Individual Details

Dr. William D. Greer

(June 18, 1800 - March 2, 1852)

"Dr. William Greer came to Henry County, Tennessee in the 1840's and married Mrs. Harriet Fowler Bondurant, a childless widow, 30 December 1845. My husband's grandfather was born in 1849 and his sister in 1851. Then William died in 1852. We have Harriet's Family Bible and William's birth date is given as 18 June 1800 with no birth place. With information I found recently at the Morman Family History Center here, I am convinced he is the son of John David Greer and somehow got to Tennessee. In the published Fowler Family book, there is a reference to Dr. William Greer from Georgia." (Information about the family of William D. Greer from Dorothy Greer, 7810 Homestead Lane, Pensacola, Florida 32526, 1996. Information about the children and descendants of William D. and Harriett Greer was sent by Dorothy Greer. She give a death date of 2 March 1852, which is apparently from his tombstone. Previous sources have given a death date of 22 December 1852.)

"On March 4, 1833 William D. Greer was listed as one of the bondsmen for Nathaniel Hunt Greer as sheriff of Chambers County, Alabama." (REASON FOR THE TEARS.)

"The State of Alabama. Chambers County. In the name of God Amen. I William D. Greer of the County and State aforesaid being feeble in body but sound and disposing of mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby reckoning all former wills made by me. First. My will and desire is that my body be decently buried. Secondly. That my executors hereafter appointed do pay all my just debts and collect all that may be due me and keep my property all together until a change of times take place or until my executor may think it most condusive to the interest of the Legatees to dispose of it. (leaving the same to his entire discretion) and at the same time of the sale of my property I wish the said executor to proceed to sell all my land and negroes stock of all kinds, household and kitchen furniture on a credit of twelve months or more (as he may think best) and after the money is collected for all my effects that my executor proceeds to divide it into four shares leaving my beloved wife Malinda Greer one hundred dollars more than a childs part then to Thomas Greer and John Greer and Sarah Ann Greer the remaining three shares equally divided among the said three aforementioned children and that my said executor do act. A Guardean for the above named children and take such measures as requested to take board and sufficient security for the return of the amount of her part of my estate at her death (free of interest) to be equally divided among my aforementioned children. Lastly. I hereby [designate?] and appoint my brother Gilbert D. Greer of the county of Coweta in the state of Georgia my sole executor of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I the said William D. Greer have here unto set my hand and seal this the 3rd. day of June one thousand eight hundred and forty. (signed) William D. Greer. Signed sealed and delivered before us who have subscribed our names in presence of the testator by his request. (Witnesses) Toliver Fowler, Jesse T. Roberson, Wm. W. Carlile." (William D. Greer�s Will. Alabama Department of Archives and History. Inventory of County Archives. Wills, Chambers County.)


BirthJune 18, 1800Warren County, Georgia
MarriageJanuary 20, 1829Malinda Burgess
MarriageDecember 30, 1845Henry County, Tennessee - Harriet Fowler
DeathMarch 2, 1852Henry County, Tennessee
BurialFowler Cemetery, Henry County, Tennessee


SpouseMalinda Burgess ( - )
ChildThomas Greer ( - )
ChildJohn Greer ( - )
ChildSarah Ann Greer ( - )
SpouseHarriet Fowler (1813 - 1870)
ChildWilliam Hilary Greer (1849 - 1906)
ChildMary Elizabeth Mourning Greer (1851 - )
FatherJohn David Greer (1761 - 1843)
MotherSarah "Sallie" Hunt (1765 - 1835)
SiblingReddick Greer (1782 - 1802)
SiblingThomas Greer (1784 - 1850)
SiblingJane Greer (1787 - 1842)
SiblingJames Alexander Greer (1789 - 1840)
SiblingGilbert Dunlap Greer (1792 - 1852)
SiblingSarah Hunt Greer (1794 - 1825)
SiblingJohn Greer (1796 - 1860)
SiblingHannah Greer (1798 - 1814)
SiblingSenator Nathaniel Hunt Greer (1802 - 1855)
SiblingNancy Reddick Greer (1805 - 1878)