Individual Details

William Thompson

(1655 - 20 Jun 1740)

"William Thompson ye son of William and Mary Thompson of St Maryes County, she being ye dau of William Britton of ye sd. county, was Joyned in ye state of Holy Matrimony with Victoria Matthews of Charles County ye eleventh day of April in ye year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred eighty and one." (CHLR Q#1:8)

Thompson, William, m. by 1660, Mary, dau. of William Bretton (MWB 1:123?; CHLR Q#1:8).
Thompson, William, son of Wm. and Mary; 11 April 1681; Victoria, dau. of Thomas and Jane Matthews (CHLR Q#1:8).

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Summer 1993 Vol 34 No 3; Charles County Depositions by Robert W. Barnes Continued from vol. 34, no. 2, p. 182
THOMPSON, WILLIAM, age 70, 24 Feb. 1728, had lived in the neighborhood for 40 years; CHLR Q#2 1727-1731 :347. Age 70, 30 Nov. 1725; CHLR P#2:141?. Age 73, 16 Sept. 1728; CHLR 1727-1731 Q#2 :194.

Thompson, William, St Mary's Co., 10th Jan., 1736-7; 20th June, 1740.
To son Thomas, personalty during life. At his death to pass to grandson Henry.
" grandsons Joseph, Richard Mathias, son of Mathias, and Richard, son of Thomas and kinsman William Compton, personalty.
" wife Ann, extx., residue of estate during life. At her death to be divided bet. Ann and Mary, daus. of John Baker.
Test: Dorothy Leigh, Alexander Ross and Will Reid.
Note: By codicil, witnessed by John Steven, 12th Sept., 1739, to above will testator gives to son Thomas and grandson Thomas, personalty.
Note: Widow desires legal rights in above estate. 22. 237.

Mr. William Thompson 25.199 SM £270.11.1 Sep 5 1740 Oct 6 1740
Appraisers: William Harrison, William Cutler.
Creditors: Philip Key, Will. Hebb.
Next of kin: Thomas Thompson, Elisabeth Angel.
Administrator/Executor: John Dossey.

William Thompson 18.110 A SM £278.11.1 £55.12.7 Dec 1 1740
Sureties: Basill Cooper, Thomas Kirby, Sr.
Received from: Henry Pompy.
Payments to: Daniell Clocker, Jr., William Pollard, Robert Chesely, Dorothy Leigh, William Cuttler, Mr. Philip Key, John Morris.
Administrator: John Dossey.

William Thompson28.64 A SM £15.9.10 Apr 28 1750
Payments to: Charles Smith, Philip Merriott per George Clark, John Griffith, Robert Chesley, Daniel Dulany, Esq., William Hebb, Gideion Villenen per George Clark, William Cutler.
Legatees: Richard Mathews Thompson (grandson).
Administratrix: wife (unnamed) of John Dossey.

p. 9, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 67
5 Mar 1694; Indenture from William Thompson, planter, to Richard Gambrah, planter; for 8,000* tobacco; half of the parcel of land called Batterzee which Richard Hes and Philip Mason purchased from Richard Hawke; containing 500 acres by indenture from Richard Hawke to Richard Hes and Philip Mason dated 13 Nov 1688; lately in possession of Wm. Thompson and Thomas Lewis; lying on the north side of Anacostia on Cash Creek; containing 500 acres; division made with consent of Wm. Thompson and Thomas Lewis; /s/ Will. Thompson, Victoria Thompson; wit: John Benfield (mark), Edw. Potter; William and Victoria Thompson ack. deed

p. 94, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber C#2, Page 208 10 Oct 1710; Indenture from Ralph Skidmore, planter, to William Thompson, Gent.; for 1,000# tobacco and 4s.6p; a parcel adjoining land of Thomas Mathews formerly surveyed for John Nevill called Skidmore Delight, land surveyed for Samuel Cressey and land of William Thompson called Thompson's Chance; containing 150 acres; /s/ Ralph Skidmore; wit. John Mathis (mark), Wm. Herbert, Robert Yates; 10 Oct 1710; Ralph Skidmore ack. deed; 19 Oct 1710; William Thompson paid alienation

p. 14, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 56. At the request of Cuthbert Thompson of CC, the following deed was recorded on Dec 5, 1722.
Nov 24, 1722 from William Thompson of St Mary's County, Gent, to Cuthbert Thompson of CC, Gent (son of the afd William Thompson), for the natural affection William has for his son Cuthbert and 5 shillings and for divers other good causes, all that tract of land in CC called Little Worth, bounded by the south line of Matthew Purchase, containing & laid out for about 189 acres. Signed - Will Thompson. Wit -Thomas Griffin, Jno Baker. This deed was acknowledged in St Mary's County on Nov 24, 1722 by Willm Thompson and Eleanor, his wife before St Mary's Co JPs Thomas Griffon and Jno Baker. Eleanor relinquished her right of dower.
St Mary's County, Nov 24, 1722. This is to certify that Thos Griffin and Jno Baker are Gent Justices of this County. Signed - Mich Jenifer, Clerk.

