Individual Details
Abraham Estes
(Abt 1647 - 21 Nov 1720)
Likely Departed for Virginia on the flyboat Martha, captained by Abraham Wheelock in late Oct of 1673. He was one of only three passengers - William Bobbet, John Skinner, and himself. They docked on the James River, Colony of Virginia, Jan 1674.
Flyboat "Martha" sail to Virginia from
London, England, stop in Wales.
Wm Bobett
Voyage Origin: Felixstowe, Suffolk, England to London, England
Voyage: London, England to Virginia
Abraham Wheelock filed a Will Aug 1673, "Being now
outwards bound on a voyage to the seas and with all considering
the dangers hazards..." Documents are found in the Public
Records Office in London stating that Abraham Wheelock was
the shipmaster of the Martha and the Good Hope. Will probated
11/372, Public Records Office, London, Documents E190/59/01
and E190/72/1, Public Records Office, London.
Only passengers on the flyboat "Martha" 1673:
Wm Bobbet
Abram Estes
John Skinner
Was Abraham indentured for a time? A note from an earlier researcher stated: Abram Estes - Indentured to Thoroughgood Keeling, who arranged and paid for passage from England. It is possible this was added because of the following:
LUCY KEELING, daughter of Thorowgood Keeling, deceased, 300 acres, Lower Norfolk Co.; Lynhaven Parish, 20 April 1682, page 146. Beginning on a point on the Dildoe branch to branch dividing this & Jno. Johnson; &c. Bequeathed by said Keeling to said Lucy, to be possessed with the same after the death of my wife Lucy (now Lucy Haise) etc.- Trans. of 6 persons Abraham Easter, Jno Rose, Richard Cock, Margaret Wollingham, Elizab. Sixworth, Robt Calderwood.
[from Cavaliers and Pioneers, Abstracts of Virginia Land Patients and Grants, Vol. 2: 1666-1695, page 234]
The problem with assuming a misspelled surname in this patent is that their really was an Abraham Easter who lived near the Keeling land. Headrights in the patents were used almost as currency so the timing cannot really be determined. It seems likely this was an assumption gone astray.
1683. First record in Virginia - signed a petition in St. Stephen's Parish, King & Queen County along with many of the men who had just supported Bacon's Rebellion. Total of 66 inhabitants of St. Stephen's. Suggests he was a landowner, and literate.
His marriage to Barbara is unrecorded - she could even been a third wife given the wide range of the births of the children - about 28 years. Her surname unknown.
1704 King & Queen Tax List. 200 acres of land.
Much about the family becomes evident because of a lawsuit in Amelia Co, VA Chancery, 1785, between the brother's Moses and Elisha. The wills (now lost) of both Abraham & Barbara are described during the course of the suit.
To the worshipful county court of Amelia in Chancery sitting Humbly Complaining sheweth to your Worship, Your orator Moses Eastis that in the year of our lord seven Hundred and Twenty on the 21st day of November your orator’s late father Abraham Eastes departed this life after making and constituting in writing his last will and testament and thereby after specifically devising part of his estate did give or further lend his whole personal estate to his wife Barbara Eastes during her natural life and to be disposed of amongst his children then living as she might think proper. He further sheweth that the said Barbara Eastes agreeable to the trust and confidence aforesaid reposed in her by her late husband, your orator’s sd father on the 25th day of November in the year of our Lord Christ 1720 made in writing her last will and testament in writing and thereby after giving an inconsiderable part of her aforesaid husband’s estate to several of her children therein mentioned directed that the remainder should remain in the hands of her executors Elisha Eastes, Thomas Poor and Susana his wife for the sole benefit of your orator and Barbara Eastes your orator’s sister whom she concluded were incapable of getting their living. But with a premise that they should become an alteration in their Condition or either of them should die then the same to be equally divided amongst Sylvester, Thomas, Elisha, Robert, Richard, John, Moses Eastes, Martha Watkins, Susana Poor and Sarah Eastes or the survivors of them as by the said last will and testament will more fully appear reference being had thereto and to which your orator for greater certainty refers and on the
George the thrid by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith Etc To the Sherif of Amelia County Greeting. We Command you that you Summon Elisha Estis Surviving Exor of Barbara Estis Dec'd & of Abraham & to Appear before our Justices of our Court of Chancery of our said County at the Court house on the 4th Tuhursday in next month to answer a Bill in Chanery exhibited against them by Moses Estes Senr. And this you shall in no wise Omit under the Penalty of 100#'s and have them there this writ witness
L. G. Peachy Clk of our said Court at the the Court the 27th Day of Apl. in the Ninth year of Our Reign. Signature: T. G. Peachy.
