Individual Details

John Greer Jr.

(Bet 1714 and 1718 - May, 1782)

"John (Greer), born 1714 in Maryland; married Nancy Walker by 1737. Died Wilkes County, North Carolina 1782." (OUR GREER FAMILY HISTORY, 1983, by Thomas H. Greer, 335 Miramontes Avenue, Half Moon Bay, California 94019, page 67.)

"John Greer married Sarah Ann Elliott. Their marriage is recorded in St. John's Parish record, page 105." (Genealogical Chart of Richard L. Greer, Marion, Virginia, 1985.)

(NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: In GREERS THAT GOT TO GEORGIA (1987), by Julian Greer and ROYAL HERITAGE OF THE GREERS (1982), by Carolyn Beal, shows Sarah Elliot to be the first wife of John Greer, Jr., but other researchers show only Nancy Walker to have been his wife. Carolyn Beal also shows the second wife of John as Nancy Anne (or Ann) Greer, rather than Nancy Walker. Does this mean her married name or maiden name? Were any of the children of John by his second wife, Nancy? According to Carolyn Beal, Sarah Greer died in 1764, therefore from the birthdates of the children, all were hers and none Nancy's. Also note that a Nancy Walker was a witness in the will of John Greer, and possibly the source of some giving John's wife as Nancy Walker, but this Nancy Walker could have been John wife's relative. Dr. Clayton Greer has pointed out, in his manuscript about the Greer family, that the name of Sarah is not shown in the birth record of Aquilla in St. John's record on page 105. It also appears that Richard L. Greer was wrong about their marriage record appearing on page 105 of this record. The Jesse Greer (1778 - 1869, grandson of John Greer) Notebook shows: "The Birth and death of Benjamine Grear and Nancy Grear his wife the daughter of John Wilcockson and Sary Benjamine Grear the son of John Grear and Nancy was Born febuary the 9 in the year 1746 Deceased this life
October the 23 in the year 1816 and Nancy Grear his wife was born May the 17 in the year 1745 and Deceassed this life October the 31 1790." Therefore, Nancy was the mother of Benjamin Greer, not Sarah Elliott. Also, Anne must have also been Nancy's middle name.)

"John Greer was probably born in Baltimore County, Maryland a few years before 1720. It appears likely that he lived first in Maryland, then moved southwest along the Shenandoah Valley Trail to the area which is presently Franklin County, Virginia. (see county map attached [in book]. This was a part of Lunenburg County, Virginia until 1753, then became part of Bedford County from 1753 to 1785. Taxable lists of Lunenburg County have been published by Landon C. Bell, SUNLIGHT ON THE SOUTHSIDE, LISTS AND TITHES, LUNENBURG COUNTY, VIRGINIA 1748 - 1783. John Greer was not taxed there in 1748 but appears in 1750 on the list of Nicholas Haile (page 136; no lists for 1749) together with Benjamine Greer, probably his brother. In 1752 he appears on the list of John Phelps, one of two John Greers taxed in Lunenburg.

"He does not however seem to have obtained lands immediately, and does not appear in Lunenburg County deeds. (There is a John Greer indexed as receiving a grant of 250 acres in Goochland County, Virginia on 28 August 1746, which later fell into Albemarle County. The deed of sale for this land (3:363) however shows that the owner was actually Jno. Geer, who later moved to Johnston County, North Carolina.) John Greer and his sons probably lived on vacant land for a time before obtaining any formal title.

"We first find him in the Virginia land grants on 15 December 1757 when John Griere, Aquila Griere and Joseph Griere jointly obtained a grant of 50 acres on the Grassy Hill in Halifax County (Virginia), adjoining David Griffith. This land later fell into Pittsylvania County, Virginia and was sold by the following deed: "(2:72): This Indenture made the 28 Day of March ... 1771 Between John Greer, Aquilla Greer, and Joseph Greer, all of the County of Bedford, planters and Richard Randolph, Thos. Whyling, David Jameson, Jeremiah Baker, George Booth, Thomas Livesay and John Holdays. Witnesseth that the sd. Jno. Greer, Aquilla Greer and Joseph Greer ... for ... Three hundred pounds ... do ... sell ... all that Tract or parcel of Land ... on the Grassy Hill ... in the County of Pittsylvania Containing Fifty Acres by patent bearing date the Fifteenth day of December ... 1757 ... (signed) John Greer. Aquilla + GREER his mark. Joseph + Greer, his mark."

"In the meantime John acquired a series of patents in Bedford County, listed as follows: "(33:486): Greer, John, 20 August 1760, 325 acres on both sides of Blackwater River. (34:1010): Greer, John and Acquilla Greer, 25 December 1762, 580 acres on north side Stanton River. (Note: this Acquilla is probably Acquilla Sr., John's brother.) (35:213): Greer, John, 7 July 1763, 331 acres on north side of Stanton River."

"A check of the Bedford County probate records, compiled by J. Whitten, show that John Greer, Acquila Greer and Stephen English returned the appraisal of the estate of John Anthony on 23 March 1761 (Deed Book 1:392). John also witnessed the will of his brother Joseph Greer on 12 October 1766 (Will Book 1:390).