p. 15 TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 61. At the request of Samuel Hanson of CC, Gent, the following deed was recorded this Dec 10, 1722.
Dec 7, 1722 from Cuthbert Thompson of CC, Gent, to Samuel Hanson of CC, Gent, for 40 £ sterling, all that tract of land in CC called Little Worth, bounded by the line of Matthew Purchase, containing & laid out for about 189 acres. Signed - Cuthbert Thompson. Wit - Gustavus Brown*, Jno Briscoe*.

p. 32, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1722-1729; Book L#2
Page 129. At the request of Mrs. Jane Brent, the following deed was recorded this Apr 23, 1724.
Feb 6, 1723/24 from William Thompson of St Mary's County, gent, to Jane Brent & William Thompson of Co. Sd Wm Thompson is lawfully seized of his tract of land, commonly called Thompsons Chance, containing about 230 acres, bounded by the exterior bounded tree of Thomas Baker, a bounded Spanish oak standing near the road that goes from Portobacco [Cr] to Pickcawaxon [Piccowaxen Cr], the lands of Jno Posey, the plantation of the sd Thompson, Nevill's land. Now sd William Thompson, for 5 shillings lawful money of Great Britain, and for the natural love that he, sd Thompson has for his children, Jane Brent & Wm Matthews Thompson, he gives them, jointly, the afd land during the time that sd Jane Brent remains a widow, and then unto sd Willm Matthews Thompson and the heirs of his body lawfully begotten. Signed - Will Thompson. Wit - Jacob D Keyser, Ralph Falkner.
This deed was acknowledged by William Thompson and Elenor, his wife. Signed - Jno Baker. Jno Leigh. C Read, St Mary's County Deputy Clerk, certified that John Baker and Jno Leigh, gent, before whom the above acknowledgement was taken, were and are JPs for St Mary's County.

p. 131, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1729-1733; Book M#2
Page 247. At the request of Wm Thompson Jr of CC, the following deed was recorded this May 12, 1731.
I, Wm Thompson of CC, planter, for the love I have for my grandson, Wm Thompson Jr of CC, I have given him my part of that tract of land called Simpsons Supply, lying in CC, bounded by a parcel of land called Simkin, containing and laid out for about 200 acres. Signed Apr 22, 1731 - Will Thompson. Wit - Josha Allford, Wm Davies, Geo Dent*.

p. 137, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1729-1733; Book M#2
Page 267. At the request of John Baptist Boarman of CC, the following deed was recorded this Nov 17, 1731.
Nov 11, 1731 from Wm Thompson Jr in CC, Gent, to Jno Baptist Boarman, Gent, for 5000 lbs of tobacco & 1 pistole, a certain tract of land called Simpsons Supply in CC, bounded by a parcel of land called Simkin, containing and laid out for about 200 acres. Signed - W Thompson Jr. Wit -Robt Yates*, Henry Hawkins*.

p. 8, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2,
Page 22. Recorded Dec 20, 1733 at the request of Thomas Thompson Sr of CC. I, William Thompson Sr of CC, planter, for the love I have for my son, Thomas Thompson of CC, I have given him all that tract of land called Thompsons Delight, lying in CC, bounded by 300 acres formerly laid out for John Garbow on the south side of Barnards Cr, the west line of Matthews purchase, the last line of St Bernards, containing about 120 acres. Signed Oct 13, 1733 - William Thompson. Wit - Geo Dent*, Eliza Dent, Mary Dent.

1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County MD Hundred - Piccawaxen or Wm&Mary: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 301-104: THOMPSONS DELIGHT: 120 acres; Possession of - 120 Acres - Thompson, William: Surveyed 24 June 1688 for Wm Thompson on the South side of Bernard's Creek.: Other notes - 120 Acres - Thomas Thompson from William Thompson, 13 Dec 1733.

p. 24, TLC Genealogy, Charles County Land Records, 1733-1743; Book O#2,
Page 101. Deed of Gift. Recorded May 22, 1735 at the request of Ann Thompson of CC. I, William Thompson of St Mary's County, Gent, for the natural love I have for my granddaughter, Ann Thompson, daughter of my son, Thos Thompson of CC, I have given Anne Thompson a Mulatto slave named Martha. The slave is to be delivered to Ann at the age of 16 years or day of marriage. The slave is now delivered to my said Son, Thos Thompson, for that purpose. Signed May 17, 1735 - Will: Thompson. Wit - Sam: Hanson, Sam: Hanson


Birth1655St. Mary's County, Maryland
Marriage11 Apr 1681St Mary's County, Md - Victoria Matthews
MarriageBef 1720St Mary's County, Md - Eleanor Pattison
Property24 Nov 1722conveyed "Little Worth" to his son Cuthbert
MarriageBef 1 May 1735St Mary's County, Md - Anne Courtney
Death20 Jun 1740St. Mary's County, Maryland


SpouseVictoria Matthews (1661 - 1735)
ChildThomas Thompson (1682 - 1749)
ChildWilliam Matthews Thompson , Sr. (1683 - 1728)
ChildVictoria Thompson (1687 - )
ChildJane Thompson (1689 - 1749)
ChildCuthbert Thompson (1692 - 1725)
ChildMary Thompson (1693 - )
ChildRichard Thompson (1696 - 1733)
SpouseEleanor Pattison (1660 - 1735)
SpouseAnne Courtney ( - )
FatherWilliam Thompson (1623 - 1661)
MotherMary Bretton (1637 - 1661)
SiblingElizabeth Thompson (1645 - )
