Individual Details

William Thompson

(1623 - 1661)

Thomson, William, (nunc.), 21st Jan., 1660; 26th Feb., 1660.
Wife Mary, execx., and child., (unnamed) sole legatees.
Overseer: Father-in-law Wm. Bretton.
Test: Walter Pakes, Frances Pakes, wife of sd. Walter 1. 123.

p. 32, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Koaxes. 200. --. Surveyed Jun 28, 1658 for William Thompson on the West side Britt Bay. This land is Res: into Hopton Park in page 34, but Robt Brooks, as son of the daughter of the said Thompson, claims it. Mr. Carbery affirms that Koaxes is not to be within Hopton Park, but that it lies below Hopton Pk upon Clem: Bay.
p. 39, TLC Genealogy, St Mary's County, Maryland, Rent Rolls, 1639-1771
New Town Hundred
Hopton Park. 2100. 3.6.0. Res: Mar 23, 1680 for Cuthbert Scot. This res: includes the 3 tracts of land called Indian Quarter in pa: 26 qt 250 a, Evans Qr in pa: 24 100 a, & Evans Freehold in pa: 32 qt 550 a, in all 900 a upon old rent. The remaining 1200 a is taken upon new rent so the whole is - Possessors: 1600 a - John Bap: Carbery; 100 a -James French; 400 a - Arthur Thompson's heirs.
129. --. James French from John Baptista Carberry, Mar 8, 1709.
100. --. The Visitors of the free School from John Baptist Carberry, Jun 28, 1726.
160. --. John Lake from John Baptista Carberry & wife Eliz, Nov 26, 1730.
100. --. Robert Elliott from John Baptista Carberry & wife Eliz, Nov 26, 1730.
2100. 3.6.0. Charles Carrol from John Baptista Carberry, Sep 7, 1708.
2100. 3.6.0. John Baptista Carberry from Charles Carrol, Mar 18, 1712.
50. 0.1.0. Ignatius Wheeler from John Baptist Carberry, Nov 16, 1737.
92. 0.1. 10 1/2. Gilbert Ireland from John Baptist Carberry, Jun 3, 1742.
62. 0.2.6. John Manman from John Baptist Carberry, Jan 26, 1743.
58. 0.2.4. Gilbert Ireland from John Baptist Carberry, Jun 15, 1751.
25. 0.1.0. John French from Jus: & Elizabeth Lake, Nov 8, 1751.

This shows the probable link between the two William Thompson families (?Wm and Mary/Wm and Anne?).
Archives of Maryland, Volume 49, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1664. Page 190;
March the 7th day anno 1663
Bee it knowne unto all men by these prsents that I Cuthbert ffenwicke of Petuxent River in the province of Maryland Gent doe by these prsents acknowledge to have received of Coll: Willm Evans of the Province aforesaid the Just Sume of One thowsand pounds of tobaccoe in Caske for the use of Mr George Reynolds, and is in full discharg'd of a Judgment Confest by the said Reynolds unto the Estate of William Thompson deceased in Consideracon of One hundred acres of land that the said Reynolds did purchase of the said Thompson in his life time and I the said Cuthbert ffenwicke doe by these prsents acquitt Exonerate and discharge the said George Reynolds from the said Judgmt soe Confest, unto the Estate of the said Thompson for the said hundred acres of land soe purchast of the sd Thompson as wittnes my hand the day & yeare above written. Cuth: ffenwick Testes Thomas Gibson his marke Wm Jolly.
Know all men by these prsents that I Willm Thompson doe by and with the Consent of my wellbeloved wife Mary Thompson sell & make over from us our heires Executors and Assignes all that parcell of land lying betwixt Mr Willm Bretton and Geo: Reynolds on Brettons Bay for ever unto the said George Reynolds his heires Executors and Assignes to have and to hould the same for ever and doe wart the sayle hereof against any lawfull or Just Clayme of any prson or prsons whatsoever & will acknowledge upon Demand the sayle hereof in Court in wittnes whereof Wee have here sett our handes this 10th of Novembr 1659. Will: Thompson Mary Thompson Testes Thomas Elstone

Tuttey. Robert, New Towne, St Mary's Co., 15th June, 1647; 21st June, 1647.
To Mr. Thomson and child, (unnamed), Joseph Cadell and Mathias Briant, personalty.
Admr., William Thomson.
Test: William Bretton, Thomas Jackson.1. 10.


MarriageAbt 1650St Mary's County, Md -
MarriageAbt 1650St Mary's County, Md - Mary Bretton
Death1661St Mary's County, Md


SpouseMary Bretton (1637 - 1661)
ChildWilliam Thompson (1655 - 1740)
ChildElizabeth Thompson (1645 - )
FatherWilliam Thompson (1597 - 1649)
MotherAnne ( - 1667)
SiblingElizabeth Thompson (1621 - 1676)
SiblingAndrew Thompson ( - 1649)

