Individual Details

WILLIAM Longmire

(1740 - 12 Jun 1816)

Granville Deed Book O
22 Oct 1782. Leonard Lindsay to William Longmire both of Granville for 125#'s, a tract on the East side of Tar River containing 287 acres. Begin east side of the river; Meadows branch, formerly Luke Carrol's line; Spring branch to Tar River, then down the River. Signed: Leonard Linsey. Wit: Benjn Bearden, John Hawkins, Richard Searcy. Ack by Leonard Lindsay. Sarah, his wife privately examined & relinquished dower.
30 Mar 1785. John Hawkins to William Longmire, both of Granville. For 80#'s proclamation money, a tract on waters of Tar River. Begin Harris's corner, Harris' line, Linsey's corner, his line, another corner of Harris. Acreage never stated. Signed: John Hawkins. Wit: Sherwood Harris, Thomas (X) Minor, William Mallory. Ack by John Hawkins.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina; 1746-1820; by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1977.
Apr 1787 p.5 Bridge across Tar River asked for by Edmund Taylor, built near his house and that John Marshall, Wm Longmire, William Cawthorn, George White, John Champion undertake building. p.6 Caleb B. Crews appointed overseer of road from Hatcher Run to Tar River in place of Wm Longmire
May 1788, p.21 Wm Longmire, Jacob Mitchell, Abram Critcher, appointed as tax collector. [I cannot place this Mitchell or Critcher - perhaps should try to look at the original]
Nov 1788 p.30 Wm Longmire was on the Grand Jury. p.31 He proved a deed from Jno Roberts to Jno Williams for Negro.
May 1786 p.67 Wm. Longmire, overseer (but not of what???)
Nov 1786 p.78 Wm Longmire & Wyatt Wilkerson proved deeds from Robt Lewis to Robt Coleman and from Robert Coleman to Edmd Duke for 527 acres.

Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina: 1746-1808, by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1978
[This is an interesting connection of names since the wife of John Gore Critcher was a Marshall and apparently the second wife of Mastin Critcher was Martha Longmire...]
Will Book 2, p. 109
12 Jun 1788 Jno. Marshall and Wm. Longmire were witnesses to a deed - John Robards to Jno. Williams for 125 #'s: a slave, livestock, household furniture, etc. and probably a mortgage deed.
p.209 Will Book 4, p.147
Claims against the county - names included Thomas Critcher, John Longmire, Elijah Mitchell, John Critcher. Allowance to patrolers, order to Henry Williams.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina; 1746-1820; by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1977.
Aug 1793 p.107 Wm Longmire on Grand Jury
Feb 1798 p.159 Wm Longmire issued permit for tavern [NOTE: this could be his son - son, John had been issued permit for tavern for several years prior.]

Granville Deed Book Q, p.150
17 Mar 1798. Samuel Benton Harris to William Longmire for 1000#'s, a tract of land on the North side Waters of Tar River being all the land that Samuel B. Harris owns. Begin Charles Harris's corner, his line, Reeks' line, his line to the sd Longmire's, to a Creek, up the Creek to Mallory & Hester's lines, Harris's line to the beginning. Acreage never stated. Signed: Saml. Benton Harris. Wit: Benjn Bearden, Arch. Potter. Proved by oath of Bearden, May Court 1798.

1800 Census. Hillsboro, Granville, NC
William Longmire: 2m 16-26, 1m over 45. 2f under 10, 1f 16-26, 1f over 45.

The name William Longmire appears to have passed through several generations
1800 Granville Tax List, Oxford District. Robert Reid, Collector
William Longmire, Senr. 482 acres of land, 2 polls, 6 slaves
William Longmire, Junr, 1 poll
1801 Granville Tax List, Ocford District
William Longmire, Sr. 487 acres of land, no polls (probably reached age 60), 7 slaves
William Longmire, Jr., 1 poll
1803 Granville Tax List, Oxford District
William Longmire Sr. 472 acres, 1 poll 6 slaves (poll is likely William Jr since he is not found separately
1804 Granville Tax List, Oxford Distrect
William Longmire, Senr. 472 acres, no poll, 6 slaves
William Longmire, Jun. 1 poll
1805 Granville Tax List, Oxford District
William Longmire 473 acres, 1 poll, 7 slaves

Granville Deed Book V, p.50
26 May 1810. William Longmire, Senr. to Jonathan Knight, both of Granville. For $450, conveys a track of land in the fork of the Tar River, 200 acres. Bank of Tar River at mouth of Waldens branch, Malary's line; Robards Mill path; along said path; meanders of the branch; Bennetts line to a branch called Longmires spring branch; it's meanders to Waldens branch. Signed: William Longmire. Wit: Benj. Bearden, Charles Bearden. Aug Court 1810. Acknowledged by Longmire.
Book V, p.57 - an exact duplicate of the above deed entered in the deed book.

