Individual Details

Anselm Lynch Haden

(Mar 1804 - Bef 1877)

4/1/1850. Two land patents with Hezekiah Gray and William Gray from the Tuscaloosa Office in Alabama. One for 79.6 acres, one for 39.8 acres. Both in S4, T23N, R4E in Hale Co.

Old Tuskaloosa Land Office Records & Military Warrants 1821-1855
Marilyn Davis Barfield Easley SC, Southern Historical Press, 1984
p.106 Tuscaloosa Land Office - Register of Receipts Oct 1836 - Sep 1859
3/23/1849 Anselm L. Haden, Wm. R. Gray & Hezekiah Gray, Extrs. Of James Gray, dec'd. S4 T23 R4E

15 Nov 1852. Anselm L. Haden. Land Patent from the Huntsville office in Alabama for 40.27 acres, Blount Co. S17, T13S, R2W

1 Mar 1858. Anselm L. Haden. Land patents in Blount Co. Total of 321.63 acres in S17, T13S, R2W.

1850 Census. Mobile, Mobile Co, AL
A. L. Haden, age 46, merchant, b. VA
J. G. [male], age 10, b. AL
W. B. [male] age 7, b. AL
H. A. [male] age 5, b. AL
Jo Wheelan [male], age 30, b. Ireland, Gardner

Anselm remarried prior to the 1860 census.

1860 Census. River Beat, Cahaba P.O., Dallas Co AL
A. L. Haden, age 56, b. VA. Real estate worth $45,000; personal property $130,175 The Slave Schedule shows 60+ slaves for A. L. Haden.
C. M. [female-Caroline] age 49, b. GA
J. G. [male] age 19, b. AL
W. B. [male] age 17, b. AL
H. A. [male] age 15, b. AL
B. J. Tarver [male], age 17, b. AL Has real estate worth $40,000; personal property worth $85,000 Slave schedule shows 57 slaves for R. J. Tarver. Is he possibly a stepson? See next.

Anselm seems to have made a very good marriage:
Looking back at 1850. Pine Flat, Dallas Co. Hh 12
C. M. Tarver, female, age 28, b. GA. Personal estate of $30,000
R. Tarver, male, age 15, b. AL, student
Benj. Tarver, age 8, b. AL
There were 130 slaves on the slave schedule for C. M. Tarver

In 1840, the only Tarver in Dallas Co was Owen Tarver: 1m under 5, 1m 20-30;
1f under 5, 1f 15-20. Strangely no slaves were listed for this man.

1870 Census. Twp 13, Range 2, Blount Co, AL, Hh 61
A.L. Haden, age 66, retired merchant. Property worth $4000, pers estate $3500, v. VA
Caroline, age 60, b. GA
Willis 27, farmer, b. AL
Mary T., ?18, b. AL
Robertson, 23, b. AL
Amanda 5, b. AL
and Mary, age 9/12, b. D.C. in January [census take 22 Aug so this doesn't quite work....]

File in Confederate Papers Relating to Citizens or Business Firms, 1861-65, NARA, M346, digital images at
Card for A. L. Haden, Presd. Planters & Merchants Inc Co., Selma, Ala.
[found in file marked A. C. Haden - there were papers for Beverly Haden as well. The card above was the only document for Anselm L. Haden of Alabama.]

Anselm applied for pardon for his part in the Civil War. Found in the Confederate Applications for Presidential Pardons, 1856-1867 at
Cover of Packet:
Selma, Dallas Co, Ala.
Anselm L. Hayden [name is spelled as Haden throughout the documents]
Petition for amnesty and pardon.
Worth over $20,00
Filed Augt 24, 1865
Date of Oct. 18/65 apparently indicates pardon was granted

Selma, Dallas Co, Ala.
August 4, 1865
Your Petitioner Anselm L. Haden, respectfully sheweth unto your Excellency, that he is a citizen of Dallas County, in the state of Alabama, has been by occupation a merchant, is sixty one years of age - that he is a married man, with two children, and in very infirm health.
Petitioner took no personal or active part in the late Civil war, being too old and inform to do so, but voluntarily aided the rebellion by selling fifty bales of cotton to the Confederate States, which was all burned by the military forces of the United States. Petitioner held no office of any kind under the Confederate States, has always been a quiet & peacable citizen. Petitioner is not embraced in any of the exceptions of your Excellency's Proclamation of 25th May, 1865, unless it be the Thirteenth Exception. Before the war, petitioner had a good estate, consisting of real estate, servants, and stocks. Petitioner has lost all of his Negroes, by their emancipation, had all of his cotton burned, and nearly all of his provisions destroyed by parties belonging to the Federal Army, besides having his home pillaged and a number of valuable papers destroyed by same parties. Owning to these severe losses, petitioner has lost the greater part of his property, and does not believe, that, at this time, the remainder of his property would sell for twenty thousand dollars. Having herewith however as to whether his taxable property will be assessed at near than twenty thousand dollars but accounting it for the purpose of this application. Your Petitioner makes application for special amnesty pardon. Desiring therefore to return to his allegiance to the government your petitioner now applies to be relieved for his acts during the late rebellion. He has taken the oath of amnesty which oath accompanies this petition.
Petitioner therefore prays that your Excellency will extend to him the amnesty pardon extended in your Excellency's proclamation of 29th May 1856, to those not excepted in said proclamation from pardon, that he may be restored by your clemency to all fo the rights of an American citizen under the Constitution of the United States.
No proceedings have been instituted against the property of petitioner under the Confiscation Act, nor is any of his property in the possession of the United States authorities as abandoned property or otherwide, nor is he under arrest, all with is repectfully submitted.
Signed: A. L. Haden
Sworn as subscribed on 18 Aug 1865, before William Q. Smith, U.S. Dist. Commissioner for the Middle District of Alabama The oath taken the same day.
Note: The War cost Anselm something else - his eldest son died in the War.

