Individual Details

Christopher Harris

(February 17, 1725 - March 14, 1794)

1746/47 Christopher Harris patented land. Patent Bk 28: Christopher Harris, 350 acs. Louisa Co., Under the foot of ragged Mountains and on both sides of a West fork of Rockey Cr. on the Goochland Co. Line [N65 degrees W] on a ridge, adj. Mosias Jones & James Merideth; 12 Jan 1746/47, p. 25. 1 pd. 15 shillings (D. R. Hudgins, CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS, V. V, [Richmond, VA: Virginia Genealogical Society, 1994] p. 304)

27 Mar 1753 P. 501-502. William Keaton of Fredericksville Par., Louisa Co., and Margaret, his wife, to Christopher Harris of same. In consideration that Robert Harris of Louisa Co., and Mourning, his wife, shall by deed make over to William Keaton 400 acres and plantation, bounded as in a patent granted sd. Harris in 1752, land whereon William Keaton now lives. Have sold to sd. Christopher Harris 331 acres on both sides of the south fork of Rocky Creek whereon sd. Christopher Harris now lives; bounded as in a patent granted sd. Keaton in the City of Williamsburg 12 Jan. 1747. William (M) Keaton Margaret (X) Keaton Wit: John Hawkins, David Watts, John (X) McCauley

27 Mar. 1753 Acknowledged by William Keaton. George II to Mosias Jones, David Milles, Gentlemen Justices of Louisa Co. Power granted to take acknowledgment of Margaret Keaton, who is so impotent that without great Danger of her body she cannot travel to the Court of our County. 3 Apr 1753. James Littlepage, Clk.

20 Apr. 1753 By virtue of this writ we have examined sd. Margaret, wife of William Keaton, who acknowledgted her right of dower. Mosias Jones, David Mills

27 May 1753 From Louisa Co. DB B. P. 500-501. Robert Harris of Fredericksville Par., Louisa Co., Gent., and Mourning, his wife, to William Keaton of same. For and in consideration that sd. Keaton and Margaret, his wife, shall by deed make over to Christopher Harris (Son of afsd. Robert) for fee simple estate, 331 acres of land and plantation of William Keaton's; bounded as in a patent granted sd. Keaton in City of Williamsburg 12 Jan. 1747. Sd. Harris have sold to sd. Keaton 400 acres and plantation of sd. Robert Harris on both sides of Rockey Creek, being land whereon sd. Keaton now lives, bounded as by patent granted sd. Harris in City of Williamsburg 15 Sept. 1752. Robert Harris Mourning Harris Wit: John Hawkins, David Watts, John (X) McCauley.

1768 Deed, DB-5, pp. 37-38: William Dabney & his wf. Jane of Albemarle Co. to William Shelton for 200 pds. current money of VA, a tract of land on Mechams River, adj Wm. Wallace. (s) Wm. Dabney Wit: Thomas Grubbs, Elizabeth Jones, Christopher Harris, Robert Harris, Tyre Harris. 2 Jun 1768; delivery of deed acknd by witnesses on same date. Rec. Nov Ct 1768

1785, in Albemarle Co., Christopher Harris was surety at marriage of John Harris to Margaret Maupin, daughter of John Maupin.

Christopher Harris came to what is now Madison County, Kentucky from Albemarle County, VA in 1786.

1-20-1786 & 1-25-1792 A land grant for Christopher Harris has been recorded as follows: Original survey no: 8551 Name: Christopher Harris Acreage: 1,200 County: Fayette Watercourse: Hinkston Fk., Licking Survey Date: 1-20-1786 Original Bk & Page: 10-412 Grantee: Same & heirs Grant Date: 1-25-1792 Original Bk & Page: 14-385-386 (Joan E. Brookes-Smith, MASTER INDEX VIRGINIA SURVEYS AND GRANTS 1774-1791 [Frankfort, KY: Kentucky Historical Society, 1976], p. 84)

1792 tax list of Madison Co., KY.

THE HARRIS FAMILY. Notes from Madison County Court Records: Dec. 2, 1809. Richard Gentry, and wife Jane (nee Harris), Christopher Harris, John Harris, Thomas Burgin, guardian of Polly Harris, infant (child) of Benjamin Harris deceased, William Harris, Margaret Harris, John Bennett and wife, Isabella (nee Harris) Samuel

Page 263 Harris, Barnabas Harris and Overton Harris, heirs and devises of Christopher Harris, deceased, conveyed to Samuel McMullens, and James Guthrie, 600 out of 1200 acres on Hinkston's Fork of Licking in Bourbon County, Kentucky

Christopher Harris, the father of John Harris, married, for his first wife, Mary Dabney. Their issue was as follows: Sallie, Robert, Tyre, Dabney, Christopher and Mourning. His second wife was Nancy McCord, who bore children as follows: John, Jane, Benjamin, Nancy, William, Barney, Overton and Isabel.

