Individual Details

Capt. Henry Boteler

(15 Nov 1728 - 10 Sep 1814)

1790 Census Washington County Maryland; 23305
1800 Census Washington County Maryland Pg 135 00311 00101
1810 Census Washington County Maryland 00001 00001
Boteler Document No 1
Information From John Harris Watts Correspondence

One of the three sons of Edward and Priscilla Lingan Boteler, Henry Boteler was a Commander of a company of rangers in the French and Indian War and afterward an officer in the Revolution. His commission was dated July 4, 1776. This Henry Boteler was the first white settler in the neighborhood of Brownsville, Md. It is written of him that he was no less enterprising in peace than patriotic in war. Under his personal supervision and largely at his own expense, he had built the first road from Harpers Ferry to Fredrick, Md., using his unique way of removing rock from the ridges below Harpers Ferry. He had large fires built upon the rocks and water from the river poured upon then when they became hot. Gun powder, he said, was entirely too precious a commodity to be wasted in engineering operations.
Copied from the Hyattsville Independent, Friday April 23, 1937 Early Families of Prince George's County by Elsie Hebb
LAST WILL OF CAPTAIN HENRYBOTELER In the name of God, Amen I, Henry Boteler of Washington County in the state of Maryland, being sick and weak in body but sound and disposing mind and understanding considering the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs, and thereby be the better prepared to leave this world when it shall please God to call me hence do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say: FIRST and Principally I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named, and after my debts and funeral charges are paid, I direct all my personal property to be sold at public sale and my real property to be sold either at public or private sale the manner and term of sale to be at the discretion of my executors whom I empower and authorize to sell and convey a title in fee simple of all my lands to whom soever may become the purchasers thereof. It is my will and desire that my beloved wife live and reside with either of my executors or any other of my children that she may think proper and that my executors will reserve and keep in their hands the sum of Two Thousand Dollars which sum of Two Thousand Dollars they will keep at interest yearly and every year during her life and as my beloved wife is far advance in life which has rendered her very frail and inform. I enjoin it on my children, one and all of them not to permit her to suffer for want of proper care and attention and that my executor apply the interest thus arising from said sum to support of their mother keeping a correct account of what they expend in her support and reasonable charges for keeping her and after the decease of my beloved wife the above mentioned sum of Two Thousand Dollars I direct to be divided equally among my children in the same manner as herein after I have directed the rest of my property to be distributed. It is my will and desire and I hereby direct that after all my property is converted in cash that an equal distribution of my estate be made among my several children to wit: my sons; Edward Boteler, the heirs of William Boteler, Alexander Boteler, Thomas Boteler, Lingan Boteler, Hezekiah Boteler, and Henry Boteler and my daughters, the heirs of Mary Allen, Priscilla Claggett and Sara Easton; and whereas my son William Boteler and daughter Mary Allen are since dead I will and bequeath that the heirs of each of my said deceased children have and receive the portions or shares upon equal distribution of my estate that would have fallen to their respective parents were they yet living. And Eliza Boteler daughter of my deceased son William, since the death of her father, has been under the care and tuition of her grandmother, and probably her grandmother may at her death or in the meantime, make provision for her by giving her a portion over and above what she may give the rest of the children; in such case I direct that the distribution of that part of my estate falling to the heirs of my said deceased son be divided among said heirs so as to make their respective shares equal including what they receive of my estate and what they all receive of their grandmothers estate. Whereas I have at sundry times advanced several of children cash and other articles amounting to the following sums to wit; Edward Boteler received Three Hundred Dollars, William Boteler received One Hundred and One Dollars, Alexander Boteler received Three Hundred Dollars, Thomas Boteler received One Hundred and Ninety Dollars, Lingan Boteler received Five Hundred Dollars, Hezekiah Boteler received One Hundred and Forty Dollars, Henry Boteler received Eight Hundred and Fifty Dollars, Priscilla Claggett received Four Hundred and Eighty Dollars, and Sarah Easton received Fifteen Hundred and Ninety Dollars which several sums I will and desire to be considered as part of my estate and that each of them in the settlement of my estate and receiving their respective portion account for the several sums they have thus received. My son Henry Boteler has produced an account against the heirs of my deceased daughter Mary Allen for medicine and attendance as a physician for the sum of fifty dollars, which sum of fifty dollars I will and direct in the settlement of my estate to be charged to the heirs of my said deceased daughter to be deducted out of their portion and paid to my son Henry Boteler. And lastly I do hereby constitute and appoint my two sons Thomas Boteler and Lingan Boteler executors of this my last will and testament, revoking and annulling all former wills by me heretofore made, ratiafying and confirm in this and none other to be my las will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this seventh day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen. Seal Henry Boteler Signed, sealed, published and declared by Henry Boteler the above named Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. Horation Claggett Elias Crampton J C Kellar WASHINGTON COUNTY, TO WIT: On the 29th Sept 1814 came Thomas Boteler and Lingan Boteler and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that this is true and whole will of Henry Boteler late of Washington deceased that hath come to their hands and possession and that they do not know of another. At the time came Horatio Claggett, Elias Crampton amd Joseph C Kellar and made oath on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God that did see the Testator herein named sign and seal this will that they heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last will and testament, that at the time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehension of sound and disposing mind, memory and under-standing and that they subscribed their names to this in the presence and at the request of the Testator. Certified by: George C Smoot -Register


Birth15 Nov 1728St. Mary's County or Calvert County, Maryland
MarriageAbt 1748St. Mary's County, Maryland - Sarah Ellen Elsby
Death10 Sep 1814Pleasant Valley, Washington County, Maryland


SpouseSarah Ellen Elsby (1730 - 1814)
ChildWilliam Boteler (1750 - 1816)
ChildHenry Edward Boteler (1760 - 1822)
ChildMary Boteler (1762 - 1814)
ChildAlexander Boteler Sr. (1764 - 1841)
ChildPriscilla Magruder Boteler (1765 - 1814)
ChildThomas C. Boteler (1768 - 1832)
ChildSarah Boteler (1770 - 1814)
ChildJoseph 'Lingan' Boteler (1773 - 1829)
ChildHezekiah Boteler (1776 - 1848)
FatherEdward Boteler III (1710 - 1730)
MotherPriscilla Lingan (1705 - 1734)
SiblingCatherine Boteler (1726 - )
SiblingWilliam Boteler (1728 - )