1810 Census. Granville, NC
Wm Longmire: 1m 16-26, 1m over 45. 1f 10-16.

1814 Granville, NC Tax list: Robt. Longmire, William Longmire, Jr. and William Longmire, Sr.

Granville, NC
Deed Book X, p.12
22 Sep 1815 William Longmire, Senr of Granville to Robert Longmire of the same. For $150, tract of land in Granville, 150 acres. Bounded by an oak on the road, Bennent's line and with his line South ro the creek, up the creek, red oak on Temperance Wilbourn's line, by his line North to a pine on the Road, thence up the road to the beginning. Signed: William Longmire
Wit: Benjamin Bearden, Benjamin Bearden, Junr.
Feb Court 1816. Proved by oath of Benjamin Bearden

Deed Book X, p.34
8 Apr 1816 William Longmire Senr to William Longmire Junr, both of Granville. For $500 convey a tract in Granville of 150 acres. Begin corner Mallorys line in the meadow of spring branch, then north to the meadow branch, down the said branch, corner on Robards' mill path, along the path to corner Mallory's line, then East to the beginning. Signed: William (x) Longmire
Wit: Benjamin Bearden Junr, Benjamin Bearden
May Court 1816. Proved on oath of Benjamin Bearden Junr.
Note: in January of 1816 - see deed, p.141, William was still apparently signing his own name - by April he is signing with an "X" perhaps indicating he is ill.

Deed Book X, p.43
1 Apr 1816 William Longmire to Robert Longmire for 1000#'s, tract of land on waters of Tar River, 100 acres, bounded as follows. Beginning on road, Bennetts, line, his line North, to Temperance Wilborn's line, thence by her line East to the road. Signed: William (x) Longmire
Wit: Benjamin Bearden Junr, Charles Bearden
May Court 1816. Proved on oath of Benjamin Bearden, Junr.

Deed Book X, p.140
8 Apr 1816 William Longmire, Senr of Granville for natural love & affection to my beloved granddaughter Charlott Duke of Granville, all right & Title to Negro Girl named Ritha to have and to hold. Signed: William (X) Longmire.
Wit: Benjamin Bearden, Junr. Benjamin Bearden Senr.
August Court 1816. Deed of gift Proved on oath of Benjamin Bearden, Senr.

Deed Book X, p.141
20 Jan 1816 William Longmire for love and affection to friend Temperance Bryant, grant all right and Title to a Negro man named Ben about the age of 40 years to have and to hold. Signed: William Longmire
Wit: Robt. B. Dinkins. Thos. Webb
August Court 1816. Proved by oaths of Robt B. Dinkins & Thomas Webb.

Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina, 1808-1833, Vol. II, Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1976
Book 7, p.640-641
p. 78 21 Feb 1816 Proved August Court 1816. William Longmire wills to son William, a negro man, James; to son Robert, negro boy David; to son Elijah negro boy Edmond; to daughter Polley Duke, 2 negroes, Tamer and Anderson and their increase, for life and then to her surviving children to be divided equally among tem; to Polley Duke my grey mare I bought of my son Elijah; to son John, daughter Betsey Bell, daughter Sally Hunt - 5 shillings each; to granddaughter Sally Longmire, daughter of my son Robert, a negro girl Rutha. Remainder is to be sold and pay the money I owe to the Hillsborough Bank, Benjamin Bearden and Samuel Harris as my securities. Any and all left to go to sons William, Robert, and Elijah and daughter Polly Duke.
Executors: trusty friend Nathaniel Robards, sons William & Robert Longmire.
Wit: Richard Bullock, J. Vaught. Signed: William Longmire
Codicil dated 8 Jun 1816. Negroes Tamer and Anderson given daughter Polly Duke taken back and given directly to her children Charlotte and Robert Nelson Duke with all their increase.
Signed: William (X) Longmire. Wit: John Washington, J. Vaught

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina, 1746-1820, Zae Hargett Gwynn, 1977
p.264 Aug Term 1816. 5 Aug 1816
Will of William Longmire, deceased, proved by Richard Bullock and John Washington proved codicil thereto, and Robert Longmire and Nathaniel Robards qualified as executors.
Later in that day: Deed of gift from William Longmire Sr. to Charlotte Duke, a Negro.

Estate File of William Longmire
May Court, 1817. Inventory and Account of Sales. Major purchasers included Nelson N. Duke, Robert Longmire, Thomas Mitchell, William Longmire. Other familiar names of those making smaller purchases were Elijah Longmire, David Thrift. Total of sales including one Negro girl sold to Daniel Jones for $433 was $1,517.71.
Nov Court, 1818. Wm. M. Sneed, Nathaniel M. Taylor and Leslie Gilliam or any two of them appointed to settle the accounts of Nath. Robards & Robert Longmire, Extrs of Wm Longmire Dec'd and make report to the next court.
Report of Nathl. Robards & Robert Longmire, Extrs. For 1816. Includes fee for recording will, $1.00. Paying the note at Hillsborough Bank - $219. Tax for 1816 - $3.60, Etc. They had sold the Negro Girl Leatha for $433 and the sale of other property brought $1084.71. Balances due the Legatees was $974.62. They had on hand $1,517.71. Nathl. Taylor, L. Gilliam signed the report 13 Nov 1818.


Birth1740King George County, Virginia
Marriage2 Jun 1768Saint James Northam Parish, Goochland County, Virginia - HANNAH Britt
Death12 Jun 1816Granville County, North Carolina


SpouseHANNAH Britt (1750 - 1807)
ChildJohn Longmire (1769 - 1857)
ChildElizabeth Longmire (1772 - )
ChildWILLIAM Longmire Jr (1774 - 1847)
ChildElijah M. Longmire (1777 - 1849)
ChildRobert Longmire (1780 - 1847)
ChildMary "Polly" Longmire (1784 - 1856)
ChildSarah "Sally" Longmire (1792 - )
FatherWILLIAM Longmire ( - 1749)
MotherSUSANNA [Longmire] (1715 - 1783)
SiblingGeorge Longmire (1736 - 1785)
SiblingCharles Longmire (1739 - 1797)
SiblingSimon Longmire (1749 - )
SiblingElizabeth Longmire (1748 - 1820)