On the back: To May 1969. Executed. Richd Jones, DSFF
Answer of the Defendant:
Answer of Elisha Estis to the Bill in Chancery exhibitied agt him by Moses Estis.
This Defendant now and at all Times hereafter aving and reserving to himself all Manner of Benefit and advantage of Exception to the many untruths in the plaintiff's sd Bill contained for answer thereof or as much thereof as herein advised is material for him to make answer to. His answering saith that he this Defendant was nominated as one of the Executors of Barbary Estis as is in the said bill set forth, and that after divising some legacies in her said will, did direct the remainder to be retained in the hands of the sd Executor for the support of Barbary and Moses Estis, the said Moses being very sickly and the said Barbary accustom to have fits and otherwise helpless so that she required to be nursed and dressed as a child. This Defendant further saith that the amount of the appraisement of the estate left by the said Barbary Estis was to the sum of 98 pounds 10 shillings and 9 pence, half penny, exclusive of the slaves and one horse and mare whose appraisement amounted to 50 pounds fifteen shillings, which after the death of the said Barbary were allotted to the children of the said Barbary and her husband Abram above by the will of the said Abram, to which, together with the said appraisement, this defendant for greater certainty begs leave to refer and prays may be made part of this his answer, this defendant further saith that he expended a considerable deal of money for doctor’s means in endeavoring to cure the said Barbary and Moses and that for the space of eight years boarded and maintained the said Barbery and Moses of which the defendant has made an account to which also he beggs leave to refer and prays may be made part of his answer, whereby it appears that the defendant's account is considerable more against the said estate than the said appraisement amounts to, this defandant denies all combination, etc. and prays to be dismissed with his costs in this Behalf expended.
Elisha Estis (signature)
Amelia County Ct
This day Elisha Estes made oath to the truth of the within Answer. Given under my Hand this 29th of June 1770. Thos. Memford.
Amelia County Ct
George the third by the grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc. To Talton Fleming & Thomas Underwood, Gentlemen, Greeting Know ye that we Trusting in your Fidelity & provident Circumspection in Diligently Examining the whatever witnesses produced before you as will on behalf of Moses Estes, Plantiff as on Elisha Estis & others, Defendants, Commanding you or any two or more of you that at such certain days & Places as you shall appoint, you call and cause to come before you the sd Witnesses and their Examination take on the holy Evangelist of Almight God and send us inclosing also this Writ, Witness Thomas Griffen Peachy, Clerk of our sd Court at the Court house this 13 day
of October 1769 in the Ninth Year of our Reign.
