Individual Details

Jeremiah Jadwin

( - Feb 1697/98)

Jeremiah must have thought to go to Maryland, but apparently remained in Westmoreland, VA

Provincial Court Land Records, 1676-1700; Volume 717, Page 21
This Indenture made the Twentieth day of Aprill in the Second yeare of the Dominion of the Right Hon'ble Charles Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore Annoq Domini One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Seaven Betweene Jeremy Jadwin of Virginia Gentl of the One parte and John Barnes of St Maryes County in the said Province of Maryland Planter of the other part Witnesseth That the said Jeremy Jadwin for and in Consideration of Fifteene Thousand pounds of Tobacco to him in hand payd by the said John Barnes the Receipt whereof the said Jeremy Jadwin doth Acknowledge And thereof and of Every part and parcell thereof Doth Clearly and Absolutely acquitt Exonerate and Discharge the said John Barnes his Exec'rs and Adm'rs by these p'rsents Hath Granted Aliened Bargained Sold and Confirmed and by these p'rsents doth Grant Alien Bargain Sell & Confirme unto the Said John Barnes All that parcell of Land Called Martins Hundred Scituate Lyeing and Being on the East side of Chesepiake Bay and on the North side of A River Called Nantecoake neare the head of the Said River bounded as Followeth Beginning att A Bounded white Oake standing by the River side in A Small valley on the South West side of A Piney Thicket Thence with A line drawne East North East One hundred Poles to A Marked Pyne standing upon A Point of Thicketts Thence with A line drawne North East by North Two hundred and Twenty Poles upp A Creeke of the Said River now Called Herring Creeke to A Marked Redd Oake standing on the North side of the said Creeke Thence with A line drawne North North Eastinto the Woods Five hundred and Fifty Poles to A Markt white Oake And from thence with ALine drawne West Six hundred and Fifty Poles to a Markt Redd Oake And from thence w.thA Right Line drawne to the First Bounder Conteyning and Laid Out for Seaventeene hundred and Fifty Acres more or lesse Together with all Rights Benefitts and Profitts thereunto belonging (Royall Mines Excepted) Together with the plantation and all houses Gardens Orchards Edifices Buildings whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise apperteyning To have and To Hold the Said parcell of Land and p'rmisses with their and Every of theire appurtenances unto the said John Barnes his heyres and Assignes To the Only Use and behoofe of the saidJohn Barnes his heyres and Assignes for Ever To be holden of the Mannor of Nantecoake in free and Comon Soccage by Fealty Only for all manner of Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly unto the Cheife Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees his heyres and Successors or unto his or theire Collectors or Receiv'rs Att the Feast of the Anuntiation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and att on the Feast of St Michaell the Arch Angell by Even and Equall Porcons The Rent of Three pounds and Tenn Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold or the full Value thereof in Such Comodityes as the Said Lord or Lords of the Fee or Fees or such officer or officers as he or they Shall appoint to Collect and Receive the Same Shall Accept in Discharge And alsoe One whole yeares Rent for A Fine upon Every Alienation According to the Contents of A Pattent Granted by Cæcilius late Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the said Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Barron of Baltemore Deceased under the Great Seale of the Said Province of Maryland Dated the Fourth day of June in the Forty Second Yeare of his Dominion Annoq Domini One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy Three unto the Said Jeremy Jadwin his heyres and Assignes And the said Jeremy Jadwin doth hereby Covenant promise and Grant for himselfe his heyres Exec'rs and Adm'rs to and with the Said John Barnes his Exec'rs Adm'rs and Assignes by these p'rsents To Warrant Defend and Save harmlesse the Said John Barnes from the Claime and Demand of any manerof person or persons Claimeing by from or under him them or any of them or that shall p.rtend to have any Right Tytle or Interest of in and to the said Land or p'rmisses with the appurtenances or any part thereof by from or under him the said Jeremy Jadwin his heyres Exec'rs Adm'rs or assignes And that the Said Landed Free and Cleare from all manner or other former Bargaines Sales Joyntures Dowers Gifts Grants and incumbrances whatsoever In Witnes whereof the partyes to these p'rsent Indentures have Interchangeably putt to theire hands & seales the Day and yeare first above written Signed Sealed & Delivered in the p'rsence Jeremiah Jadwin sealed of Us These Words (Viz.t) (by from or under him the Said Jeremy Jadwin his heires Exec'rs Adm'rs or Assignes) being first interlined
W.m Harper William Guither
John Worthington Underneath the Above Deed was Written (Viz.)
Aprill the Twentyeth One Thousand Six hundred Seaventy seaven The Above Written Deed Indented was Acknowledged to to be the Act and Deed of him the Said Jeremiah Jadwin to the uses therein Mentioned before Us Thoma Notley Will Calvert

WILLS OF Westmoreland County, Virginia 1654-1800 BY AUGUSTA B. FOTHERGILL: Pg 20
JADWIN, JEREMIAH, 2 December 1697; 23 February 1697.
To cousin Jeremiah son of Bartholomew Jadwin the son of John Jadwin all my lands at the age of 21 years; exr. John Tanner; Deborah Foxcraft 10,000 lbs. tobacco; god-daughter Dorcas Spence daughter of Alex Spence one heifer; god-dau. Anne Payne dau. of William Payne negro girl Moll for 22 years then to be free ; friend Richard Bond £20; negro man, his wife and children free.
Note: "cousin" Jeremiah was actually his great-nephew - this was the common use of the term cousin in this time period - to denote a nephew, not what we would call a cousin today.


Christen10 Sep 1646Saint Margarets-Westminster, London, Middlesex, England
DeathFeb 1697/98Westmoreland County Virginia


FatherRobert Jadwin ( - 1658)
MotherSisley Clarke (1605 - 1668)
SiblingThomas Jadwin ( - )
SiblingBartholemew Jadwin ( - )
SiblingRobert Jadwin ( - 1674)
SiblingJohn Jadwin (1634 - 1707)
SiblingJohnathan Jadwin ( - 1658)
SiblingFrancis Jadwin (1644 - )