Individual Details
( - Abt 1692)
Baptism, St. Saviour, Isle of Jersey, 23 Dec 1627. Godparents: Thomas Poingdestre and Marie Effard. Parents, Thomas Poingdestre and Elizabeth Effard.
The manor home of the Poingdestre's, built about 1600, still stands on the Isle of Jersey. It is now called Swan Farm after one of the more recent owners. Probably George was born in this home shortly before his baptism 23 Dec 1627 at the Church of St. Saviour.
From the years 1645 until 1660, the records of St. Saviour were poorly kept. There are no marriages in that period. Baptisms were recorded by Thomas Poindestre "on account of the nonchalance of the clerk" 1652-54. This would have been the period of George's marriage and possible births of children.
George was probably married by 1650; birth of 1st child c. 1651
George is believed to have immigrated to Virginia Colony, possibly along with his uncle Jean [John] Poindestre and probably with his cousin Peter Effard. Jean returned by 1654 as he presented a child for Baptism late in that year. He served on the vestry of St. Saviour 1656 and at least part of 1657.
There are records of cows being shipped from the Isle of Jersey to the Virginia Colony in 1657 - George and Peter Effard were both involved in this effort. Some ships kept cows on board for the maintenance of the officers and families on long voyages. Some of the cows were undoubtedly left in the Virginia Colony.
From 1657 to 1659, Jean Poingdestre does not appear in the Jersey records - did he return to the Colonies?
The Jersey Land Registry has been filmed by LDS and one of the Poindexter researchers spent some time going through these films to find the following evidence of Poindexters:
27 Jun 1657 Pierre Effard, procurer of George Poindexter, younger son of Thomas, arranged for payment of wheat in exchange for lease of lands which were part of George's elder brother Philippe's inheritance.
28 Aug 1675 George Poindexter, younger son of Thomas, sold part of his inheritance to Pierre Poindexter in return for wheat, in the presence of Edouard Poindexter, son of the later Philippe Poindext, elder son and main heir of Thomas.
28 Aug 1675 George Poindexter, younger son of Thomas sold part of his inheritance from Thomas and his aunt Marie Poindexter to Edouard Poindexter for wheat.
Also from the Jersey Land Registry, Book 24, p.106
18 Aug 1675 Master George Poingdestre, younger son of the late Thomas Poingdestre and of Mistress Elizabeth Effard, his wife, still living, have determined to make his habitation in Virginia has wavred before his departure from this island to recognise and thank Jean Poingdestre and Marie Poingdestre his sister, children of the late Master Jacob Poingdestre his brother with what everything that he or his heirs may have or could claim in this island.
In consideration of the affection and goodwill which he bears towards them and for good reasons moving unto him he has quit ceded his heirs to the said Jean ...and Marie Poingdestre, present and acceptance, half & half and to their heirs, by way of a gift between me living all and such share, part and portion of inheritance entirely and generally without exception of reservation upon the death of the said Mistress Elizabeth Effard, his mother, so that neither he nor his hers may claim or demand anything from it; it being seen that he leaves it absolutely to said nephew and niece to be divided half & half between them according to what is found at the time of the said death, to the favour we offering and accomplishing thereof the said George Poingdestre obliges himself, for him and heirs according to the contents of the foregoing. I do swear. Signed: George Poingdestre
One wonders about the dates of the three records on 18 Aug 1675 - George seems to have been in America some years prior since he received a land grant in 1657. Did he make a brief return trip to Jersey?
In Payne's "Armorial of Jersey", George is listed among the children of Thomas Poingdestre, with the notation "Settled in Virginia, NA" It is believed he traveled to England and stayed for a time before emigrating to America.
Following land grant: "George Poyndexter and George Thompson 350 acres in Gloucester County at the head of Eagle Nest Creek in Milford Haven, adjoining the lands of Richard Long and Conglins; March 15, 1657" "The Virginia Magazine of History & Biography", Vol. XIX, No. 3, p.326
From "Cavaliers & Poineers 1623-1666", p.363: The above grant was for the transport of 7 persons: Mary Joanes, 1 Negro, Elizabeth Depthford, Jno. ___, Alex Duncombe, Christian Bensly, and James Knuckley
In 1659, George Poindexter was listed as a resident of Middle Plantation, Virginia Colony
York Co VA Records 1659-1662, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1989
Court Aug 24, 1659
p.23 Henry Townsend, for good considerations, especially for rent make over to Robert Horsington, 125a on south side Mill Swamp, next to George Poyntexter. 21 Nov 1659
Signed: Henry Townsen Wit: Mary White, John Redniye. Rec. 24 Jan 1659
8 Nov 1660 Peter Efford gave deposition and stated his age as 49.
At Court 24 Jun 1661
p.79 Robert Weekes appointed Constable in place of George Poyntexter, by Capt. Daniel Parke
Court 25 Aug 1662
p.138 Dr. 1662
Mr. John Page
Goods pd to George Poyntexter by his order, goods bought of Nicholas Seabrell with my money, freight paid for gun bought for William Morris.
To division on Mr. Poyntextor - 5s
To a pr of stockins - 7s
By charged to Mr. Efford by Mr Page, which he ought not to have paid 1.4.11
York Co VA Records, 1665-1672, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
26 Mar 1663 At General Court, James City. Difference between Maj. Joseph Croshaw, attorney on behalf of Edward Wyatt & Peter Efford concerning land escheated. The land was legally established as Wyatt's, who paid, and a lease is ordered granted to him and during the rest of the time Efford is to make no waste on the land and keep housing in repair.
