Individual Details


(20 Jun 1804 - 20 Jun 1882)

John and Jane ELFORD immigrated from Hampshire to Port Phillip on the "Sea Queen" arriving on 15 Apr 1844. They were bounty passengers engaged by Messrs Hughes and Haines, Melbourne for 1 year.

Emigrants on the Calcutta barque Sea Queen sailed to the Colony as part of 2000 adults being sent out by Emigration Agents Messrs Carter & Bonus of London, under a contract with Her Majesty's Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, at a cost of £18-14-0 per statute adult.

The vessel made a protracted voyage to the Colony. After leaving London at the end of November she sailed for Cork, running into very stormy weather off the wild Cornish coast. After taking on Irish emigrants, the vessel set sail for Port Phillip, only to have the 23 crew members mutiny on the first evening at sea. Putting the vessel back into the Cove of Cork, the Master firmly quelled the rebellion. The First Mate was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment with hard labour, and the rest of the crew to a fortnight in goal and the forfeiture of their wages.

When again ready to sail, on January 11, bad weather forced the barque back into port four times. The 219 emigrants were very well-behaved and co-operative during the passage. Perhaps the summary justice handed out to the crew had made them cautious of committing any misdemeanor. The vessel had a comfortable height between decks, the water kept sweet, and provisions were good. While at anchor in Cork Harbour fresh supplies were brought on board daily, according to the provisions of the Emigration Charter.

Although there were four deaths at sea, there was no outbreak of serious illness. The Surgeon carried out his duties correctly, and his advice was particularly valued by his charges, for himself was an old Colonist, having lived in both Wellington and on Norfolk Island.

At Port Phillip, the Immigration Board was concerned that the General Certificate from the Government Emigration Agent in London had been lost. As well, they were not happy with the baptismal and marriage certificates tendered by many immigrants, believing some to be forgeries. Some passengers had no certificates at all. One woman appeared much older than her baptismal certificate indicated. A 'strawplatter,' she was deaf and childlike, and was judged ineligible for the bounty on the grounds of her senility and trade. There were still far too many families with a number of young children arriving therefore, it was very difficult for them to find work.

The 'Port Phillip Gazette' on Wednesday 17 April 1844, reported the vessel's arrival in Port Phillip as follows:
"The bounty emigrant ship SEA QUEEN arrived on Monday last, with 219 emigrants, under the superintendance of Dr Curtis JP, who is an old resident of this colony, having been formerly police magistrate at Wellington, in the middle district, and subsequently he had charge of the medical department at Norfolk Island. Two thirds of the emigrants are English, consisting principally of single men, of a robust and healthy appearance, the remainder are Irish, the whole of whom will, no doubt, meet with immediate arrangements, being of the class that are mostly required here.

A mutiny broke out on board the SEA QUEEN amongst the crew, when on the eve of leaving Ireland, which compelled her to put back to the Cove of Cork, where the chief mate was sentenced to six weeks imprisonment and hard labour, and the remainder of the crew to fourteen days imprisonment with the forfeiture of wages; she was also compelled to put back four times from stress of weather.

Five deaths have taken place during the passage, viz., one male adult, one female adult, and three children; there has also been an addition to the number of passengers by the birth of seven infants. Mr F. Wickham, for many years an eminent practitioner at Launceston in the legal profession, has arrived by this vessel, accompanied by his lady, with the intention of settling in this province, to practise as a barrister, having been admitted to the bar whilst in England."

Died aged 80 or 86 of epilepsy and had been in the Australian colony of Victoria for 45 years. (Irene Cassidy and Terrence McGilvray have her birth year as abt 1804.) The land around Inverleigh was first taken up by the Van Diemans Land Association. The Inverleigh Cemetery was laid out in 1844 for these new settlers however there are some unmarked graves earlier than 1844. The cemetery was officially proclaimed in 1859. There are possibly a few burials which were never registered and as the original registers were destroyed in a house fire in 1924, details of some of these burials are unknown. The register from 1924 until 1990 is sometimes incomplete, with only a year, no date and incomplete names.

Alford/Bath family arrived Pt Phillip on 25 April 1844 on "Sea Queen". Marriage register entry/certificate requested Jane Bath to Jonathan Elford from GRO - 03/05/2011. Circa birth year from 1841 census which has Jane aged 35 when living in The Street, Linkenholt, Hampshire. (Source: Barbara Parry)


Birth20 Jun 1804Linkenholt, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
Baptism27 Dec 1807Southampton, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom
Marriage25 Nov 1826Vernham Dean, Hampshire, England - Thomas BATH
Marriage15 Oct 1838Church of Linkenholt, Linkenholt, Pastrow, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom - Jonathon "John" ALFORD
Immigration15 Apr 1844Ship: Sea Queen, Port Philip, New South Wales, Australian Colonies
Death20 Jun 1882Inverleigh, Victoria, Australia
BurialUnmarked grave, Inverleigh Cemetry, Inverleigh, Victoria, Australian Colonies
Alt nameJane SHEPHERD
Alt nameJane SHEPPHARD


SpouseJonathon "John" ALFORD (1816 - 1888)
ChildSarah ELFORD (1839 - 1879)
ChildHenry ALFORD (1844 - 1844)
ChildHenry ELFORD (1848 - 1938)
ChildJames ELFORD (1851 - 1912)
SpouseThomas BATH (1802 - 1838)
ChildAnne BATH (1827 - )
ChildCharles BATH (1827 - 1906)
ChildThomas BATH (1830 - 1913)
ChildWilliam BATH (1833 - 1886)
ChildJohn BATH (1837 - 1922)
FatherSergeant Thomas SHEPHARD (1776 - 1866)
MotherJane POUNDER (1772 - 1845)
