Individual Details


(1634 - 1690)

Some say the first wife was Mary Gardiner, daughter of George Gardiner.

Mary, Jeremiah's 2nd wife, was the widow of Thomas Cook, maiden name unknown, but thought to have been Shearman. She was very much younger than Thomas. Thomas had great-grandchildren at the time of his death and it is known that Mary Cook & Jeremiah Brown had a child born about 1689/90.

Jeremiah's first wife was also a Mary:
Early Town Records of Providence
Vol. XIV Deed Book 1, p.22 John Browne and Mary his wife to his brother Jeremiah Browne. Signed 20 Dec 1672. Jeremiah sold this property to Daniel Abbott of Providence 31 Dec 1672.

31 Mar 1680 Jeremiah Brown and Mary his wife took receipt from Oliver & Phebe Arnold of Newport for Phebe's legacy under the will of her late grandfather Thomas Cook. Thomas Cook had died in 1677 and in 1678, Mary Cook took receipt from Thomas's son John Cook [ by a prior wife] for his legacy.
Also Jeremiah & Mary Cook's first child is believed to have been born in March of 1680, so they probably married in 1679.

Jeremiah left a will, held to be invalid because it had only two witnesses. The names of all his children are not known. Those listed are named in various deeds with the exception of the son William, according to the article "Chad Browne and His Descendants" which appeared in the NEHGR, 1926.

The NEHGR articlec about Chad Browne, 1925 and 1926, suggested a daughter Mary who was married to John Paine of Newport, and cited this deed - perhaps he thought they were selling land Mary had inherited from Jeremiah Brown::
Probable daughter. Married John Paine. In 1702 John Paine of Newport and wife Mary sold to Samuel Browne land of "Jeremiah Browne late of Newport"
In The Register [NEGHR] for Jul 1951, G. Andrews Moriarty of Wells, Maine, published a correction regarding Mary. On 25 Nov 1700, Latham Clarke of Newport, merchant, sold to John Paine of Newport, saddler, 30 acres of land, by lands in the possession of William Gibson, "survivor to Jeremiah Browne of Newport, deceased". Signed by Latham and Ann Clarke; witnessed by William Browne and Daniel Vernon. So it would seem the land was bought by John Paine, and not his wife's inheritance. The Register, Vol 83, p.85, gives the dates of John Paines as born 1642, died 1704, while the children of Jeremiah Browne were born in the 1680-1690 time frame. This, too, makes it unlikely Mary, wife of John Paine, was a daughter of Jeremiah Browne.


MarriageCa 1679MARY ?Shearman
Death1690Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island
MarriageMary [BROWN]
BurialCommon Burying Ground, Newport, Newport, Rhode Island


SpouseMary [BROWN] ( - )
ChildJames Brown (1671 - )
ChildJohn Brown (1672 - )
ChildWilliam Brown (1676 - 1753)
SpouseMARY ?Shearman ( - 1691)
ChildSamuel Brown (1680 - 1762)
ChildDaniel Brown ( - 1726)
ChildJOSEPH BROWN (1685 - 1764)
ChildHannah Brown (1689 - )
FatherCHAD BROWNE ( - 1663)
SiblingJOHN BROWN (1629 - 1706)
SiblingJames Brown ( - 1683)
SiblingJudah or Chad Brown ( - 1663)
SiblingDaniel Brown ( - 1710)
