Individual Details

Sarah Frances Brown

(12 May 1850 - 19 Dec 1922)

This marriage was not recorded in the family Bible. There was a newspaper obituary placed in the Bible with Sarah Frances' marriage date and date of death.
McDonald Co Marriage Book B: BROWN,Sary F., DAVIDSON,John, Jan 2, 1868, Jonathan Owens, MG

Goodspeed's List of Taxpayers in 1861 includes Sarah Davidson Township 23, Range 30.

Murphy & Rebekah Brown gave land to each of their children at the time of their marriage. This was somewhat interrupted during the years of the Civil War.
Book I – Deed Record – McDonald Co., Missouri
Know all men by these presents that we John Davidson and Sarah Frances Davidson the wife of the said John Davidson of Barry County in the State of Missouri have this day for and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Dollars to the said John Davidson in hand paid by Rebeca Pondexter Brown of the county of McDonald in the State of Missouri granted bargained and sold and by these presents do grant bargain and sell unto the said Rebecca Pondexter Brown the following described or tract or parcel of land. Situate I the county of McDonald and State of Missouri that is to say being their interest in the undivided east half of the south west fractional quarter and the North West quarter of the South west fractional quarter of Section (8) eight in Township Twenty three of Range Twenty nine containing one hundred and seventeen and fifty three hundreths of an acre and the Southwest quarter of the Southwest fractional quarter and the Southwest quarter of the Northwest fractional quarter of Section Eight in Township Twenty three of Range twenty nine containing seventy eight acres and 28 hundreths of an acre and the West half of the Southeast fractional quarter and the southeast quarter of the Northwest fractional quarter of Section eight in Township Twenty three Range twenty nine containing one hundred and seventeen acres and forth seven hundreths of an acre to have and to hold the premises hereby conveyed with all the rights privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging or in any wise appertaining unto the said Rebecca Pondexter Brown her heirs and assigns forever the said John Davidson hereby covenanting to and with the said Rebecca Brown her heirs and assigns for herself her heirs executors and administrators to warrant and defend the title to the premises hereby conveyed against the claim of every person whatsoever in witness whereof we have hereto subscribed our names and affixed our seals this the 4th day of May 1872.
John Davidson (seal)
Sarah F. Davidson (seal)
State of Missouri
County of McDonald} Be it remembered that John Davidson and Sarah Frances Davidson his wife who are personally known to the undersigned a Justice of the Peace within and for said county to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within deed as parties thereto this day appeared before me and acknowledged that they executed and delivered the same as their voluntary act and deed for the use and purposes therein contained and the said Sarah Francis Davidson being by me made acquainted with the contents of said deed acknowledged on an examination apart from her said husband that she executed the same freely and without compulsion or undue influence of her said husband. Given under my hand this the 4th day of May 1872. John H. Ware, JP
Filed for record Dec 5th 1879 at 8 o’clock am.
A M Dillin, Recorder by Wm Blanchard DR
Clerks note. In the foregoing deed in the 16th 17 or 18th lines the words “the east half and the northwest quarter of the north quarter of the north half of the north east qr of the southwest 1r and” nave been crossed out by having a line drawn through them and in the acknowledgement in the 14th or 15th lines the words “and relinquishes her dower in the real estate therein mentioned” is crossed out by having a violet colored line run through them. A. M. Dillin Recorder
The land in this deed was originally purchased by Murphy Brown on 1 Nov 1852 and 10 Mar 1856.

In 1900, Sarah told the census enumerator that she'd had 10 children, all living; 5 were still at home.

Wheaton Journal, Wheaton, MO, Friday, Dec 22, p.1
Again we are called to announce the death of one of our town, Mrs. Sarah Francis Brown Davidson. The death angels came and claimed her spirit Tuesday, Dec. 19 after some two months of illness. She bore her sufferings with much patience and often said she was ready to go, her only regret being to leave her children. She was 72 years, 7 months, and 7 days old. She was married to John Davidson, January 2, 1868, who preceded her to the great beyond on March 26, 1921. She is survived by one brother, L. G. Brown and one sister, Mrs. Bell Carter and ten children, five boys and five girls whose names are Mrs. Fannie Sampson, Ozzie Davidson, Josie Hendon, Lonzo, Monrow, Rosco, Oscar Davidson, Myrtle Goostree, Mollie Daniels, and Lola Hill; all of whom are living and were with her during her illness. She leaves 29 grand children and two great grand children. She was converted to the faith that is in Christ Jesus 32 years ago, and lived a true Christian life....

Rocky Comfort
Mrs. Sarah Davidson died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. G. Goosetree, in Wheaton, Tuesday night, Dec. 19. She had been in poor health for several months. Deceased was 72 years, 7 months and 7 days old. She leaves ten children, five boys and five girls, and a large number of other relatives and friends to mourn her departure. The children are as follows: Roscoe Davidson, Mrs. J. T. Sampson [Fannie], Mrs. J. A. Hendon [Rebecca] and Mrs. O. O. Hill of Rocky Comford, and T.O., Oscar, Mon and Lon Davidson and Mrs. H. G. Goosetree [Myrtle] and Mrs. P. E. Daniels of Wheaton. Funeral services were held at the Baptist Church in Rocky Comfort Wednesday aftermoon, conducted by Rev. E. C. Tiebenor. Interment made in the Rocky Comfort Cemetery.

Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers
The Monett Times, Monett, Barry Co, MO, 29 Dec 1922
Rocky Comfort
Same article that appeared in the Cassville Democrat above


Birth12 May 1850Missouri
Marriage2 Jan 1868John Davidson
Death19 Dec 1922


SpouseJohn Davidson (1842 - 1912)
ChildFannie Jane Davidson (1870 - 1943)
ChildThomas Ozro "Ozzie" Davidson (1872 - 1947)
ChildRebecca Josephine Davidson (1874 - 1945)
ChildAlonzo Davidson (1876 - 1935)
ChildMonroe Davidson (1878 - )
ChildRosco Davidson (1881 - 1933)
ChildOscar Elmer Davidson (1883 - 1957)
ChildMollie Davidson (1886 - 1960)
ChildMyrtle Davidson (1886 - )
ChildLola Davidson (1887 - 1971)
FatherMURPHY BROWN (1816 - 1863)
SiblingRichard Jones Brown (1837 - 1839)
SiblingElizabeth Bridget Brown (1839 - 1839)
SiblingWilliam Clayborn Brown (1840 - 1860)
SiblingMIRANDA JANE BROWN (1842 - 1912)
SiblingEzekiel Wilson Brown (1843 - 1863)
SiblingJohn Reed Brown (1845 - 1889)
SiblingNancy Emeline Brown (1847 - 1864)
SiblingMary Catherine Brown (1848 - 1864)
SiblingJoel Brown (1852 - 1852)
SiblingLemuel Green Brown (1855 - 1923)
SiblingMonervia Magdalene Brown (1856 - 1857)
SiblingRobert Thomas Brown (1858 - 1858)
SiblingRebekah Ann Brown (1860 - 1860)
SiblingEliza Isabel "Belle" Brown (1862 - 1934)