Signed: Thos. G. Peachy
Deposition of Thomas Poor (this can only be Thomas, Jr., son of Thomas Poor and Susannah)
Goochland Ct
The deposition of Thomas Poor of full age being sworn upon the holy Evangelist of Almighty God, Deposeth and saith that about forth nine years since Moses and Barbary Estis, orphans of Abraham Estis came to live with Thomas Poor, this deponents father, who was an Executor to the decd Barbary Estis and to whom the care of these orphans was committed and this deponent remembers that when these orphans came to his father’s house that Moses Estis was about ten years old and Barbary Estis was about eight years old both which children were very sickly the boy being very Buston and commonly seemed inclined to the Kickiosey and for whose benefit three doctors were commonly employed the girl this deponent says lived til she was about Sixteen years old he also says that she was an idiot having convulsion fits frequently and that this deponent remembers his father was at the expense of Six shillings per month as satisfaction to Elizabeth Yeates who attended this girl three years. He also remembers that Moses Estis went to school two years while he lived with Thomas Poor this deponent’s father and this deponent further saith that since the death of Barbery Estis, Moses Estis and several others with him came to his father’s house and were speaking of settling the orphan’s estate upon which Thomas Poor this deponent’s father said he was ready for settlement brought some papers and as this deponent thinks satisfied those people amongst whom was Moses Estis who also seemed satisfied that nothing was due the orphans upon a just settlement. Sworn to this 16th day of April 1770. Thomas Poor (signature)
Before us: Tarlton Fleming, Thos. Underwood
Amelia Ct
George the third by the grace of God of Great Britain France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc To George Carrington, Richard James, Thos. Turpin, Jr. Gentlemen. Greeting Know ye that we Trusting to your Fidelity & provident circumspection in Diligently Examining the Witnesses as well on Behalf of Moses Estes, Plaintiff as on behalf of Elisha Estes & alias, Defendant, Commanding you or any two or more of your that at such certain days & places as you shall appoint your call and cause them to come and their Examination take they being first Sworn on the holy Evangelist of Almighty God. and inclosing also to us their Testimony with this writ. Witness Thomas Griffin Peachey, Clark of our sd Court at the 13th day of October 1769 in the Ninth Year of our Reign
Signed: Thos. G. Peachy
Deposition of Elisabeth Harris (this is the only proof I know of that Thomas and Susannah Poor actually had a daughter Elisabeth)
Elisabeth Harris aged about 60 being first sworn on the Holy Evangelist of Almighty God. Deposeth and sayeth that about forty eight or nine years ago Moses and Barbary orphans of Abraham Estis came to live with Thos. Poor, this deponant’s father who was an Executor to the decd Barbary Estis and that the said Moses Estis was Buston and Kiskififid and that he had two years schooling as well as this deponent remembers. The said Barbary Estis was an idiot and quite incapable of taking the least care of her self and subject to fits and that there was medicines had for and of the said orphans and the said deponent remembers that Elisabeth Yates was employed by Thos. Poor to take care of the said Barbary and that the said Barbary damaged two beds considerably in time of her indisposition. & Further the said deponent sayeth not. Elisabeth “|” Harris (her mark).
Wit: B. James, Thos. Turpin Jr
Cover Paper:
Estis, M
Estis Els
1770 June Ans & Time
Sept Replica Contd
1771 Contd Depos.
July do
1772 June Dep. Published
& leave to take other
1773 Oct Hearing
8/83 Contd
May Court '85
Ab. Plt. Decd
Birth | Abt 1647 | ||||
Marriage | 29 Dec 1672 | Mrs. Ann Burton | |||
Death | 21 Nov 1720 |
Spouse | Living |
Child | Sylvester Estes (1684 - 1754) |
Child | Samuel Estes (1686 - 1728) |
Child | Thomas Estes (1688 - 1745) |
Child | Mary Estes (1690 - ) |
Child | Susannah Estes (1688 - 1754) |
Child | Elisha Estes (1693 - 1782) |
Child | Robert Estes (1695 - 1775) |
Child | Abraham Estes (1697 - 1759) |
Child | Richard Estes (1699 - 1743) |
Child | John Estes (1701 - 1766) |
Child | Sarah Estes (1705 - ) |
Child | Moses Estes (1710 - 1785) |
Child | Barbara Estes (1712 - 1729) |
Spouse | Mrs. Ann Burton ( - 1673) |
Father | Sylvester Estes ( - 1649) |
Mother | Ellen Martin ( - 1649) |
Sibling | Living |