The following seems to have been specific to Alabama, and offers speculation into some of the activities that went on during the War:
Selma, Dallas Co, Ala.
Anselm L. Haden
Answers to Interrogatories of Gov. Parsons' Circular of 25 Jul 1865.
Lewis E. Parson, Provisional Governor of the State of Alabama to applicants for pardon.
First: I am not under arrest
Second: I did not order the taking of Fort Morgan or Mount Vernon Arsenal, or aid in taking or advise the taking of either of them.
Third: I have not served on any Vigilance Committee, during the war, before which persons charged with disloyalty to the Confederate States have been examined or tried.
Fourth: No person has been shot or hung by my order for real or supposed disloyalty to the Confederate States.
Fifth: I have not shot or hung or aided in shooting or hanging any person for real or supposed disloyalty to the Confederate States.
Sixth: I have not ordered or been engaged in hunting any one with dogs, who was disloyal or supposed to be disloyal to the Confederate States.
Seventh: I was in favor of the so called Ordinance of Secession, on the 11th day Jany 1861.
Tenth. I will be a loyal and peaceable citizen in the future.
Eleventh. No proceedings have been instituted against my property under the Confiscation Act.
Twelth. No property belonging to me is in the possession of the United States authorities as abandoned property or otherwise.
All of which is respectfully submitted.
A. L. Haden

Executive Department of Alabama,
Montgomery, September 6th, 1865
To his Excellency Andrew Johnson, President of the United States
I have carefully examined the application of Anselm L. Hadin of Dallas County for amnesty and pardon and being of opinion that he will prove a good an loyal citizen, respectfully recommend his case to your favorable consideration.
Very respectfully
Your Obdt. Srvt.
Lewis E. Parsons
Prov. Governor of Alabama
By the Gov.
Albert Elmore, Secty of State

There is an extensive file online at concerning Caroline M. Haden's claim for damages during the Civil War. She was still living in Selma, Dallas Co, AL. Claim #17602. 5 Dec 1877 she was allowed $5, 650. Her original claim was for $18, 684, reduced to $9,909. Items included 5000 bushels of corn, 15 mules, 10 horses, 1500 lbs. bacon, 75 hams, 2 barrels of lard, 2 barrels of molasses, 3 mattress, 12 blankets. The remarks are as follows:
The claimants first husband left a large estate and claimant occupied the plantation as her dower interest and owned the stock. She subsequently married Haden. They did not live happily together during the war and eventually separated and Haden is now dead. Claimant and several witnesses testify that she was loyal and that she and her husband who was disloyal quarreled over that as well as other things. He induced her son to enlist in the Confederate army and she gave him no peace till her husband got the boy out of the army by furnishing a substitute. Witnesses testify to claimants loyal conversation and reputation. The matter was referred to a Special Agent to investigate who reports that he interviewed some twenty neighbors of Mrs. Haden and not one of them had a doubt of her loyalty to suggest. She don't appear to have been at all complicated with the rebellion and it don't appear that she had any opportunity to manifest her union sympathies in her actions to any extent.
The claim was originally filed for $18, 684, which was subsequently reduced in order to take testimony in the vicinity of claimants residence - first to something over $7000 and afterwards increased to $9909 indicating in the change an indefinite notion of the quantities taken.
The testimony leaves the impression that were were three cribs full of Corn and some 200 or 300 bushels in the lint room of the cotton gin and that the soldiers left about 3/4 of a crib full. One witness who apparently knew most of the matter says that there were 3 cribs full and that the cribs were estimated to hold 1500 bushels a piece and this is in the main corroborated by two other witnesses.
There seems to have been considerable destruction and depredation. We think several items dis-allowed must be placed to account of depredation. One of the witnesses says that the hams were packed off and the bacon given to the negroes. The supplies were taken by Genl. Wilson's command in April 1865.
We allow the sum of $5,650.


BirthMar 1804Virginia
Marriage24 Dec 1839Tuscaloosa County, Alabama - Frances Scott Gray
MarriageBef 1860Caroline M. Tarver
DeathBef 1877


SpouseFrances Scott Gray ( - 1850)
ChildJames Gray Haden (1840 - 1864)
ChildW. B. Haden (1843 - )
ChildH. A. Haden (1845 - )
SpouseCaroline M. Tarver (1811 - )
FatherBenjamin Haden (1762 - 1837)
MotherMartha Davis Moorman (1765 - 1836)
SiblingHenry Addison Haden ( - )
SiblingCharles Moorman Haden (1782 - 1805)
SiblingWilliam Venable Haden (1784 - 1855)
SiblingJohn D. Haden (1786 - 1806)
SiblingMary Nichols "Polly" Haden (1788 - 1825)
SiblingJames Moseley Haden (1789 - )
SiblingJane Morton Haden (1791 - )
SiblingNelson Read Haden (1794 - 1804)
SiblingAchilles M. Haden (1796 - )
SiblingRichard Gallatin Haden (1798 - 1869)
SiblingMargaret Douglas "Peggy" Haden (1801 - 1886)
SiblingRobert Davis Haden (1802 - 1802)
SiblingMartha Davis Haden (1806 - 1870)
SiblingDr. Madison Haden (1809 - 1891)
