Individual Details

Elijah Mitchell

( - 1814)

Granville County Deed Book L, p.330-1
22 Jun 1778 Benjamin Ragland to Evan Ragland both of Granville for 50# all that tract on Flat Creek, 320 acres. Signed: Benjn. Ragland. Wit: Thomas Critcher, Jurat; Elijah Mitchel, Thomas Critcher Junr. Proved by Thomas Critcher, Granville Co August Court 1778.

Court Minutes of Granville County North Carolina; 1746-1820; by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1977.
p.84; Feb 1790 Elijah Mitchell and Thos. Critcher proved deed from John Gilliam to Jos. Davis for 341 acres.
Robert Reed, Capt. Elijah Mitchell appointed inspectors of the Poll for election of representatives to Congress.
p.85 Feb 1790. County surveyor to lay off 640 acres of land whereon Capt. David Mitchel died to his son Elijah Mitchel as per will of father.

Granville County Kinfolks, p.82, Deed Book N., p. 85
3 Nov 1791. Elisha Shemwell, brother & heir of William Shemwell, dec'd of Wake Co, NC, to Elijah Mitchel of Granville.

Abstracts of the Wills and Estate Records of Granville County North Carolina: 1746-1808 , by Zae Hargett Gwynn; published by Joseph W. Watson, 1978
p.209 Will Book 4, p.147
Claims against the county - names included Thomas Critcher, John Longmire, Elijah Mitchell, John Critcher. Allowance to patrolers, order to Henry Williams.

Granville Deed Book V, p. 56
9 June 1810 Mortgage Deed. Francis N. W. Burton paid Elijah Mitchell 5 shillings for the following negroes: Analay, Vinay & Edee with their increase. Mitchell is indebted to James Hamilton & Co by note bearing interest from 1 Jan 1810 in the sum of £ 73.16.3. Stephen Sneed & James Hamilton became endorsers for Elijah Mitchell's bond for $500. Etc. Signed: Elijah Mitchell. Wit: B. R. Burton. Proven by Burton.
Book V, p.85
2 Aug 1810 Maurice Smith, sheriff of Granville to James Turner of Warren County & others. Fi fa issued from Superior Court 1st Monday in March last. Freeland & Gillis against Elijah Mitchell & others; John Jones against Elijah Mitchell & others; James Harrison against Elijah Mitchell and others; James Vaughan against Elijah Mitchell & others; James Downey against Elijah Mitchell and others. Issued 1st Monday in May - John Barnett against Elijah Mitchell and others. Sheriff ordered to take lands and chattles of Elijah Mitchell to settle the debts. Sheriff levied writs on the land where Elijah Mitchell was living on Nutbush & Flat Creeks, adjoining lands of John Hare, Robert Burton, Henry Lyne, William Hawkins, and James Turner, 640 acres. Turner was the highest bidder at the sale at the court house for the sum of £1823.4.4. Signed: M. Smith.
Wit: Sam Lemay, John Fussell, Acknowledged the same day by Maurice Smith.

The estate file of Thomas Critcher contains a note that Elijah Mitchel died about the year 1814. There is an estate file for Elijah Mitchell in Orange Co, NC, dated 1816, but it actually contains a lawsuit against the widow Sarah Mitchell in 1826, executed by Thomas Michell of Caswell Co over land transactions he had with Elijah and her rebuttal. One of the documents does mention that Elijah Mitchell had a will (year not mentioned) in which Thomas Falkner, late of Raleigh, was his Executor.
There is also an estate file for Elijah, 1816, in Granville Co.
Issued Sep 1816. To sheriff of Wake County to summon Thomas Falconer, Extr of Elijah Mitchel, dec'd, to appear in Granville Co at the Court House in Oxford, first Monday of March next to answer a plea of John G. Critcher of trespass on the care etc & damages of 250#'s.
First Monday of September, 1822. Issued 12 Feb 1823.
Granville Co. Subpoena on bodies of John G. Crutcher and James Downey to appear in court at Oxford, the first Monday in March to answer John Holloway, admr of Thomas Falconer, Dec'd who was Exr of Elijah Mitchell, Dec'd, of a plea they render to him 100#'s they owe and unjustly detain to his damage of $50.


Marriage3 Mar 1779Granville County, North Carolina - Sarah "Sally" Critcher


SpouseSarah "Sally" Critcher (1760 - 1837)
ChildJames C. Mitchell ( - 1835)
ChildRobert B. Mitchell ( - 1836)
FatherDavid Mitchell ( - 1789)
MotherHannah Satterwhite (1730 - 1785)
SiblingCharles Mitchell ( - 1801)