Individual Details


(Abt 1686 - Abt 1754)

Some databases on the Internet give John's wife as Mary Chowning - this is incorrect - his marriage to Mary Nichols is in the Christ Church Parish Registry, Middlesex Co VA. The error in the name of the wife appears in a article in "Tidewater Virginia Families" Vol. 4, p.165, but on p.239 there is a correction for this error.

1712 John bought 40 acres of land on White Oak Swamp from George Stapleton. The land had been owned by Henry Nicholls and was likely part of the same tract of which John's father had bought a piece in 1700.

4 Feb 1717, William Chowning sold John Moseley 70 acres, adj Marvel Moseley's peach orchard, for 5 shillings. [Middlesex Order Book.]

A deed of his father's confirms two of the above neighbors - Nicholls & Chowning:
On 8 Feb 1680 Marvel bought 100 acres on White Oak Swamp from Thomas Chowning, along Henry Nicholl and Thomas Kidd lines. [Middlesex Deeds 1679-1688]

Marvel willed to his son John, the plantation where Marvel was living, 13 Feb 1720.

In 1724, John was appointed to take an agricultural census. [ Middlesex Order Book.]

In 1731, John Moseley & James Daniel processioned the land between the lower end of the new Dragon Bridge Road and the Briery Swamp to the Millstone Valley.

In 1734, the churchwardens received 234 #'s of tobo for his levies.

Before 1745, John was living in Goochland Co:
Goochland DB 4; p.542 21 May 1745 John Mosely sold 100 acres on the North side of the James River, adj William Johnson, Josias Payne, Joseph Pace and his own land, to Joseph Pace where he was already living. Witnesses included Thomas Poor, and John Moseley [probably his son-in-law and son]

25 Sep 1746 Virginia Land Patent, 225 Acres, Goochland Co to John Moseley,, both sides of a branch of Byrd Creek called Phil's Creek. Begin Robert Kent's line thence Ebenezer Adams, dec'd; crossing Phil's creek, corner to Arthur Hopkins; Phillip Thurmond. PB 24, p.288.

18 May 1747 Parents deeded land & slaves to John and Jean; it is assumed they married at approximately this time.
Goochland DB 5, p.263-4
Anthony Haden to John his son
From JOHN HADEN OF VIRGINIA: Anthony of St. James Parish, Goochland, 200 acres bought of Benjamin Hawkins and being in the Parish of St. James Northam.
DB 5, p.255
John Moseley to loving Son in Law John Haden and Daughter Jenny Haden his wife. Four Negroes: Hannah, B___, Nan, and Prince. After their deaths to be equally divided amongst the children of John Haden and his Wife Jenny Haden. Signed: John Moseley
Witness: James George, John Moseley, Junr.

Albemarle DB 1, p.149 13 Feb 1749 John Moseley of Goochland to Benjamin Carter of Louisa for 20£. 225 acres formerly Goochland both sides of Phil's Creek of Bird Creek, corner of Robert Kent, Ebenezar Adams dec'd, crossing Phil's Creek, corner Arthur Hopkins, Phillip Thurmond, Robt Kent to 1st station. Granted by patent to Moseley 25 Sep 1746. Signed: John Moseley. Wit: Thomas Poor, John Moseley Junr, William Johnson.

According to Tidewater VA Families, John's inventory was entered into the court record on 11 Jun 1754. The Tidewater publication also states he witnessed his brother's will in 1752 in Goochland Co. - if so obviously he did not die in 1747 as suggested by some. The will of Marvel Moseley appears to have been witnessed by John Moseley Jr.

Goochland Co 12 May 1754. Elizabeth Moseley, relict of John Moseley deceased, refuses to take administration of the decedants good and chattels, etc. Then John Moseley [Junr] comes into court and makes oath that John Moseley, dec'd, died without any will. On his motion certificate is granted him for obtaining Letter of Administration. John Smith and John Woodson, securities.
This is a peculiar document unless John Moseley remarried after the death of Mary There is also said to be a lease dated 4 Nov 1734, Middlesex Co, from John Moseley and wife Elizabeth to Thomas Price [no such deed is in the Middlessex Deed Index].

There is a marriage record in Middlesex Co, Christ Church Parish, for a marriage between John Moseley and Mary Nichols, 10 Oct 1717. Also the record of a death - Mary Moseley, 17 Jan 1730. This would be after the births of the children and they would have been quite young - it is likely John took a second wife, Elizabeth named as above.

Goochland DB 8, p.277-279
15 Jul 1762 John Mosely to Thomas Poor. 100£ for 325 acres on Little Byrd Creek adj. Arthur Hopkins, Gent., Thomas Poor, James George. One parcel, 200 acres, purchased by John Mosley the Elder from Jonas Lawson; one, 125 acres, purchased by John Mosley the Younger of James George. Signed: John Moseley. Wit: James George, Valentine Martin, James Allen.
Rec. 21 Sep 1762


BirthAbt 1686Middlesex County, Virginia
Marriage10 Oct 1717Middlesex County, Virginia - MARY NICHOLS
DeathAbt 1754


SpouseMARY NICHOLS (1698 - 1730)
ChildSarah Moseley (1718 - )
ChildJEAN MOSELEY (1722 - 1796)
ChildElizabeth Moseley (1725 - 1790)
ChildJohn Moseley Jr. (1727 - 1795)
FatherMARVELL MOSELEY (1650 - 1721)
MotherSARAH ?Blase (1653 - 1716)
SiblingMarvell Moseley Jr. ( - 1753)
SiblingMary MOSELEY ( - 1719)
