Individual Details

Richard Eustace Haden

(1808 - 1856)

Richard is a provisional son in this family. There seems to be no other place for him and Robert shows a male age 5-10 in the 1830 census in Madison Co AL, that is otherwise unidentified.

A query in an old publication stated he died in Jacksonport, Arkansas, 1856 and that his father was Robert, from Goochland.

Limestone Co AL Marriage Book 1832-1862, edited by Philip Reyer
Limestone Co Historical Society & Limestone Co Archives, 1989
First existing Marriage book - everything before 1103 was lost….
p.15, License #1132 19 Feb 1833 Richard E. Haden to Martha A. Redus, married 22 Feb 1833 by J. W. Allen

Examination of the deed index for Limestone Co revealed no entry for Richard Haden/Haden, although there were many for various members of the Redus family.

Limestone County, Alabama, formed 1818, on the border of Tennessee
1836 - De Soto Co MS formed, on the Tennesse border, just below Memphis
1836 - Marshall Co MS formed, just east of De Soto County

Tax Records of Lowndes County, Mississippi, 1833-1840; Logan & Webb, 1992
William M. Haden and his brother Robert Douglas Haden appear on these tax lists. Their father may also be list as R. D. Haden, but there is nothing to indicate both father and son were present there at the same. Also listed in 1835 was a Rich'd Haden, he was listed without land, suggesting he had paid only his own poll.

LDS Microfilm #892431, Marshall Co MS Deed Books, D, E, F
DB E, p.387
24 Aug 1838. Claibourne Kyle and Beverly G. Michell of Marshall Co to Richard E. Haden of the same. By virtue of a trust by two deeds executed by John B. Moore and Delila his wife to us in trust for James M. Boyd and others dated 13 May 1836 and others supplemental thereto bearing date 13 Nov 1836 on record in the office of the Clerk of the Probate Court. For the sum of $167 in hand paid by Richard E. Haden have sold to him the following town Lots: North ½ of Lots #372 & 373 on the plan of the town of Holly Springs, located in Section 6, T4 R2 W in the Chickasaw Cession. Signed: C. Kyle, B. G. Mitchell.
We the commissioners acting on authority of James M. Boyd do approved, this 24 Aug 1838. Signed: W. S. Randolph, L. D. Henderson, Saml. M. Corkle, John Harden.
Kyle & Mitchell acknowledged, 3 Sep 1838.
Commissioners acknowledged 20 Oct 1838
DB F, p.111
7 Oct 1838 Anderson J. Simpler have sold to Richard E. Haden for $5, the following town lots. Lot #46 in the plan of the town of Holly Springs, S 31, T3, R2 W in the Chickasaw Cession. Also part of Lot 44. begin at stake SE corner of Lot 46, stake NE corner. This deed is made for the following trust. I am indebted to James Lacy in the sum of $1000 due by bond dated 7 Nov 1838 and payable nine months after date being the purchase price for the lots hereby deeded. If I pay unto the said Lacy, then this deed to be void. But if not, then the same Richard E. Haden as trustee may after giving ten days notice at publick places may sell to the highest bidder for case. 7 Oct 1838. Signed: A. J. Simpler. Acknowledged the same day.

#892432 Marshall Co MS Deed Books G & H
DB H, p.99
15 Jul 1839. I have this day sold to Matthew McDowell a newgro woman Marrah, aged about seventeen years and her child William aged about nine months for the sum of $940. Signed: Richd E. Haden. Acknowledged same day.
DB H, p.607
25 Nov 1840 Richard E. Haden of DeSoto Co & Jordan Y. Cummings of Marshall Co, and Levi Cummings of the 2nd part. In consideration of loan from Seaborn Hargrow for $2095, convey unto Levi Cummings in trust the following property: part of lot #112 in Holly Springs. Pay by 1 Jan 1842, or Levi to sell to highest bidder.
Signed: Richard E. Haden, J. Y. Cummings, L. Cummings.
Wit: John Gutter, James H. ???. Ack 1 Dec 1840.

LDS Microfilm #282433 Marshall Co MS Deed Book J
DB J, p.21
16 Nov 1840 (blurred - very difficult to read) Richard E. Haden and Martha A. Haden of DeSoto Co to Thomas Redus of Marshall Co for $1500 the following lots. The north half of 372 & 373 in Holly Springs, S 6, T4, R2W. Signed: Richard E. Haden, Martha A. Haden.’Acknowledged 1 Dec 1840

LDS Microfilm #282434 Marshall Co MS Deed Books K & L
DB K, p.291
26 Sep 1842. Levi Cummings Trustee, and Jordan Y. Cummings. On 25 Sep 1840, Jordan Y. Cummings & Richard E. Haden conveyed to me a parcel of land in Holly Springs, Lots 112 fronting LaGrange Street. On 19 Sep 1842 after given six months notice at the time and place of sale in the Holly Springs Gazette, a newspaper published in Holly Springs, offered said lot at the court house door. Jordan Y. Cummings being the highest bidder the same was struck off to him for $2500. Signed: Levi Cummings. Ack 26 Sep 1842.

1840 Census. De Soto Co, MS
Richd Hayden: 2m under 5 (Robert & Richard), 1m 5-10 (Thomas), 1m 30-40 (Richard). 1f 20-30 (Martha)
Note: DeSoto County suffered a major loss of records in 1940. Some deeds from other counties have been collected. Microfilms #895582 and 895583. I found no Haden, or similar spelling, listed in either index. The index was incomplete, but no time to read entire films.

Marshall County MS Probate & Will Records
, Betty C. Wiltshire, 1996
Minutes of Probate Court, Vol. 2 1840-1845 (pages not numbered)
Feb 22, 1847 Petition for sale of slave Henry, belonging to the estate of Clinton L. Redus, dec’d. Heirs: Richard E. Hayden & his wife Martha Ann Hayden, Thomas M. Redus, Martha Cummings, Coldwell Cummings, Juniata Cummings, Emily P. Redus and Delia F. Redus.

1850 Census. Northern Div, Marshall Co, MS, Hh 268
Richard E. Haden, 42, b. VA
Martha Ann, 32, b. AL
Thomas J., 15, b. MS
Robert M., 13, b. TN
Richard N., 11, b. MS
Emma L., 7, b. MS
Martha A. E. B., 5, b. MS
John F., 3, b. MS
William C., 2, b. TN (I think he was more likely born in Mississippi - the next head of household was marked as born in Tennessee)
Owned 3 slaves.

His very large estate file is on He did indeed die in Jacksonport, Jackson Co, AR.
Arkansas Probate Records, 1817-1979; Jackson County, images 9-175


Marriage22 Feb 1833Limestone County, Alabama - Martha Ann Redus
Death1856Jacksonport, Jackson County, Arkansas


SpouseMartha Ann Redus (1818 - )
ChildThomas J. Haden (1835 - )
ChildRobert M. Haden (1837 - )
ChildRichard Marshall Haden (1839 - 1872)
ChildEmma L. Haden (1843 - )
ChildMartha A. E. B. "Mattie" Haden (1845 - )
ChildJohn F. Haden (1846 - 1910)
ChildWilliam Caswell Haden (1848 - 1919)
ChildDelia Frances "Fannie" Haden (1851 - )
FatherRobert D. Haden (1765 - 1832)
MotherMary H. Miller (1770 - )
SiblingWilliam M. Haden (1794 - 1860)
SiblingHon. Robert Douglas Haden (1796 - 1879)
SiblingSusan M. Haden ( - )
SiblingDr. Charles F. Haden ( - )