Individual Details

Capt Joseph Poindexter

(11 Aug 1736 - 29 Jun 1826)

Served as Capt in the Revolution. Moved to Bedford County and then Campbell County. Found in the Bedford County Personal Property Tax Rolls from the earliest in 1782 - 1807 along with several of his sons.

Will dated 12 Jul 1823, Campbell Co VA. Personal estate to beloved wife, Elizabeth J. Poindexter. The land I live on and some 16 named slaves with furniture, stock, tools, crops, etc. To son Thomas after the death or remarriage of wife the land I live on except seven & 1/4 acres on Little Whipping Creek including a mill site which I will to my son Lewis provided Thomas pays Lewis $900. To son William, slave & her increase. To granddaughter Franky Harrison Poindexter, slave, bed & furniture, horse & saddle. After death or marriage of wife I devise the following: To sons James, Samuel, Joseph, William, Richard, & Lewis, $5 each and no more as I have provided for them. To daughter Ann Shelton $500. To surviving children of son James $500 to be divided equally between them. To son John $800. To surviving children of son William $500 to divided equally. To the three sons of son Joseph: William, Joseph, James & his daughter Franky $1000 to be divided equally. To surviving children of son Richard $400 to be equally divided. To surviving children of deceased son Reubin $500. To daughter Elizabeth Chilton $100. Granddaughter Fanny Harrison Poindexter to live with my wife and be maintained out of my estate during my wife's lifetime. Exectrix: wife. Executors: sons Lewis Poindexter & John Poindexter & John Shelton Sr.
Signed: Joseph Poindexter
Wit: Jos. Scott, Francis Callaway, Ric'd Thornton, Philip Gibbs. Ro. Smith.
Codicil. 11 Jul 1825. In regard to the mill tract. Lewis D. Poindexter is to pay Thomas Poindexter $1666.67.


Birth11 Aug 1736Hanover County, Virginia
Marriage17 Feb 1763Louisa County, Virginia - Elizabeth James Kennerly
Death29 Jun 1826Campbell County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth James Kennerly (1747 - 1828)
ChildNancy\Anne Poindexter (1764 - )
ChildJames Poindexter (1765 - 1833)
ChildSamuel Jacob Poindexter (1767 - 1841)
ChildJohn Poindexter (1770 - 1843)
ChildWilliam J. Poindexter (1772 - 1834)
ChildJoseph Poindexter Jr. (1774 - 1824)
ChildRichard Poindexter (1776 - 1850)
ChildThomas Kennerly Poindexter (1778 - 1843)
ChildReuben Poindexter (1780 - 1816)
ChildAndrew Poindexter (1783 - )
ChildElizabeth Poindexter (1785 - )
ChildLewis D. Poindexter (1790 - 1879)
FatherJohn Poindexter (1696 - 1753)
MotherChristian "Kitty" Gissage\Gorsuch (1702 - 1779)
SiblingJohn Poindexter (1728 - 1810)
SiblingThomas P. Poindexter (1730 - 1796)
SiblingWilliam Poindexter (1734 - 1808)
SiblingAnne Elizabeth Poindexter (1734 - 1800)
SiblingFrances Poindexter (1737 - 1778)
SiblingRichard Poindexter (1738 - 1775)
SiblingSarah Poindexter (1747 - 1814)
