Individual Details

Elizabeth Thompson

(Abt 1645 - )

Elizabeth is probably not the mother of the oldest son, Robert, necessitating the change in wording of the law suit to "William" heir of Elizabeth, rather than "Robert" heir of Elizabeth.

Brooke, Charles, Brook Place Manor, Calvert Co., 29th May, 1671; 15th Dec., 1671.

" neph. Robert, son of brother Robert Brooke, part of sd. "Manor," and land on St Charles' Branch.
" neph. William, son of brother Robert Brooke, part of "Brook Place Manor;" sd. portion to be used by neph. William's mother and father-in-law, Thomas Cosden, until he reaches the age of 21 yrs.
Test: Jos. Newman, Wm. Andrewes. 1. 459.

(Arch. of MD, Vol. 67, p. 204).[Now here att this day to witt the twentieth day of ffebruary in the third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1677] Ann Avery Exx Jno Avery agt Tho: Cosden & Uxr Admr Robert Brooke: This cause abates, the plaintiffe being marryed.

(Arch. of MD, Vol. 69, p. 71). [Itt is Ordered by the Court here this day to witt the ninth day of October in the fourth yeare of the Dominion of the Rtt Honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1679] Tho: Tasker agt Tho: Medley; In Ejectmt: Thomas Cosden & ux: Lessors Itt is ordered by the Court, by the consent of George Parker Attorney for the plaintiffe, & Kenelm Chestdyne Attorney for Tho: Medley that he the said Thomas Medley be admitted Defendt who without delay shall appeare by his Attorney aforesaid, & receive the declaracon, & plead to itt the genll issue, & att the tryall the said Thomas Medley shall appeare in his proper person or by his Attorney, & shall acknowledge Lease entry & Ejectmt or for default judgemt shall be entred against the Defendt John Broome the casuall Ejector And further prosecution be spared against the said John Broome untill default be made And itt is further ordered by the Court, that the said Thomas Medley shall take no advantage against the plaintiffe for not prosecuteing upon the tryall occasioned by the default aforesaid, but that the said Thomas Medley shall pay to the plaintiffe the costs by this Court to be taxed in this cause. And itt is further ordered, that the Lessors to the plaintiffe shall be charged with the paymt of the costs to the Deft if any be adjudged to him

(Arch. of MD, Vol. 69, p.317).[the ifoure and Twentyeth day of November in ye ffifth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1680] Thomas Tasker plt Lessee to Thomas Cosden ffather in Lawe & Guardian of William Brooke agt John Broome: Ejectment: Itt is ordered by the Court by the Consent of George Parker Attorney for the pit, and Kenelm Cheseldyn gentt Attorney for Thomas Medley of St Maryes County plantr That the sd Thomas Medley bee Admitted deft, who wthout delay shall appeare by his Attorney aforesaid and Receive a Declaracon and plead to it the generall Issue This prsent ffebruary Court, and at the Tryall the said Thomas Medley shall appeare in his owne prop pson or by his Attorney, and shall acknowledge Lease entry and Ejectment or for default Judgment Shall bee Entred against the deft John Broome the casuall Ejector, & further psecucon bee spared agt the said John Broome untill default bee made, And Itt is further Ordered by the Court that the said John Broome shall take noe Advantage against the said deft for his not psecution upon the Tryall Occasioned by the default aforesaid, but that the said Thomas Medley shall pay the plt the Costs to bee Taxed by the Secretary, And It is further ordered that the Lessors to the plt may bee burthened the payment of the Costs to the deft wch shall bee any way Taxed and Adjudged by the Court

(Arch. of MD, Vol. 70, p.141). Thomas Tasker agt John Brome: In Ejectmt March ye 2d 1681; The Deft moved the Court here that Whereas there was an Injunction formerly granted in this Cause & the same accordingly issued being directed to Robert Brooke heire of Elizabeth Brooke daughter and heire of William Thompson deceased & Thomas Cosden his Guardian to Stop the Proceedings at Comon Lawe in this Cause untill the said Plantiffe should Put in his answere to the Defts bill of Complt and this Court give further order to the Contrary, but because the said Brookes name was mistaken in the said Injunction and likewise in the defts bill of Complt (to wit) Robert, in Stead (of William) the said Plantiffes refused to answere thereunto, Whereupon the said deft prayed Liberty to amend his said bill by putting in (Wm Brooke) instead of (Robert)) & that another Injunction may issue to the said William Brooke and Thomas Cosden their Attorneys &c directed to Stopp the Proceedings at the Comon Lawe in this Cawse untill they have put in their answere to the said bill of Complaint and this Court give further order to the Contrary and It is granted by the Court here & this Cawse Continued untill next Court the said Deft paying to the Plantiffe Thirteen shillings and foure Pence costs of suite for ye same.

(Arch. of MD, Vol. 70, p.340). [It is ordered by the Court this day (to wit) the thirtieth day of March Anno Doni 1683] Thomas Tasker agt John Broome; In Ejectment: Thomas Cosden Guardian of William Brooke Lessee plt agt Thomas Medley Tennant in posession Deft This Accon abates the Deft being Dead:


BirthAbt 1645
MarriageOct 1659Virginia - Robert Brooke
MarriageAbt 1662
MarriageBef 29 May 1671Calvert County, Md -


SpouseRobert Brooke (1639 - 1668)
ChildRobert Brooke (1661 - 1716)
ChildWilliam Brooke (1663 - 1690)
FatherWilliam Thompson (1623 - 1661)
MotherMary Bretton (1637 - 1661)
SiblingWilliam Thompson (1655 - 1740)