Individual Details

Willemptje Pieterse Wyckoff

(1651 - 6 Aug 1693)

Adrian came to New Netherlands in 1660, was a member of the Reformed Dutch Church of Flatlands in 1666, took the Oath of Allegiance in 1687, appeared on the assessment rolls of 1693 for Flatlands, and on the census there in 1698.


Birth1651Flatlands, Kings County, Long Island, New York
Death6 Aug 1693
MarriageAdrian Pieterse Kinne


SpouseAdrian Pieterse Kinne ( - )
FatherPieter Claesen (van Norden) Wyckoff (1625 - 1695)
MotherGrietje Van Ness (1624 - 1689)
SiblingNicholas Claes Pieterse Wyckoff (1646 - 1714)
SiblingMarrietje Pieters Wyckoff (1648 - )
SiblingAnnetje Pieterse Wyckoff (1650 - 1688)
SiblingCornelius Pieterse Wyckoff (1656 - 1746)
SiblingHendrick Claesen Wyckoff (1658 - 1744)
SiblingGeertje Claesen Wyckoff (1660 - )
SiblingGarret Pieterse Wyckoff (1662 - 1707)
SiblingMarten Wyckoff (1663 - 1707)
SiblingJan Pieterse Wyckoff (1665 - 1746)