Individual Details

William Thompson

(Abt 1597 - 1649)

William's will was actually dated 3 Jan 1649. There are various dates given in various transcripts, but the dates on the records pertaining to this will make Jan 3rd to be the true one.
Thomson, William, New Towne, St Mary's Co., 3th Jan., 1649; 11th Jan., 1649.
Wife Anne, execx. and sole legatee.
Test: Robt. Robins, Ralph Crouch. 1. 21.

In an otherwise excellent article, "Meetinghouse and Chapel: Religion and Community in Seventeenth-Century Maryland", Carr, Morgan and Russo, eds. Colonial Chesapeake Society, p. 249., Michael Graham gave the following list of men who worshipped together at the Catholic Church in Newton between 1661 and 1674:
William Bretton, Nicholas Causine, Robert Clarke, Edward Cotton, Thomas Diniard, William Evans, Luke Gardiner, Thomas Greene, John Greenwell, Walter Hall, Thomas Hebden, John Jarbo(e), William Johnson, John Jordaine, James Langworth, Charles Maynard, Henry Neale, John Pile, George Reynolds, William Roswell, John Shirtcliffe, Henry Spinke, John Thimbleby, William Thompson, Thomas Turner, John Wheatley, Richard Willan, and probably Benjamin Gill.
Byron Marshall

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1647, Page 354,
Att a Court held Decembr 3d (1647): Willm Tompson aged 50 yeares or thereabouts, sayth uppon his oath, tht sometime the last spring, being in discourse wth Govr Calvert touching a Cow calfe, demanded by Willm Assiter, as due from his Lp for Taylor work. He heard the sd Govr Calvert acknowledge the Sd clayme to be just & promised tht the sd Assiter should be satisfyed. The mrk M of Willm Tompson Jurat cora me Tho: Greene

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50, Page 534-35,
Liber A, p. 310 11th January An Administracon granted to Anne Tompson the Relict and Executrix of Wm Tompson of Newtowne deceased of his the said Wm Tompsons estate, and she is to exhibit an Inventory by the 10th of ffebr unles &c to pforme the will justly to Administer and to give Accompt thereof when required &c
die January 30 Anno 1649 In the name of God Amen &c I Willm Tompson of Newtowne doe ordaine my last Will and Testamt in manner followeing viz: I bequeath my Soule into the hands of my Creator hopeing to bee saved by his death and passion My body to the earth to bee decently buryed.
Lastly I the said Willm Tompson doe constitute ordaine and appoint Anne Tornpson the dearely beloved Wife of mee Willm to bee my sole true and lawfull Executrix And my true and trusty ffreinds John Mcdowe andl Barnaby Jackson to bee the Overseers of all my whole Estate Witnes my hand and seale the day and yeare above written Sigill of Wm Tompson Sealed Signed & delivered in the prsence of Robert Robins Raphe Crouch

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50. Page 535
January 8 1649. Robert Robins aged 31 yeares or there abouts at the request of Lt Willm Evans the Attorney of Anne Tompson deposed saith, that this will was signed and sealed by Willm Tompson afore his death in this deponts presence And that it is the onely true Will of the said Willm Tompson And further that the Acknowledgmt of the said Willm Tompson touching the Plantacon and bearing date with the foresaid Will is the iust Acknowledgmt of the said Wm Tompson as afore And further hee saith not Robert Robins Jurat coram me Wille Bretton

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649-50. Page 535
Raphe Crouch gent maketh oath that hee penned the last Will & Testamt of Willm Tompson deceased dated the 3d of January instant and Was prsent when hee signed sealed and delivered the same, hee being then of sound & pfect understanding and memory in this deponts Judgmt And this depont further deposeth that the said Tompson the same day made an Acknowledgmt under his hand touching the land and Housing thereuppon where the said Tompson dwelt at the time of his death bearing date also with the said Will, Wch Acknowledgmt this depont also penned and subscribed his hand thereunto as wittnes Jurat 11 January 1649 coram me Tho: Hatton

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649. Page 527 Liber A, p. 304; January 23th 1649. Anne Tompson the wife of Willm Tompson late deceased sworne by mee Wllim Bretton according to the tenor of her Letter of Administracon bearing date at St Maries 11 January 1649 Ita testor Willm Bretton
January 29th 1649. Lt Rich: Bancks. ffrancis Pope and Robt Robins made Affidavit before mee Willm Bretton to appraise all such goods debts &c wch should bee brought before them (to bee appraised) by Anne Tompson Wch were of Willm Tompsons late deceased Ita testor Willm Bretton

