, Maryland.
1 John Wheeler, born 1654.
2 James Wheeler, born 9 days before Christmas, 1656.
3 Mary Wheeler, born March 22, 1658.
4 Thomas Wheeler, born March 18, 1660.
5 Winnifred Wheeler, born March (13?), 1663.
6 Ignatius Wheeler, born May 1665.
7 Francis Wheeler, born 1672.

22 January 1652. John Wheeler gave depostion stating that he was about 21 years of age. (Land Records Liber 1, fol 175)
June 20, 1654. John Wheeler bought headrights. (ABH, folio 380)
October 8, 1658. John Wheeler gave depostion stating that he was aged 25.
November 6, 1658. John Wheeler received a grant of 350 acres (per land records, named Cole, patent to Robert Cole).
1658; John Wheeler patented 250 acres called "Wheeler's Point", now in Cecil County.
1659; 300 acres Round Stone in Cecil.
1659. John Wheeler patented 450 acres called 'Whitland.' [NJL note: there is a "Whitland" in Carmarthen, Wales.]
1660: John Wheeler patented 150 acres "Wheeler's Palme".
August 23, 1662. John Wheeler patented 400 acres called 'Wheeler's Choice.'.
August 23, 1662. John Wheeler patented 500 acres called 'Wheeler's Purchase.'
July 1663. John Wheeler patented 600 acres called 'Planter's Delight.'
1666. John Wheeler marched to Piscataway.
1668. John Wheeler patented 35 acres called 'Wheeler's Adventure.'
1668. John Wheeler patented 65 acres called 'Stoke Hill.'
1668. John Wheeler patented 200 acres called 'Wheeler's Rest.'
1670. John Wheeler patented 300 acres called 'Wales.'
1671. John Wheeler patented 365 acres called 'Wheeler's Hope.'
1672. John Wheeler patented 130 acres called 'Wheeler's Addition.'
August 1, 1672. John Wheeler patented 316 acres called 'Exitor.'
June 5, 1673. John Wheeler patented 165 acres called 'Brother's Delight.'
Sep 5, 1673. John Wheeler patented 350 acres called 'Plymouth.'
May 1676: Capt. John Wheeler paid for services.
February 30, 1684. John Wheeler, Gent, gave for fatherly love to daughter Mary, wife of Robert Middleton, 300 acres called 'Wheeler's Hope.' (CCLR L.52)
May 30, 1685. John Wheeler was a justice for Charles County.
November 10, 1685. John Wheeler, Gent, gave for a quantity of tobacco and love for his natural daughter Winnifred, wife of John Speake, 350 acres called 'Plymouth.' (CCLR M.32)
October 22, 1691. John Wheeler deposed that he was about 61 years of age. (CHLR R#1:275)

From the Maryland Genealogical Society. Major John WHEELER was b 1630, d 1694. He was married to Mary Edelin or Mary Causine.
Their children's births are recorded as follows:
John Wheeler b. 1654. (CCLR P.205 and Q.1)
James Wheeler b. 9 days before Christmas 1656. (CCLR P.205 and Q.1)
Mary Wheeler b. 22 Mar 1658. (CCLR P.205 and Q.1)
Thomas Wheeler b. 18 Mar 1660. (CCLR P.205 and Q.1)
Winifrid Wheeler b. Mar 1663. (CCLR P.205 and Q.1)
Ignatius Wheeler b. May 1665. (CCLR P.205 and Q.1)

1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Chicamuxen: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 352-4: WHITTLAND: 150 acres; Possession of - 150 Acres - Sanders, John: Surveyed 15 Aug 1659 for Henry Adams on the South side of Mattawoman Creek, patent in the name in John Wheeler: Other Tracts Mentioned: ; ; ; other notes - 400 acres - John Saunders from Henry Moore 10 March 1707, ,, , , ,

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 174;
William Smith Gent aged about 60 years upon Summions for his Lordps Attorney for that purpose being Sworn and examined March 29th 1651 deposeth as followeth That about a Month or three weeks before the Depts comeing to Sea for these parts being about a twelve Month Since or Somewhat more as he taketh it, he being then in Company with Capt William Mitchell