2-20-1794 Madison County Will Book A-page 54, 55. It was transcribed by Eileen Niederkorn. CHRISTOPHER HARRIS WILL - In the name of God Amen. I Christopher Harris being through the abundant mercy and goodness of God tho weak in body yet of perfect understanding and memory do constitute this my last will & Testament and desire it should be reviewed by all as such. Imprimis that

I will & Desire that my first Children (Viz) Dabney Harris, Sarah Martin, Robert Harris, Mourning Jones, Christopher Harrifs, & Mary Jones should have the following negroes (excepting thirty pounds out of my son Dabneys Legacy which is to be paid by the Executors of this Part of my Will for the use & Benefit of my wife and Other Children) (Viz) Ritter and her Children, Pomp, Moses, Allice, George, Betty, Lucy and Delphy the above Negores to be Divided Agreeable to Cornelias Dabneys Seniors Will and

I do appoint Foster Jones, and Christopher Harris as Executors of the above part of this will and as to the Ballance of my Estate I Direct that first my Debts shall be paid out of what money I have by or is owing to me the house where I live I Direct should be finished which together with the tract of land whereon I live, I leave to my Dear & loving wife during her life and at ther death

to son Overton Harris as to the Ballance of my Negroes (David, Cate, Fanny, Stephen, and Eddy together with my House hold furniture Stock of every kind and Plantation utensels I desire that my wife may have the whole Benefit of them during her life or widowhood and if she should Marry the whole to be sold and Equally Divided amongst her & her children

as to my Lands on Muddy Creek I will and Bequeath them as follows, the Drowning Creek Tract of land I will and Bequeath to my son John Harris

the Sycamore Spring Tract to my son Benjamin Harris

the tract on which my son Wm. has Built to my son Harris

and the Tract Clalled the Holly Tract to my son Barnabas Harris

and my land in Albemarle County together with the Stock that is there on I direct shall be sold and that my sons James and Samuel Harris shall Receive of the money as much as Col John Miller & Robert Rodes shall Judge the land to be worth that I willed to my Other sons Viz to be made Equal to them,

as to my three Daughters Viz Jane Gentry-Margret Harris, and Isabel Harris my will and Desire is that Jean Gentry should Receive ten pounds and Margret and Isbel Harris to have fifty pounds apeice out of the Ballance of what my Albermarld land and the Proffits arising from that place and if that should not be Sufficient that It shall be made up to them out of any of Personal Estate that my wife and Executors after nemtioned shall think best as to my lands on Sinking Waters my will is that if they are obtained it should be sold and equally divided amon gst my last Set of Children and I do appoint my dear & loveing wife with John Sappington and John Harris to execute that part of my will that respects my wife and her Children as witness my hand & seal this twentyeth d ay of February one thousand seven hundred and ninety four. EX: Wife, John Sappington, John Harris Witness-Hartly Sappington, Ruth Sappington

At a Court held for Madison County on Tuesday the 15th day of March 1794 This Will was proved to be the last will & testament of Christopher Harris by the oath of Joseph Wells, Hartly & Richard Sappington witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded. Teste Will Irvine CMC


BirthFebruary 17, 1725Hanover County, Virginia
MarriageFebruary 22, 1745Albemarle County, Virginia - Mary Elizabeth Dabney
MarriageAbt, 1762Albemarle County, Virginia - Agnes McCord
DeathMarch 14, 1794Madison County, Kentucky


SpouseMary Elizabeth Dabney (1726 - 1794)
ChildDabney Harris (1745 - )
ChildSarah Harris (1747 - )
ChildRobert Harris (1749 - 1833)
ChildTyree Harris (1751 - )
ChildElizabeth Harris (1752 - )
ChildMourning Harris (1754 - )
ChildChristopher Harris Jr. (1755 - )
ChildMary Harris (1757 - )
SpouseAgnes McCord (1740 - 1815)
ChildBenjamin Harris (1760 - 1842)
ChildJane Harris (1763 - 1821)
ChildJohn Harris (1765 - 1810)
ChildWilliam Harris (1768 - )
ChildJames Harris (1770 - )
ChildMargaret Harris (1772 - )
ChildIsabella Harris (1775 - )
ChildSamuel Harris (1777 - )
ChildBarnabus Harris (1779 - )
ChildOverton Harris (1782 - )
FatherMajor Robert Harris (1698 - 1765)
MotherMourning Glenn (1702 - 1775)
SiblingAnna Harris (1724 - )
SiblingTyree Harris Sr. (1728 - 1786)
SiblingMary Harris (1729 - 1819)
SiblingMourning Glen Harris (1732 - )
SiblingLucy Harris (1734 - )
SiblingSarah Harris (1736 - 1803)
SiblingRobert Harris (1741 - 1796)
SiblingRachael Sarah Harris (1744 - 1823)
SiblingFrances Harris (1746 - 1814)
SiblingWilliam Harris (1752 - 1776)