"In 1765 John deeded lands to his elder sons, Benjamin receiving the following: "(Bedford County Deeds 2:613): This Indenture made This 23rd day of July one Thousand seven hundred and sixty five Between John Greer of the one part and Benjamin Greer, son of the said John Greer, of the other Part Witnesseth that the said John Greer for ... five shillings ... hath Granted ... unto the said Benjamin Greer ... one Certain Tract or parcel of Land Containing one Hundred and sixty two acres ... on the North side of Black Water River ... Beginning on the North side of the said River at a White Oake thence Continues the Lines of the said Patent (of three Hundred and Twenty five Acres by Patent Granted unto the said John Greer the Twentieth day of August 1760) and to keep the lines of the said Patent to Aquiller Greers Line ... being Half the said Patent ... (signed) John Greer. Acknowledged 23 July 1765."

"On the same day "John Greer and Anne his Wife" sold for 5 s. to "Aquiller Greer son of the said John and anne Greer of Bedford County" the remaining part of the same patent (2:618). This implies that Aquilla Greer. Aquilla made a deed for his part of this land for 40 pds. to James Greer on 27 June 1769 (3:301, witnessed by William Greer and Aquilla Greer (residence not stated) made a joint deed for this same tract to James Greer (4:385). They also on 30 July 1772 sold the other 300 acres of this patent to Joseph Frith of Chesterfield County, Virginia (4:386).

"John seems to have moved to the Wilkes County (then Surry County) North Carolina about 1771/72 as he appears on the Surry County tax of 1772 but not that of 1771, which fits exactly with the 1772 sale of 300 acres listed above. His sons Benjamine and Aquilla had preceeded him there, being taxed in Surry County in 1771. Benjamin was probably the first to move, for on 10 February 1767 Benjamin Greer Junr. of Bedford County (so called to distinguish him from an older man of the same name, probably his uncle) sold the 163 acres that his father had given him to Mathew Talbot for 50 pds. (3:136), witnessed by Peter Holland, Josias Payne, Benjamin Holland, Mary Sinkler). Aquilla soon followed him and on 27 Aug 1770 "Aquilla Greer Junr. late of the County of Bedford" sold his half of the patent to Eusebius Stone for 80 pds. (3:477, witnessed by John Greer, John J. Mitchell, William W. Lowe).

"Like his son, Benjamine, John was not able to make a formal entry for the lands he cleared in Wilkes until 1778. Then the Wilkes County Land Entry Book records two entries on 20 April 1778 (page 61): "John Greyor Sr. enters 350 acres ... on both sides the main Road and Joining Quiller grayer on the South Side ...," and (page 62): "John Greyor Senr. enters 200 acres ... on both sides of Cub Creek, joining Jacob Hamptons at the upper End and Capt Francis Hartgraves at the lower end." The second of these tracts was granted on 3 March 1779 (Wilkes #6, photostat attached [in book]). Jacob Hampton and Joel Hampton were the chain bearers for the survey. The other was granted 23 October 1782 (Wilkes #432, photostat attached [in book] with Jesse Greer and Jacob Hampton as chain bearers.

"John Greer was evidently a man of some importance in Wilkes County, as he was appointed a Justice of the Peace at the first Court in March 1778 when the county was organized. The Justices constituted the county court and as such had charge of most all the administrative functions of the County in this time period.

"John Greer died in 1782. He made his will on 2 April 1782, proven in June 1782, a copy of which is attached [in book]. This names his wife Nanney and friend John Brown as executors and was witnessed by Archelaus Walker, Nancy Walker and Sarah Greer. A copy of the inventory of his estate is also attached [in book]. His widow is listed in the State Census of 1787 as Ann Greer. John Greer had issue: [Lists nine children and suggests two others, with information about each. This information is given with each child.] (OUR GREER FAMILY HISTORY, 1983, by Thomas H. Greer, 335 Miramontes Avenue, Half Moon Bay, California 94019, pages 48 and 62.)

"John Greer, son of John and Sarah Greer, moved to Lunenburg County, Vriginia, paid poll taxes there 1750 - 52. He was granted land in Halifax County, Virginia in 1757. He married Ann ______ and they lived in Pittsylvania County, Virginia until 1771. We found him in Surry County, North Carolina where he paid Poll Tax in 1772. Wilkes County, North Carolina was formed from Surry County in 1778 and John lived there until he died in 1782. His will named these children: Aquilla, Ann Mitchell, Hannah DeMoss, John, Benjamin, Joshua and Jesse." (GREER FAMILY HISTORY, by Mrs. Ellen A. Fawcett, North Little Rock Arkansas. This was received by Frances Gosney Hoover, 5815 Gladstone Blvd, Kansas City, Missouri 64123-1517 in 1981, who in turn sent it to Ralph Terry in 1995. It appears to be a part of a collection of families, as it appears on pages 78 to 82.)

