Individual Details
James Breathed
(Bet 1770 and 1780 - Abt 1843)
Found in 1810 and 1820 in Washington Co MD as the only person of this name.
15 Mar 1798 Maryland Herald
Horse "Paymaster" to stand at John Baker's, 1mile from Gen. Springg's mill.....James Breathed.
24 Apr 1800 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
Horses, Herod and Paymaster to stand this season at David Ridenour's, HagersTown, Leonard Middlekauff's and Phillip Shutt's in Sheperdstown, VA...
James Breathed
2 Apr 1802 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
Horse "Paymaster" at Maj. John Langley's tavern 7 miles from Hagerstown..... James Breathed
30 Mar 1803 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
Horses, Herod & Paymaster, to stand at Henry Wealthy's stable about 1/2 mile from Maj. Langley's Tavern and at Michael Kapp's Tavern... James Breathed
17 Apr 1807 The Maryland Herald & Elizabeth-Town Advertiser
Wildair will stand for mares this season at Jacob Sherer's Mill near Funks-twon and Charles Worland's stable in HagersTown ...James Breathed, owner.
1810: James Breathed of Jerusalem & Upper Antietam Twp: 1m 10-16; 1m 16--26; 2m 26-45. No females in household. 10 slaves.
1820: James Breathed in Election District 2: 1m 16-26; 1m 26-45; 1m +45. No females. 7 slaves; 3 males under 14; 4 14-26. 7 people in household engaged in farming.
1840 Census. Hagerstown, Washington Co MD
James Breathed: 1m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 60-70. 1f 30-40.
Said to be Estate papers in Washington Co MD, for James Breathed in 1843.
James is said to be buried on the farm near Hagerstown. History of Western Maryland implies that several of the sons of John & Jane Breathitt never married.
Birth | Bet 1770 and 1780 | ||||
Death | Abt 1843 | Washington County, Maryland |
Father | John Breathitt ( - ) |
Mother | Jane Kelley ( - ) |
Sibling | William Breathitt (1757 - 1817) |
Sibling | Edward Breathed ( - 1804) |
Sibling | Isaac Breathed (1770 - 1858) |
Sibling | George Breathed ( - ) |
Sibling | John Breathed (1779 - 1852) |
Sibling | Ranney Breathed ( - 1839) |
Sibling | Francis Breathed ( - 1836) |
Sibling | Living |
Sibling | Catherine Breathed ( - ) |
Sibling | Jane Breathed ( - ) |