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649/50, Page 4,
ffebr 25 1649 This day came Lt Willm Evans and acknowledgeth himself to have given unto Andrewe Tompson the sonne of Willm Tompson of little Brittaine late deceased one 2 yeare old Heyfer Wch hee bought of Margarett Brent gent the Attorney of Capt Giles Brent (as by the Bill of Sale appeareth bearing date 10 Jan: 1649) marked of Coulor black with blackish Hornes with a great deale of White under her belly, Cropt on both Eares, being one of the foresaid Capt Brents stock And hee further acknowledgeth to have given unto the said Andrewe All the ffemale Increase of the said Heyfer (the Male to bee to the said Lt Evans use in part of satisfaccon for the good nutriture & educacon of the said Andrewe during his Minority) from this day forever, towards the advancemt of his porcon As witnes his hand this 25th ffebr 1649 William Evans Recognit coram me Willm Bretton.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 4, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649, Page 495-6, Liber A, [2 June 1649] The same Court contynued Present As the day before. Sabbi scdo Junij 1649.
Willm Tompson his marke for Cattell and Hoggs viz: The right Eare cropt and slitt, and a hole in the left Eare.
Elizabeth daughter of Willm Tompson her marke for Cattell and Hoggs viz The right Eare cropt and slitt, and a hole in the left Eare with a little peice taken out of the underside.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 10, Court and Testamentary Business, 1649/50, Page 23, At a Court held at St Maries the 25 of June 1650
Mr Willm Brough plte Lt Wm Evans and his wife execrs of Wm Tompson her late husband deceased deft The Complaynants suite being for fower hundred twenty and three pounds of Tob: and Cask due to him out of the decedents Estate by Bill and payable the tenth of November last. The deft Lt Evans acknowledgeth the debt put p Billam but craves the liberty of an Administrator allowed heretofore in this Province of a yeare and a dayes respite. This Court therefore being not willing to infring the said Custome in point of time of paymt doth order that the deft shall pay vnto the plaintiffe out of the said decedents estate the said fower hundred twenty and three pounds of Tob: and Caske by or vppon the tenth of January next being a twelue- moneth and vpwards since the decedents death or in default thereof Execucon then to issue out if the plaintiffe desire it.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 101; Liber P. C. R. p. 68 Re Thompson's Estate; A true & pefect Account of the Estate of Willm Thompson Deceased.
The Estate is Debe
Impr To funerall charges 165
it. To hyre of Boate 3 dayes, & me &c: 300
To the Doctor for physick 200
To Court charges 391
To my attendance att severall Courts att St Maries & dyett att 1300
Ordinary 1356
Debts payd & satisfyed.
To Raph Beane 4453
To Thomas Thomas 0780
To last yeares Leavy 0060
To Michael Brooks 0116
To a debt of a Cow calfe to jno Normans daughter in Law & a barrell of Corne 0300
To Henry ffox 0080
To Skipper Direckson 0202
To Surveyoe ffee of Land 0230
To John Maunsell 0140
To Mr Wm Brough 0430
To Robt Robins 0329
To John Grimsditch 0055
To Paul Simpsons Bill & Mr Tho: Copley for physick 0250
The Estate is Credr
[Vide 4 Archives 534] By appraysmt as appeares uppon Record att St Maries &c: appraysed 31 Jan: 1649. 9265
By 250# Tob. since fownd & not charged in the Inuentory 0250
The Total, 9515
To 10 pe cent ffee for paying &c: 0880
To six shotes appraysed in the Inuentory not yett fownd in the Estate 0130
sub 1010
The Total: 9791
All accts ballanced The Estate is Debe 0276# Tob.
This is the acct of Mr Thompsons Estate Willm Evans

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. Page 101;
August 30th (1658) Gerard v. Evans. Thomas Gerard Esqr demandeth want agst Capt Willm Evans in an accon of Case. Summons to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to wanne Capt Evans to attend the next Provinciall Court, 5 Octobr next.
Gerard v. Evans Admin Thomas Gerard Esqr entreth accon agst Capt Willm Evans as admistator of the Estate of Willm Thompson Deceased, as allso agst John Maunsell, who was the sd Thompson security, in an accon of Debt.


BirthAbt 1597Lancashire, England
MarriageAbt 1618Anne
Death1649New Towne, St Mary's, Md
ReligionCatholic or Quaker


SpouseAnne ( - 1667)
ChildElizabeth Thompson (1621 - 1676)
ChildAndrew Thompson ( - 1649)
ChildWilliam Thompson (1623 - 1661)