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 226;
The Deposition of John Wheeler Aged 21 yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined in open Court this 22th January 1652. Sayth. That William Smith told this deponent aboard the Ship at Debtford, when they were Comeing for these parts of America,

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 226;
George Howes aged 23 yeares or thereabouts Sworn and Examined this 22 January 1652. Sayeth That being aboard the Shipp called "Thomas and John" at Debtford and then bound for these parts of America, William Smith haveing in his Custody Clothes for Capt William Mitchells Servants,

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 252;
The Deposition of Vincent Atcheson Sworne and Examined in open Court this 22th March 1652 Sayth That being at Debtford comeing for these parts of America this Deponent met with William Smith

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, Page 164:
Wm Smith plt Capt Wm Mitchell Deft: Upon the reading of Several Orders formerly made in this Cause and of the Defdts Letter to the plt menconed in the plts Peticon the plt amongst other things desireing to be relieved against the Defdt for 16 Months charge of Dyet and his passage into England according to his ingagement by the Said Letter now produced under his own hand and Seal the Deft acknowledgeth the Letter and promise but pleads an after agreement that Smith engaged himself to be his Servant before his comeing out of England for this he moves the Court to examine Mr Hatton as his Wittnes Mr Hatton being from home the business was respited till the next morning, and the plt and Defdt both warned to appear in the Morning they both appear, and plead in the business before Mr Hatton's comeing in, Mr Hatton is called for declares in open Court nothing to the Sd Capt Mitchell's advantage, And Mitchell Seeing himself like to be Cast pleads that he doth not appear, now for as much as this Wm Smith is an Old aged man of 61 years, Seduced from his Countrey wife and Children by the fair and false promises of this Mitchell delayed and put off from Court to Court by the Attorney of this Capt Mitchell and himself and ready to goe for England before any Court or relief can be had, for want of which relief he must in all likelyhood perish, this Court being a Court of Equity as well as Law doth Conceive this appearance of Capt Mitchell to be good, he voluntarily comeing of himself and pleading day after day in the Case desireing his Wittness to be Sent for one day and heard the next, And therefore proceeds to Sentence as followeth, That the plt according to the promise and ingagement of the Deft be Satisfied for his charge of dyett for 16 months which after the rate of one hundred pounds of Tobacco p Month amounts to 1600 weight of Tobacco as likewise for his Voyage into England and return into Bedfordshire 1000 l weight of Tobacco and Cask together with the Cost and Charges of Suit for the which Said Several Sumes he is hereby granted Judgment and after Judgment Execucon and as touching the pits demand of Goods and other things now Complayned, for the Court thinks fit not to meddle any further therein for the present but doth respit the further hearing thereof till the next Court for which purpose the Deft is hereby ordered then to appear peremptorily. Execucon ad satisfaciend.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 174;
William Smith Gent aged about 60 years upon Suffions for his Lordps Attorney for that purpose being Sworn and examined March 29th 1651 deposeth as followeth That about a Month or three weeks before the Depts comeing to Sea for these parts being about a twelve Month Since or Somewhat more as he taketh it, he being then in Company with Capt William Mitchell now one of his Lorps Councell of this Province of Maryland at his then lodging in the Strand near the Savoy, the Said Capt Mitchell desired him this Deponent to call his this Deponents daughter whome he the Said Capt Mitchell as he then expressed Intended then Shortly to take to Sea with him for these parts by the name of Mrs Elizabeth Williams or Betty Williams, and the reason that the Said Capt Mitchell then gave to this Deponent for Such his desire was for that he had a Sister or friend of that name whome he deerly loved, and therefore desired that this Deponts daughter Should be Soe called or to that effect, his this Deponts Said Daughter then and yet right name being Susan Warren having been then formerly married to one Humphrey Warren and further deposeth not. Wm Smith Jurat 19 Januarij 1651 coram me Wm Stone