"The will of John Greer, Jr. (later known as John Greer, Sr.) was probated July 5, 1782 in Wilkes County North Carolina. In the abstract of that recorded will John is listed as John "Grier" as are the devisees whose names are listed, all but Hannah. Late in life John and Nancy had moved to Wilkes County. There seems to be some confusion in the listing of abstractions of the will. One gives Nancy as a child, but Olds lists her as his wife. My information is through the genealogical society of the original Wilkes County, North Carolina." (Will Book 1, page 78, 1782 - Information from a write-up to Lois Temple by Mrs. Earl McFadden, 439 North 30 Street, Quincy, Illinois 62301.)

"1782 - Grierson, John, Nancy (wife); Ann Mitchell and Sarah Demess (daughters); Aquilla, John, Benjamin, John (should be Joshua) and Jesse Grier; Rachel Mitchell and Sarah Hargrave." (ABSTRACT OF NORTH CAROLINA WILLS, 1760 - 1800, page 323.) (NOTE FROM RALPH TERRY: I have a copy of John Greer's will and it is plainly stated, " ... equally divided between Aquilla Greer, John Greer, Benjamin Greer, Joshua Greer, Jesse Greer, Rachel Mitchel, Sarah Hartgrave and Hannah Demoss." In another part of the will (see below), however, he says, "my daughter Ann Mitchel." I have felt in the past, that the will was referring to the same daughter, but according to Mitchell family researchers, there were two daughter, Rachel and Ann, who married brothers, John and James Mitchell.)

"WILL of JOHN GREER SR. - Last Will and Testament of John Greer Sr. of Wilkes Co., State of NC made confirmed this second day of April in the year of our Lord 1782: I, John Greer, though weak in body, am of sound mind and disposing judgment, thanks be to God for his mercies ----Calling to mind the mortality of the body and knowing it is appointed for all manner and of following ---Do ordain this my last Will and Testament, in That is: Say: First: I give and bequeath to Nancy Greer, my well beloved wife, the whole right of my plantation on which I now live, with all the rights, privileges and immunities, thereunto belonging, during the term of her natural life. Likewise, my household furniture to be hers during the same term. And also the third part of my personal estate. At the expiration of that term, the land with all rights and privileges thereunto belonging ---- it consisting of two different entries which is Four Hundred and Ninety- Two and a Half Acres (492 1/2) ---Then to be the property of my son, Jessey Greer, to hold the same Free and Clear of incumbrances. I, also, give and bequeath to my daughter, Ann Mitchell, a certain negro girl named Phoeba, which she now has in her possession. I, also give and bequeath to my daughter, Hannah Demoss, a certain negro girl named Hannah, which she now has in her possession. It further is my will and devise that the residue and remaining part of my estate, both real and personal, after the payment of my just debts and funeral expenses, be equally divided between Aquilla Greer, John Greer, Benjamin Greer, Joshua Greer, Jessey Greer, Rachel Mitchell, Sarah Hardgrave and Hannah Demoss. And I do hereby nominate and appoint my well-beloved Wife, Nancy Greer and my trusty and well-beloved friend, John Brown to be the whole and sole executors of this, my last will and testament. And do hereby revoke and disclaim all former Wills, gifts, legacies and bequests, by me heretofore made. In testimony, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and date above written. Signed, Sealed and declared as my last will and Testament in the presence of: (Witnesses) (signature) ( ) Archelus Walker John Greer (SEAL) Nancy Walker ( ) Sarah Greer The above Will was duly proved by Archelus Walker, Nancy Walker and Sarah Greer and ordered to be recorded." (On file in the Department of Archives and History, State of North Carolina at Raleigh Pages 78-79 June Term, 1782.)

Additional information about the family of John Greer from the Greer research notes of L. L. McNees (deceased), Ebenezer, Mississippi; and Ann Farnsworth, Rt. 2, Box 66, Buffalo, Texas 75831, as per GREER KINSMEN by J. B. Bell.


BirthBet 1714 and 1718Gunpowder River, Baltimore County, Maryland
Marriage1736St John's Parish, Joppa, Baltimore County, Maryland - Sarah Ann Elliott
Marriage1756Nancy "Nannie" Walker
DeathMay, 1782Wilkes County, North Carolina


SpouseSarah Ann Elliott ( - 1764)
ChildAquilla Greer (1737 - 1832)
ChildJohn Greer (1741 - 1803)
ChildRachel Greer (1842 - )
ChildAnn Greer (1744 - )
ChildBenjamin Greer (1746 - 1816)
ChildJoshua Greer (1750 - 1796)
ChildSarah Greer (1751 - 1832)
ChildHannah Greer (1752 - )
ChildCapt. Jesse B. Greer (1757 - 1788)
ChildSmith Greer ( - )
SpouseNancy "Nannie" Walker (1716 - 1804)
FatherJohn Greer (1682 - 1750)
MotherSarah Day (1686 - 1758)
SiblingJames Greer (1709 - 1742)
SiblingWilliam Greer Sr. (1710 - 1785)
SiblingMoses Greer (1712 - 1777)
SiblingAquilla Greer (1716 - 1790)
SiblingSarah Greer (1720 - 1721)
SiblingAnn Greer (1720 - )
SiblingJoseph Greer (1723 - 1781)
SiblingBenjamin Greer (1725 - 1788)