Individual Details

Francis Breathed

( - Abt 1836)

12 Jun 1807 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
Notice from Francis Breathed, administrator of Edward Breathed

11 Mar 1808 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
The Arabian, Ranger, will stand this season in HagersTown and at Mr. Sherer's Mill .... Francis Breathed

13 May 1808 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
Geroge Nigh certifies that Francis Breathed living about two miles from Funks-town, has taken up a stray mare.

Maryland Session Laws, 1811; Archives of Maryland Online
Passed Dec. 27,
An act to authorise the Levy Court of Washington
county, to appoint commissioners to lay off a
road therein mentioned.
BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the levy court of Washington coun-
ty be, and they are hereby authorised and directed to
appoint three commissioners, whose duty it shall be,
to view and lay off a road not exceeding thirty feet in;
width, to begin at a point on the main road leading from,
Hager's-town to Sharpsburgh, where the road leading,
from Ringgold's manor, to Clagett's mill, on An-
tietam creek, crosses the said main road, and proceed-
ing by the mill of John Sharer, on said creek, to inter-
sect the main road leading to Baltimore, at or near the
plantation of Francis Breathed,
so as the same shall
not be laid out over any orchard, garden, yard or
meadow cf any person without the consent of the
owners thereof: Provided, They, after viewing and
surveying the grounds, shall deem it expedient.

Said to be buried on the farm near Hagerstown, MD. Will listed for Fr. Breathed, 1836, Washington Co MD.


DeathAbt 1836Washington County, Maryland


FatherJohn Breathitt ( - )
MotherJane Kelley ( - )
SiblingWilliam Breathitt (1757 - 1817)
SiblingEdward Breathed ( - 1804)
SiblingIsaac Breathed (1770 - 1858)
SiblingJames Breathed (1770 - 1843)
SiblingGeorge Breathed ( - )
SiblingJohn Breathed (1779 - 1852)
SiblingRanney Breathed ( - 1839)
SiblingCatherine Breathed ( - )
SiblingJane Breathed ( - )