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 226;
The Deposition of John Wheeler Aged 21 yeares or thereabouts Sworne and Examined in open Court this 22th January 1652. Sayth. That William Smith told this deponent aboard the Ship at Debtford, when they were Comeing for these parts of America, that he the Said Smith was Servant to Capt Mitchell for the terme of four yeares, the occasion of the Said Smiths Sd Report to this Deponent was, that the Said Mitchell Sending this Deponent aboard upon his acct, biding the Said Deponent Inquire for Smith his the Sd Mitchells Servant when he came aboard, and to Carry this Message to the Said Smith, that he Should take him into his Custody and looke after him, or words to that purpose, and further Sayth not. Jurat.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 226;
George Howes aged 23 yeares or thereabouts Sworn and Examined this 22 January 1652. Sayeth That being aboard the Shipp called Thbmas and John at Debtford and then bound for these parts of Arncrica, William Smith haveing in his Custody Clothes for Capt William Mitchells Servants, this Deponents then Master, when the Clothes were delivering out, Morter a Taylor then Servant to the Said Mitchell desireing Something out of the Chest from the Said Smith, but, what this dept cannot tell, the Said Smith replying that he would have them Stay till the Said Capt Mitchell, or Some from him came aboard, further Saying that he the Said Smith was a Servant as well as they, and Could not deliver without order. Jurat

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, page 252;
The Deposition of Vincent Atcheson Sworne and Examined in open Court this 22th March 1652 Sayth That being at Debtford comeing for these parts of America this Deponent met with William Smith now of this Province and asked the Said Smith whether he was bound to Virga further asking the Said Smith whether he was Capt Mitchells Servant to which he answered yes. further asking the Said Smith for how long time he the Said Smith Answered for four Years further Saying that he the Said Smith was to fish or fowle or be a bayly for Husbandry or do any other worke in the Countrey, further this deponent maketh oath that the Said Smith Sold aboard the Ship Canvis Suites and Red Cotten Suites and Red knitt Caps for beer and biskett Cakes which Said Goods was Shipped in the Name of Capt William Mitchell as the Said Smith did report, further this deponent Sayth that he Saw the Said Smith take out of the Chest which was Shipt as afore in the Name of Capt Mitchell three Dozen of Tradeing knives, the Said Smith telling this Deponent that he Carried them ashore to get Victualls. And further Sayth not. Tho Hatton

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, Page 268:
At a Court Held at St Maries the Seventh day of June Anno Domini 1653
Mr Philip Land maketh Oath this Seventh of June in Open Court Sayeth That he hearing that mr ffrancis Brookes had bought of Capt William Mitchell Mrs Ann Boulton his the Said mr Brookes now wife, this Deponent asked the Said Brooks what he was to pay for her who answered he was to pay two Cowes or words to that purpose and further Sayth not Mr ffrancis Brookes et The Complt Brookes and his wife Capt Willm Mitchell by Henry 1 theire Suit being for fourteen pound Money Sterling the Remainder of ffox his Attorney plantiffe twenty pounds Sterling being a years mr ffrancis Brooks defendt J wages claimed to be due from Capt Mitchell to Brooks his wife according to Agreement Specified in Major Wildmas Certifficate or Lre as alsoe for Seaven hundred and Eighty pounds of Tobacco and Caske by Accompt, with Damages, And the Compit Capt Mitchell by his Attorney. Sueing for two Cowes (which as is alledged mr Brooks agreed to pay him to free his now wife from Service upon their Marriage) with damages. And the defendts in both Suits denying the Compits demand, And mr Brookes produceing major Wildmans Said Lre or Certifft to prove his & his wives demand, and Capt Mitchells Attorny pduceing the Deposition of mr Philip Land for his proofe, It is Ordered in regard of Capt Mitchells absence that the further hearing of this Cause be respited till the next Court to be held for this province after Christmas next unless Capt Mitchells arrivall here be Sooner, and then till the next Court after Such his arrivall, And that his the Said Capt Mitchells Attorney give Sufficient Security in the Value of 2500 ll Tob. & Caske to be Answerable to the Order of Court upon the hearing, And in default of Such Security to be given and Entred upon Record, by the first day of the next month an Attachment is to issue out against Capt Mitchells Estate to the Value of 2500 l Tob: and Caske to be answerable upon the hearing as aforesaid (if the Compit mr Brooks Shall desire the Same) And both parties may in the meane time provide theire proofes for the better Clearing of both Causes and the hearing to be then peremptorily
Worthy Sir
I was Importuned formerly to trouble you in this kind to testify my knowledge concerning the Bargaine betweene Capt Mitchell and mrs Ann Boulton nowe the wife of one ffrancis Brookes in yor Countrey, And I am desired further to trouble you in the Same Busieness I Declared before that her wages was by Agreernt to be twenty pounds p Ann, and her bargaine was that She Should Stay with Capt Mitchell noe longer then She pleased, and he promised to Send her againe to England at his own Charge, if She liked not to Stay with him, and her wages was to be paid either here or in your Countrey as She pleased, and it was to be at her Choice whether it Should be paid in money or in Goods. Sir I am Sorry that there is an occasion of this trouble, I wish you all peace amongst your Selves and Soe much Mutuall Justice that each might doe right to other without Compulsion, which blessing together with all others, is constantly prayed for in yor behalf. worthy Sir yor humble Servant John Wildman
Sir I Sneake this of my own knowledge being a Wittness to the Bargaine
London ffebr 14th 1652 Indorsed. To Capt Stone Deputy Governor of Maryland

