Individual Details

Amos (Moats) Baker

(Apr 1868 - 19 Mar 1943)

State of Alabama, Baker County, Special Court of Probate
May 1st 1871
This day came Mary Moats and filed her petition in writing and under oath setting forth among other things that she is a citizen of said County over the age of twenty one years a widow and the mother of Amos Moats a male minor child about the age of three years that she is desirous to bind said child as an apprentice to Alfred Baker a citizen of said County who is over the age of twenty one years.
And the said Baker having now appeared in open Court and presented his bond as required by law with Stephen Baker and John Baker as securities thereon which bond is deemed good and sufficient by the Court and the said Baker having made proof as required as required by law that he is a suitable and proper person to have the charge and care of said minor.
It is therefore ordered adjudged and decreed by the Court that the said Amos Moats be and he is hereby bound as an apprentice to said Alfred Baker until he arrives to the age of twenty one years.
It is further ordered that said petition and bond be recorded. H. Robison, Judge of Probate

I very much suspect that Amos "Moats" was, in fact, a son of Alfred Baker.
State of Alabama
Baker County
I, Alfred Baker, a citizen of said
County hereby declare and make
known to all persons whom it
may concern that I have and do hereby adopt
Amos Moats a male child of the age of 3 years
son of Mary Moats as my child and the heir of
my Estate real and Personal and that his name
shall be changed and that he hereafter be known by
the name of Amos Baker
Given under my hand this 7th day of May, 1871
Alfred Baker
Witness: Wm. H. Jones, Steven Baker

13 Sep 1886 Amos declared "of age". Had married.
In Chancery at Clanton, Chilton Co, AL. Alfred Baker asks that Amos Baker be relieved of the disabilities of non-age. Affidavits of W. M. Wilson & John Baker were presented. Amos Baker, a minor, age eighteen is to be vested with the powers to buy, sell, and convey real estate and perform all acts which he might lawfully do as if he were 21 years of age. Alfred Baker & Amos Baker to pay costs of this suit. FamilyTree:
Alfred Baker and Amos Baker Families In Indian Territory
Mary Blanche Baker Latham often mentioned the time her family went to Oklahoma (“Indian Territory”) for the “Land Rush”. In her account, she relayed that as a very small child she had seen her first “wild Indian” in Oklahoma and how the experience had “scared her to death”.
According to her, the entire family consisting of her grandfather and grandmother(Alfred Baker Sr, and Mary Ann Johnson), her parents( Amos Baker and Emily Baker), and her brother( Ollie A Baker) had all made the trip to Oklahoma. The family returned to Alabama because “they couldn’t find any decent land”.
Mary Ann Johnson Moatts Baker's Confederate Widows Pension application verifies the story.
The following Chilton County, Alabama newspaper accounts also seem to verify her story:
From: “The Chilton View” November 17, 1892
“ Amos Baker and his family are on a visit to relatives in this vicinity. Amos says his father expects to return from Indian Territory soon and will remain here. While they like the wild west as a farming country, they found it difficult to give up old associations.”
From: “The Chilton View” December 1, 1892
“ Mr. Alfred Baker who moved from this place to Indian Territory about a year ago has returned and will reside here permanently.”

1900 Census. Stanton, Chilton, AL, Hh 403
Amos M. Baker, b. Apr 1868, age 32, married 15 years
Emily, wife, b. Sep 1869, age 30, 2 children
Alice, dau, b. Jun 1887, age 12 (this was a male - Ollie). Mary B., dau, b. Jun 1889, age 10

1910 Census. Birmingham Ward 15, Jefferson, AL
Amos Baker 41. Emele, age 41
Ollie Baker, age 22

1911 Birmingham City Directory
Baker, Amos M., (Emily), motorman, Home - 1012 Rising Ave, G (Graymont)

1920 Census. Birmingham, Jefferson, AL
Amos Baker, 50, Motorman, Street Railway. Emily, wife, 50.

1930 Census. Prec 9, Jefferson, AL, Hh 171
Amos M. Baker, age 61, married at age 17, Manager of a Dairy.
Emily,wife, age 61, married at age 17
William O., son, age 13 [no son of this age known - he is much more likely a grandson]

1940 Census. Powderly, Prec 9, Jefferson, AL, Hh 246
330 7th St - lived in same house in 1935
Amos M. Baker, age 71. Emily, wife, age 71
Hh 247
410 7th St - lived in same house in 1935
Ollie A. Baker, age 52. Ethel, wife, age 37. Operator, Dairy

Ancestry FamilyTree:
Alfred Baker and Amos Baker Families In Indian Territory
Mary Blanche Baker Latham often mentioned the time her family went to Oklahoma (“Indian Territory”) for the “Land Rush”. In her account, she relayed that as a very small child she had seen her first “wild Indian” in Oklahoma and how the experience had “scared her to death”.
According to her, the entire family consisting of her grandfather and grandmother(Alfred Baker Sr, and Mary Ann Johnson), her parents (Amos Baker and Emily Baker), and her brother (Ollie A Baker) had all made the trip to Oklahoma. The family returned to Alabama because “they couldn’t find any decent land”.
Mary Ann Johnson Moatts Baker's Confederate Widows Pension application verifies the story.
The following Chilton County, Alabama newspaper accounts also seem to verify her story:
From: “The Chilton View” November 17, 1892
“ Amos Baker and his family are on a visit to relatives in this vicinity. Amos says his father expects to return from Indian Territory soon and will remain here. While they like the wild west as a farming country, they found it difficult to give up old associations.”
Fr om: “The Chilton View” December 1, 1892
“ Mr. Alfred Baker who moved from this place to Indian Territory about a year ago has returned and will reside here permanently.”

Death record states parents as Alfred Baker and Mary Johnson, both born in Chilton Co, AL; Emily Baker, age 72, wife. Cause of death noted as "Senile, myocardial weakness". Son Ollie was the informant. Buried Walnut Creek Methodist Church Cemetery, Chilton County, AL.


BirthApr 1868Alabama
Marriage19 Dec 1885Troup County, Georgia - Emily Baker
Death19 Mar 1943Jefferson County, Alabama


SpouseEmily Baker (1868 - 1948)
ChildOllie A. Baker (1887 - 1963)
ChildMary Blanche Baker (1889 - 1976)
FatherAlfred Baker (1828 - 1896)
MotherMary Ann Johnson (1838 - 1925)
SiblingElijah Cary Baker (1878 - 1963)