Individual Details

John Jadwin

(13 Apr 1634 - Apr 1707)

28 Aug 1656
LANCASTER COUNTY DEEDS & WILLS 1652-1657; Antient Press; Page 327-328
KNOW ALL MEN by these p'sents that I RANDALL CHAMLETT of Rappahannock in the Countye of Lancaster in Virginia for many causes moveinge mee thereunto but more especially for Two Bills assigned to mee, the one for a Servt., the other for a Thousand pounds of tobacco both bearinge date wth these pr'sents have sold unto JOHN JADWYN his heirs &assignes forever a parcell of land conteyninge Five hundred acres lyeing on the South side of Rappahannock River towards the heade of SHARPES CREEKE beginninge on a valley on Westermost side of a Dam & runninge for bredth Northwest into a red Oake standinge neere a valley & adjoyning on the lands of JOHN SHARPE & now in ye possession of WILLM. THOMPSON runninge for length into the woods granted to mee by Patent in the yere of our Lord God One thousand six hundred fiftie & foure; To have & to holde the sd Five hundred acres of land wth all woods waters whatsoever belongine thereunto; Furthermore I the sd RANDOLPH CHAMLETT doe for myselfe my heires binde myselfe to make good the sd Five hundred acres of land to him the sd JOHN JADWYN his heires & likewise to same & keepe harmless from any manner of p:sons that may lay any clayme to any parte so that it may bee by hym the said JOHN JADWYN injoyed and for the true p:formance hereof I the said RANDOLPH CHAMLETT have hereunto sett my hand and seale dated this twentye eight day of August One thousand six hundred fiftie and six
Signes sealed & delivered before us

3 Dec 1657
LANCASTER COUNTY DEEDS & WILLS 1654-1661; Antient Press; Page 149-150
KNOW ALL MEN by these p:sents that I WILLM. THOMPSON of Rapa: in ye County of Lancaster in Virginia for many causes moveing me thereunto have bargained & sold & do by these p:sents bargain & sell unto JOHN JADWYN his heirs Exrs. Admrs, & assignes forever a parcel of land containing One hundred & fifty acres being ye outermost halfe a cros ye bredth of three hundred acres of land granted by Pattent unto JOHN SHARPE & now in ye possession of WILLM. TOMSON, lying on South side of Rapa: River, To have & to hold ye sd One hundred & fifty acres of land with all woods waters hereditaments whatsoever belonging thereunto, Furthermore I ye sd WILLM. THOMPSON do bind myselfe my heirs Ears. Admrs. & assignes to keep & save harmles ye sd JOHN JADWYN his heirs Exrs. Admrs. & assignes from all p:sons whatsoever that shall lay any manner of claime to any part or parcel of ye abovesd One hundred & fifty acres of land in from or by me my heirs Ears, Admrs. or assignes and I ye sd WILLM. THOMPSON do engage my selfe to acknowledge this Deed of Sale in Court held for Lancr: County & for ye true performance hereof I ye sd W !UM. THOMPSON have hereunto set my hand and settle dated this third day of December 1657
Signed sealed & delivered in the presence of us
Recognit in Cur 27th Mail 1658 recordat 28th Mail 1658 p EDWD. DALE, Cl Cur

23 Nov 1658
MR. JOHN JADWIN, 650 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the head of Sharpes Cr. 500 acs. beg. behind land of Jno. Sharpe & 150 acs. neare land granted sd. Sharpe & lately in possession of Wm. Thompson. 23 Nov. 1658, p. 1, (340). 500 acs. granted to Randolph Chamlett 22 Nov. 1654 & by him sold to sd. Jadwin. 150 acs. granted to sd. Sharpe, by him assigned to Wm. Tompson, who assigned to sd. Jadwin.

12 Feb 1662
CAVALIERS AND PIONEERS, Vol I, p.422; PATENT BOOK No. 4; p.566(repeat of same)
JOHN JADWIN, 650 acs. on S. side of Rappa. Riv. upon the head of Sharpes Cr., 12 Feb. 1662, p. 85 (566). Adj. 300 acs. granted to Jno. Sharpe, lately in possession of Wm. Thompson. (23 Nov. 1658.)

25 Aug 1663
Nicholas Cock & Maurice Cock, 600 acs. Lancaster Co., 25 Aug 63, p.38 (483). 300 acs S. Side Rappa. Riv. bounding on land of Randolph Chamlett, now in possession of Jno. Jadwin. 300 acs. granted to Fra. Browne 18 Jun 1652 & sold to sd Nicholas & 300 acs. due for trans of 6 pers. Ellin Franklin, Eliza. King.
25 Aug 1663 - 2nd version of the above
Mr. Nicholas & Murice (Maurice) Cocke, 600 acres, Lancaster Co., 25 Aug 1663, p.136. 300 acs on S. side Rappa. Rev. bounded SE with Sandy Poynt Cr. & 300 acs on S. side sd Riv., bounding on 500 acs granted Randolph Camlett, now in possession of Jno. Jadwin, 300 acs. granted to Francis Browne 1 Jun 1652 & sold to sd Nichaolas & 300 acs. for transport of 6 pers: Wm Peche, Jno Randall, Jane Allen, Ann Swillevan, Thomas Cicell, Thomas Colcott.