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10; Court and Testamentary Business, Page 389:
John Wildrnan of Westminster in the County of Middlesex Esq maketh Oath that he was present when Capt William Mitchell hired Ann Boulton to be his Servant and to go with him to Maryland, and it was then agreed betweene the Said Capt Mitchell and the Said Anne Boulton that She Should be the Governess of his Children and family, and that the Said Capt Should give the Said Ann twenty pounds Sterling by the year for her wages Soe long as She Should remain his Servant, and to pay the Same either here in England or in Maryland either in Money or Goods at the best rate as the Said Ann Should Chuse, and he the Said Capt Mitchell did thereupon in this Deponents presence pay the Said Ann Boulton Seven pounds in part of half a yeares wages and it was then also further agreed between the Said parties that in Case the Said Ann Should not like the Countrey of Maryland he the Said Capt Mitchell Should Send her for England at his own Costs and Charges, and if She the Said Ann did like to remaine in Maryland and not in his Service She was to be at her own Liberty, and to pay her for the time She Served him according to the Said rate of twenty pounds by the year Sworne the first day of december 1653 Edw: Eltonhead Sheffield Stubbs
Elizabeth Bolton of the parish of St Martins in the ffields in the County of Middlesex widdow aged about fifty Years maketh oath that She was present when Capt Willm Mitchell hired her Daughter Ann Bolton to be his Servant and to goe with him unto Maryland, And it was then agreed between the Said Capt Mitchell and the Said Ann Boulton that She Should be Governess of his Children and family and that the Said Cap' Mitchell Should give the Said Ann twenty pounds Sterling by the year for her wages for So Long time as She Should remaine his Servant and to pay it here in England or in Maryland either in Money or Goods at the best rate as She the Said Ann Should Chuse, And he the Said Capt Wm Mitchell did thereupon in this Deponts presence pay the Said Ann Boulton Seven pounds in part of half a yeares wages, And it was then also agreed between the Said parties that in Case the Said Ann Should not like the Countrey of Maryland he the Said Cap' Mitchell Should Send her againe for England at his own pper Costs and Charges, and if She the Said Ann did Like to remaine in Maryland and not in his Service She was to be at her own Liberty, and he to pay her for the time She Served him according to the rate of twenty pounds by the year Elizabeth her E B Marke Boulton Edward Eltonhead Sheffield Stubbs

Archives of Maryland; Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business. 1642. Page 187;
5th Aprill 1643 John hampton appeared to the action of John hollis agst him and Thomas Boys for 4277' tob & cask due by bill, & acknowledged the said demand to be due, to Jo. Angud deceased.
In the pnce of John wavill (attorny for tho: boys) demanding out of the said bill a discompt of 3500 l tob, demanded by action vpon record the 3d ffebr last. & was allowed. Exequution for 3777 l tob & 15 l fees, & fees of exequution.
George Binx will tomson John Wavill marks pheypo John hollis John mansell walter broadhurst robt nicolls John hamton henry bishop James Cauther thomas bushell
12. freemen charged with an oath to present ffugitives, who presented william hookins, william Edwin, John Robinson barbr miles richd francis Stoure thomas Allen francis posie & John wheeler, ffugitives for debt.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1657; Page 515;
At a Court held at Putuxent June the 16th 1657: Whereas two fugitive Servants, which run away from York in Virginia the one Servant as is Supposed to mr Nathaniell Bacon named Peter Key, the other Servant to mr ffran: Wheeler named Huntington Ayes, as the Said Ayres Confesseth being apprehended and brought before this Court The Court doth order that the Sheriffe of Patomock Shall take the Said fugitives into his Safe keeping and with all possible Expedition See them Safely Conveyed over the river Patomock and Delivered into the Custody of Some of his Highness officers in Virginia, that order may be taken for their Speedy Conveyance untill they be Safely delivered unto their respective masters, and the Sheriffe is hereby Impowered to press boat and men to transport them over Patomock.

