Individual Details

Major Robert Harris

(Abt, 1698 - August 8, 1765)

Maj. Harris, a son of William Harris and Temperance Overton Harris, was born in Hanover County, Virginia and lived there until 1742, when he was appointed by the KIng as surveyor of the new county of Louisa, which was cut off from Hanover County in 1742. He resigned this office as a member of the House of Burgess from Hanover, and settled in Louisa County. He afterwards moved to Albemarle County,Virginia where he owned a large estate at this death in 1765. He was a vestryman in Fredericksville Parish for a number of yerars before his death. His will is of record in Albemarle County, Virginia in Will Book No. 2, page 185, and was recorded 18 Novermer 1765. His will was witnessed by David Maupin, John Maupin, John Maupin, Jr., William Maupin and Connerly Mullins. His son Tyre Harris succeeded his as vestryman of Fredericksville Parish.

The Will of Robert Harris of Albemarle County, Virginia Albemarle County, Virginia Will Book 1, Page 8 History and Genealogies by W. Harris Miller Page 267:

18 Jun 1765 In the Name of God, Amen. I, Robert Harris of the County of Albemarle, being in perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament, in manner and form following. First and principally, I recommend my soul to the Almighty God, who gave it to me not doubting bur thru the merits of my Blessed Saviour to have full pardon and remission of my sins and my body I recommend to the earth from whence it came to be buried in such manner as my executor hereafter named shall see fit. And as touching such temporal estate as it hath pleased God to bestow on me, I give and dispose of in manner and form following:

Imprimis, I give and bequeath to my son, Christopher Harris, forty acres of woodland ground lying and being in the County of Albemarle, on a large spur of the Blue Ridge mountains near the place commonly called and known by the name of "Bear Cornfield" to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I give and bequeath to my son, William Harris, after the decease of my loving wife, Mourning Harris, all the land which I hold in the County of Albemarle to him and his heirs forever.

Item - I leave my wife, Mouring Harris, the sole use and benefit of all the lands and plantatin during her natural life, which is above given to my son William after her decease.

Item - My will and desire after the decease of my wife that my negro man, Harry should he then be living in that case I give and bequeath the said Harry to my son Robert Harris, Junior, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - My will and desire is after the decease of my loving wife that my negro man Peter, should he then be living, in that case I give and bequeth the said Peter to my son Tyre Harris, to him and his heirs forever.

Item - My will and desire is that if my son William Harris should not die before attaining the lawful age or without issue, that in that case he the said William Harris, should be further educated, the charges thereof shall be paid out of the estate given him, after the whole being sold by my executors hereinafter named and the remainder of the money arising from such sale be equally divided amongst all my children or their legal representatives.

Item - My will and desire is that my son William Harris be under the tuition, direction and government of my son-in-law John Rodes, until he shall attain lawful age.

Item - I give and bequeath to my loving wife when all of my debts and funeral expenses is paid, all the residue of my estate, be it of whatever nature or quality soever to her and her heirs forever.

I do contitute and appoint my son-in-law John Roades and William Shelton to be my executors of this my last will and testament. As witness my hands and seal this 18th day of Jun in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty five. Robert Harris

Signed, sealed, etc. in the presence of Daniel Maupin, John Mullins, James William Maupin, Courtney Mullins.

At a Court held for the County of Albemarle the eighth day of August 1765, this will was presented in Court, proved by the oath of Daniel Maupin and William Maupin witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and on motion of John Rodes and William Shelton, the executors named therein, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate thereof in due form, on giving security, where upon they with David Rodes and Christopher Harris their securities entered into and acknowledged their bond according to law. Henry Frye, Clerk.


BirthAbt, 1698New Kent County, Virginia
MarriageJanuary 30, 1720Mourning Glenn
DeathAugust 8, 1765Albemarle County, Virginia


SpouseMourning Glenn (1702 - 1775)
ChildAnna Harris (1724 - )
ChildChristopher Harris (1725 - 1794)
ChildTyree Harris Sr. (1728 - 1786)
ChildMary Harris (1729 - 1819)
ChildMourning Glen Harris (1732 - )
ChildLucy Harris (1734 - )
ChildSarah Harris (1736 - 1803)
ChildRobert Harris (1741 - 1796)
ChildRachael Sarah Harris (1744 - 1823)
ChildFrances Harris (1746 - 1814)
ChildWilliam Harris (1752 - 1776)
FatherWilliam Harris (1675 - 1730)
MotherTemperance Overton (1678 - 1701)