12 Sep 1664
LANCASTER COUNTY DEEDS & WILLS 1661-1666; Antient Press; Page 288-289
KNOW ALL MEN by these p:sents that I JO: JADWYN of the County of Lancr, Planter, from me my heirs Exrs, & assignes do let & set unto WILL: CHEYNEY & MARGT his Wife one p:cel of land of One hundred acres scituate & lying near Rappa. River & bounded as followeth; Begining at a marked white Oak and runing S:W, into the woods 100 pole SE:, 160 pole NE:, 100 pole N;W: to the before menconed wch aforesd, land I the sd JO: JADWYN from me my heirs Exrs. or assignes do warrt, the sd WILL: CHEYNEY & MARGARET his now Wife quietly to enjoy from any p:son or p:sons wt:soever during the term of their natural lives & the longest survivor of them; Likewise I JO: JADWYN do by these p:sents let unto WILL: CHEYNEY & MARGRET his Wife five cows 2 breeding sows the sd WILL: CHEYNEY adding the like quantity of Cows & Sows & the sd WILL: CHEYNEY is to put no more stock upon the plantacon but what is heretofore menconed in this condicon, & the sd JO: JADWYN likewise is to put no more. In consideracon whereof I the sd WILL: CHEYNEY do by these p:sents bind my selfe my heirs & assignes carefully to look after the sd Stock & to give and allow to the sd JO: JADWYN halfe the increase of Cattle & hoggs & likewise the sd Cattle made use of by either pty: in the sd term the one to be accountable to the other for the same, And further it is covenanted that the sd WILL: CHEYNEY shal allow yearly unto the sd JO: JADWYN the third shre of Winter p:visions as Butter & Cheese &c., the sd JO: JADWYN allowing yearly one barrel of Come & at the expiracon of the time what stock is raised to be equally divided between them, Provided the sd WILL: CHEYNEY shal not make use of any Timber but for the good of the Plantacon and likewise the sd WILL: CHEYNEY Both by these p:sents bind myselfe to plant upon the sd land one orchard consisting of 100 Apple trees for confirmacon whereof we have hereunto interchangeably set our hands & seales this 12th of Sept: 1664
Sealed & delivered in presence of
Recognit in Cur Com Lancr: 14d die Sept: Ano 1664 recordat 20d die p EDWD. DALE, Cl Cur

Jadwin (Jadwyn), John, Talbot Co., 8th June, 1706 ; 24th Apr., 1707.
To son Thomas, 200 A., part of "Hampton" adjoining land taken up by Thomas Hammon, also part of "Parker's Range
To son Robert, residue of "Parker's Range," (for bounds see will), also 42 A., bought from Benjamin Parrett, except 3 A. which is devised to the Friends, it being where their meeting-house and grave yard are.
To grandson Jeremiah Jadwin, residue of "Hamton." Should either son or grandson afsd. die without issue, deceased's portion of estate to pass to survivors.
To son-in-law David Arey, 400 A., part of "Chestnut Bay" during life, and at his decease 200 A. to pass to grandson John Arey and hrs., and 200 A. to daus. Elizabeth Jenkinson and hrs. and dau. Sarah Jadwin and hrs.
To dau. Elizabeth Jenkinson afsd., "Chestnut Bay" afsd.,
bequeathed to son-in-law John Arey during life.
To dau. Sarah and hrs., 350 A., "Coventry" on Coleburn's
Branch; to pass to child. of dau. Eliza: Jenkinson and grandson Jeremiah Jadwin.
Trustees: Sons-in-law David Arey and Emanuell Jenkinson. Dau. Eliza: Jenkinson to have charge of the 2 young child. during minority.
Test: Philip Morgan, Margaret May, Myeaell Maluney, Abraham Morgan.


Birth13 Apr 1634London, Middlesex,England,
MarriageAbt 1654England - Ann Montague
DeathApr 1707Talbot County, Maryland


SpouseAnn Montague (1638 - 1659)
ChildBartholemew Jadwin ( - )
FatherRobert Jadwin ( - 1658)
MotherSisley Clarke (1605 - 1668)
SiblingThomas Jadwin ( - )
SiblingBartholemew Jadwin ( - )
SiblingRobert Jadwin ( - 1674)
SiblingJohnathan Jadwin ( - 1658)
SiblingFrancis Jadwin (1644 - )
SiblingJeremiah Jadwin ( - 1697)