Archives of Maryland: Volume 3, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1660-1661. Page 429;
Caecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore &c To all persons to whorne theis prsents shall come Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Whereas Axell Stille late of New Amstell and Subject of the Crowne of Sweeden haueing transported himselfe into this our Province here to inhabite hath besought vs to grante him the said Axell Stille leaue here to inhabite And as a free Dennizen freedome land to him and his heires to purchase Knowe yee that wee willing to give due encouragement to the Subjects of that Crowne Doe hereby declare him the said Axell Stille to be a free Dennizen of this our Province of Maryland And Doe further for us our heires and Successors straightly enjoyne constitute ordeine and Command that the said Axell Stille be in all thinges held treated Reputed and esteemed as one of the faythfull people of us our heires and Successors borne within this our Province of Maryland And likewise any lands tenements Revenues Services and other hereditaments whatsoever within our said Province of Maryland may inherrite or otherwise purchase receive take have hould buy and possesse and them may occupye and Enjoye give sell alyen and bequeathe as likewise all Libertyes franchises and priviledges of this our Province of Maryland freely quietly and peaceably have and possesse occupye and Enjoye as our faythfull people borne or to be borne within our said Province of Maryland without the lett molestacon vexacon trouble or Greivance of us our heires and Successors any Custome to the Contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding given at Saint Marys vnder the greate Seale of our said Province of Maryland this nine and twentyth day of July in the thirtyth yeare of our dominion over the said Province of Maryland Annoq domini One thousand Six hundred Sixty one Wittness our Deare Brother Philip Caluert Esqr our Leiuetennt of our said Province of Maryland:
Idem mutatis mutandis to Peter Jacobson
Idem to Marcus Sipherson
Idem to Clement Micheelson
Idem to Hendrick Hendrickson
Idem to Andrew Clementson
Idem to Peter Montson
Idern to Mathias Cornelison
Idem to Hendrick Mathiason
Idem to John Wheeler
Idem to Bartholomew Hendrickson
Idem to Cornelius Urinson
Idem to John Urinson
Idem to Andrew Toreson
Idern to Paule Johnson
Idern to Gothofrid Harmer


Birth22 Jan 1631England
MarriageJan 1652Saint Mary's County, Maryland - Mary Causine
Death9 Jan 1694All Hallows, Anne Arundel, Maryland
Alt nameJohn Wheeler , Maj.


SpouseMary Edelin (1634 - 1673)
ChildJames Wheeler (1656 - 1684)
ChildThomas Wheeler (1660 - 1735)
ChildIgnatius Wheeler (1665 - 1699)
ChildFrancis Wheeler (1667 - 1736)
SpouseMary Causine (1631 - 1694)
ChildJohn Wheeler (1654 - 1688)
ChildMary Wheeler (1658 - 1708)
ChildWinifred Wheeler (1663 - 1746)
ChildIgnatius Wheeler (1665 - 1699)
ChildJames Wheeler (1656 - 1684)
ChildThomas Wheeler (1660 - 1735)
ChildIgnatius Wheeler (1665 - 1699)
ChildFrancis Wheeler (1667 - 1736)
FatherHenry Wheeler (1608 - 1644)
MotherAnn Lindsey (1631 - 1694)
FatherJohn Wheeler (1610 - 1671)
MotherMary Edelen (1611 - )
SiblingWilliam Wheeler (1658 - 1738)
SiblingElizabeth Wheeler (1645 - )
SiblingFrancis Wheeler (1667 - 1736)
SiblingJames Wheeler (1656 - 1684)
SiblingRobert Wheeler ( - 1682)
SiblingSamuel Wheeler ( - 1694)
