Individual Details

Elizabeth Hunt

(1788 - May 1850)

Granville County Kinfolks
p. 257, Deed Book 2, p. 126
5 Aug 1823. James Hunt, William Hunt, Samuel Hunt, John Hunt, Robert Longmire (who married Elizabeth Hunt) and Groves Hunt, children of Samuel Hunt, dec'd late of Granville who was one of the legatees of James Hunt Sr., dec'd of the same. Deed to Alexander Smith for the 1/4 part their father, Samuel Hunt, dec'd received in the division of the estate of his father, James Hunt Sr.

Enslaved Ancestors abstracted from Deed Books, Granville Co, North Carolina; Vol 1; 1828-1864
Deed Book 15, 1848-1849
Longmire, Elizabeth to [her daugher] Emily B. Green, wife of William Green ...Negro girl by the name of Caroline aged fifteen years, 1850
Longmire, Elizabeth to [her son] James Longmire [of Stewart Co, TN] ...two Negroes by name Pleasant and Jane, one grey horse called Jerry, 1848. These were two of the slaves that had been left to Lucy Ann by her father, but she had also died - her will presented for probate, Feb 1848.

Granville Co NC
DB 15, p.135
3 Nov 1848. Elizabeth Longmire for natural love and affection to my son James H. Longmire of the County of Stewart, state of Tennessee. Two Negroes, Plesant and Jane. One grey horse, called Jerry. And $100. Signed: Elizabeth Longmire. Wit: David Miner, Joseph Minor.
Nov Court, 1848. Proved by Joseph Miner and ordered recorded.
DB 15, p.659
1 Oct 1849. Elizabeth Longmire to Rhodes N. Herndon for $50, sell a tract of land - one undivided interest of a tract containing 350 acres lying in Granville Co, adjoining lands of Thomas Norman, Robt Byle & others. Signed: Elizabeth Longmire. Wit: Jno. B. Green, W. Green
Feb Court, 1850. Proved by William Green and ordered recorded
DB 15, p.757
3 May 1850. Elizabeth Longmire for love affection to my daughter Emily B. Green, wife William Green, one Negro Girl by the name of Caroline, aged fifteen years, one Black mare 4 years old, also the sum of $100 to have and to hold and enjoy.
Signed: Elizabeth Longmire. Wit: Joseph Minor, David Minor.
May Court, 1850. Proved by Joseph Minor and ordered recorded.

Granville Court Records
February Court, 6 Feb 1850, Wed. William Green proved a deed from Mrs. Elizabeth Longmire to Rhodes N. Herndon. Ordered recorded.
May Court, 6 May 1850, Mon. Joseph Minor proved deed of gift from Elizabeth Longmire to Emily B. Green. At that same court session, Joseph Minor was appointed overseer of the the road from Potter's Bridge to Hatcher's Run and mentions the hands of Robert Longmire, dec'd.
May Court, 11 May 1850, Sat. George W. Hunt appointed administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Longmire. $200 bond. Securities, Robert L. Hunt & William Green. He actually signed a bond for $2000 on 6 Aug 1850. [Court records do have errors...]
George W. Hunt given leave to sell perishable property of Elizabeth Longmire, dec'd and sell her Negro boy, Aaron, on a credit of nine months.
November Court, 4 Nov 1850, Mon. George W. Hunt, Administrator of Elizabeth Longmire, dec'd, returned Inventory and Account of sales of her estate
and immediately following: William Green, Executor of Robert Longmire, returned account of sales.

1850 Mortality Schedule, Granville, NC
Elizabeth Longmire, age 62, died in May of 1850 of consumption.
She had buried her husband, son Samuel, and daughters Sarah and Lucy in the previous five years.

Estate File:
10 Oct 1850. George W. Hunt reports sale of several items to include the sale of boy Aaron to Lewis Bobett for $87.00 He also reported notes, etc. and stated that deduction will be made for hire of the negroes from the time of their division to Christmas, about 2 and 1/2 months.
Granville Nov Court 1851. T. T. Grandy, D. P. Paschall, J. S. Paschall & John Black appointed Commissioners to audit the accounts of George W. Hunt, Administrator of Elizabeth Longmire, dec'd and make report. D. J. Paschall, Titus T. Grandy & John Blacknall reported that George D. Hunt had remaining on hand a Balance of $251. 60 1/2.

Granville Court Records
4 Nov 1851, Tuesday. Titus T. Grandy, John Blackwell, Isaiah M. Paschall & Donaldson P. Paschall, appointed commissioners to audit and settle account of George W. Hunt, administrator of the estate of Elizabeth Longmire
5 Nov 1851, Wednesday. Commissioners appointed to settle with George W. Hunt, administrator of Elizabeth Longmire, dec'd, presented report which was ordered recorded.


Birth1788North Carolina
Marriage15 Nov 1810Granville County, North Carolina - Robert Longmire
DeathMay 1850


SpouseRobert Longmire (1780 - 1847)
ChildSarah H. "Sally" Longmire (1816 - 1848)
ChildEmily B. Longmire ( - )
ChildJames H. Longmire ( - )
ChildSamuel Longmire ( - 1847)
ChildLucy Ann Longmire ( - 1848)