Individual Details

Joseph 'Lingan' Boteler

(Abt 1773 - 13 Oct 1829)

[boteler gedcom file.ged]

1810 Census Washington County Maryland Pg 485 00010 00100
Information From John Harris Watts Correspondence
Western Maryland Genealogy; October 1995, Page 146

Lingan Boteler was born ca. 1772, the son of Henry and Sarah Boteler,and died in Washington County by 30 October 1829. He married byFrederick County license, in which he is called Joseph Lingan Boteler,the only time the name appears in this form, dated 14 November 1809Sarah E[leanor] Hackney, daughter of Jacob and Mary Barton Hackney, asshown by Jacob's 1815 will. Sarah married second by Frederick Countylicense dated 24 July 1833 William Lynch, former husband of ElizaBoteler, #16, daughter of William and Delilah (Gittings) Boteler.William Lynch died at his residence near Jefferson, Frederick County,9 August 1858 of dropsy, age 69. His obituary stated that he hadrepresented the county in the State Legislature several times and wasfather of the present Prosecuting Attorney of Frederick County andeditor of the Washingtonian, published at Leesburg, Virginia. Sarahdied 10 July 1870 at the residence of her son William H Boteler, widowof the late William Lynch, Esq., and step-mother to the Hon John ALynch; she was aged 79 years. The family is buried at Mount OlivetCemetery in Frederick. On 14 June 1802 Lingan was bonded to the Stateof Maryland as Constable. On 14 May 1807, Thomas Boteler, farmer, soldto Lingan "Grandfather's Gift". As co-executor of his father's estate,12 September 1815, Lingan and brother Thomas sold to Horatio Clagettfor $13,633.85, 260 acres of "Park Hall" and "Disappointment", threeacres to be reserved for a church and burial ground. On 8 March 1816Thomas Boteler sold to Lingan for $1,986.67 part of "Grandfather'sGift" and "Keep Trieste", totaling 46 3/4 acres; Sarah Botelerreleased dower. On 28 September 1818, Lingan sold to Josiah Cramptonseveral contiguous tracts, including those in the previous deed,totaling 40 acres and Lot 2 of the same. Lingan appeared in the 1810census ages 26-45 with a wife 16-25, and three slaves. He was notfound in 1820. On 14 August 1811, Lingan of Pleasant Valley advertisedin "The Hornet", offering a reward for the return of mulatto girlCharlotte Ingram, age 19, whom he had bought from P Hillary. In 1812he was a 1st Lieutenant in Christian Cost's Company of Light Dragoons.During the period 1806-1814 he was listed as a member of St. Mark'sEpiscopal Church in Petersville. Lingan owned several tracts of landin Frederick County. On 16 May 1810 Barton Hackney and John P Garrottmortgaged to Lingan and Thomas Boteler for $100, part of the"Merryland" tract conveyed in 1808 to Barton Hackney by Jacob and MaryB Hackney. On 2 June 1813 Jacob and Mary Barton Hackney of FrederickCounty sold to Lingan Boteler of Washington County for $1000 part of"Payne's Delight" and part of "Hawkins Merry Peer o' Day" adjoiningthe Potomac River, the public road from the ferry to Frederick Town,and George Hackney. On 19 February 1814 Lingan, called of WashingtonCounty, sold that property to John Philpot Garrott of Frederick Countyfor $4100. On 14 December 1816 Barbara Philpott leased to Lingan for$100 the tract where Josiah Crampton lived, being 340 acres. On 26July 1817, Mary B Hackney sold to Lingan for $6000 parts of"Merryland", "Hawkins Merry Peep o' Day", and "Payne's Delight", atotal of 1163 3/4 acres. On 24 June 1817 Lingan sold to John Willeyfor $2526.05, 12 1/2 acres of the same tracts and 17 3/4 acres of"Payne's Delight", Sarah releasing dower. On 24 June 1817 Lingan soldto James Allen for 43640, 104 acres of "Merryland". On 24 April 1810,Barton Philpott sold to Lingan for $700 a negro and his interest inthe personal estate left him by his father, also his interest in ashare purchased from Elizabeth W Hackney "being property left her bymy father." Lingan Boteler left no will; administration of his estatewas granted to Hezekiah Boteler, who was bonded on 19 January 1831. Acase was filed in the Frederick County Equity Court on 28 July 1831 byThomas Boteler, uncle and "prochiem ami" (next friend) on behalf ofthe children: Mary, Martha P., wife of Henry Boteler, Thomas A.,Lingan, Eliza Ann, Sarah E., William H., and Jacob Henry, all exceptHenry being minors, and the widow Sarah E., which stated that Lingandied owning a 339 acre farm in Frederick County, conveyed by JosiahCrampton on 7 August 1817. The widow petitioned the court for dower.On 4 April 1832, an inquisition was held on a tract on the north bankof the Potomac River that had descended to his heirs. The C&O Canalhad tried without success to make an agreement with Sarah E Boteler,the widow, to acquire the land on the berm side, which was needed forbuilding the canal. Daughter Martha P Boteler, as a "femme covert"(under protection of her husband), as one of the owners, agreed to aninquisition; a jury was summoned on 2 May 1832 to meet on the propertyand value it. The tract contained 15 acres 3 rods 18 perches and wasvalued at $30 an acre or $700 for the total. The name of the tract wasnot stated. The deed was thus recorded with the heirs as tenants incommon acting as grantors. A claim was made by Adam Custer,administrator "de bonis non" of Mary Barton Hackney, mother of Sarah EBoteler, the widow, on 3 March 1842 that additional funds were due theestate of Lingan Boteler totaling $235.09. The money was distributedto all the following children except Jacob Henry who had died. 1. MaryBoteler 2. Martha Priscilla Boteler 3. Thomas A Boteler 4. LinganBoteler 5. Eliza Ann Boteler 6. Sarah E Boteler 7. William H Boteler8. Jacob Henry Boteler "Western Maryland Genealogy", October 1995,pages 146-148


BirthAbt 1773Maryland
Death13 Oct 1829


FatherCapt. Henry Boteler (1728 - 1814)
MotherSarah Ellen Elsby (1730 - 1814)
SiblingWilliam Boteler (1750 - 1816)
SiblingHenry Edward Boteler (1760 - 1822)
SiblingMary Boteler (1762 - 1814)
SiblingAlexander Boteler Sr. (1764 - 1841)
SiblingPriscilla Magruder Boteler (1765 - 1814)
SiblingThomas C. Boteler (1768 - 1832)
SiblingSarah Boteler (1770 - 1814)
SiblingHezekiah Boteler (1776 - 1848)