Records of Colonial Gloucester Co VA, Polly Cary Mason
15 Apr 1663 York Co Deeds, Orders, Wills, IV, p.46 Power of Attorney from Edward Wyatt to Joseph Croshaw. "too enter into the County of York [tract] know by name of "middle plantation" in the possession of Peter Efford, George Poindexter, Jno Page or any other persons sell or lease the sd tracts of land. Edw. Wyatt.
Edward Wyatt had patented John Clarke's land as escheated land, but his title was not clear. See below, 22 Mar 1675/6, when the York Co Court decided the land belonged to John Clarke in England, a nephew of John Clarke, dec'd.
York Co VA Records, 1665-1672, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
1 Apr 1664 Peter Effard of Middletown Parish, York Co for love and affection to my young coz. Jno. Poindexter, son of my coz. George Poindexter, a mare, and her foal to my coz. Elizabeth Poindexter.
1 Apr 1664 Agreement with Peter Effard concerning lease of farm in York Co.
1 Apr 1665 Peter Efford, for love & affection to my cosen George Poyndexter, a dark brown cow, 7 yrs. old. Rec. 13 Apr 1665.
Jersey Sailing Ships, Jean John, 1982
George Poindexter listed among "Merchants & Shipowners of local origin before 1800"
Abstracted. PDA has complete transcript of will of Peter Efford, filed in London.
24 Aug 1665. Will of Peter Efford. To son Nicholas and daughter Sarah, both under age, all my good & personal things over in the plantation of Virginia, and 100£ equally divided. If they die under 21, then to my overseer Mr. David Prebend of Windsor. Will proved 2 Oct 1666.
York Co VA Records, 1665-1672, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
4 Nov 1665 George Poindexter appointed by Robert Bristow of Ware Parish, Gloucester Co as his attorney, to receive of John Woods & William Plumtree tobacco due by bill.
6 Dec 1666 John Weldon of Parish of Mary Newington in Co of Surry [England], surviving executor of Peter Efford, dec'd, and guardian to Sarah Efford, only surviving child of Peter. On 1 Apr 1664, Peter Efford of Middletown Parish, York Co, let to farm to George Poindexter, for a term not yet expired, a plantation in Middle Plantation. Also by agreement, 1 Apr 1664, Benjamin Burke should dwell on plantation of said Efford in Powhatan in York Co for a term not yet expired. Appoints Richard Stocke of London, Merchant, his attorney to obtain from Poindexter & Burke and all others, what is due the estate.
Records of Colonial Gloucester Co VA, Polly Cary Mason
8 Jan 1667/8 York Co Deeds, Orders, Wills, IV p.166
Deed. Edward Wyatt to George Poindexter, all the land he has in middle plantation. His wife Jane assigned her dower rights.
York Co VA Records 1665-1672
Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
Edward Wyatt of Goucester Gent. Sell to George Poindexter my right at Middle Plantation for 47# 8 Jan 1667
Signed: Edward Wyatt Wit: Matt Kemp, Richard Croshaw
I assign my thirds of above land to George Poindexter.
Signed: Jane Wyatt Wit: Matt Kemp, Richard Croshaw
We Edward & Jane Wyatt appt friend Capt. Richard Croshaw our atty in sale of land to Mr. George Poindexter. 8 Jan 1667
Signed: Edward wyatt, Jane Wyatt Wit: Matt Kemp, Jane Hough
York Co VA Records, 1665-1672, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
24 Jan 1669 Andrew Michell & John Rumbell arrested for killing a hog. Jur: George Pendexter
Robert Moody allowed as witness for Mr. Pendexter 40# tobo
John Webber, witness for Mr. Pendexter, allowed 80#'s tobo. For two days
10 Nov 1670 George Poindexter sold Mathew Bullock one black horse.
Wit: George Poindexter Jr. Signed: Geo. Poindexter [George Jr. would have needed to be at least 14 to serve as witness]
Court held 24 Mar 1670/71 Petition of Mr George Poindexter, reference granted at suit of Thomas Payne to next court.
Court held 24 Apr 1671
Difference bet Thomas Payne & George Poindexter is dismist, each to pay his own charge
Court Apr 24 1671
Martha Bullocke, age 30, deposes that she heard Thomas Payne say he had given Mr. George Poindexter #20 and his share of the crop for freedom of his wife, and said Payne thanked God he was clear of him. Signed: Martha (MB) Bullocke
Robert Jones, age 24, saith that Thomas Payne did say he was to give Mr George Poindexter 20# and his share of the crop and said he made such agreement. Signed Robert Jones
York Co VA Records, 1672-1676, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
13 Apr 1672 George Poindexter granted certificate for 1210 acres of land for importation of 23 persons, John Crishlone, William Loving, Sylle Hayes, Esten Jones, Andrew Kerle, William Leach, Jno. Robinson, Forge Fizell, Robert Kidwell, Robert Jones, John ____, ____ Browne, Michell Perkins, Hannah Silbay, Susannah Poindexter, Mary Bucks, Anne Allen, Anne Mooore, John Jones, Elisha Hord, Ruth Brightwell, Tom a negro, Nanne a negro. The list included Robert Jones, a bound servant to Poindexter, as shown next.
24 Apr 1673 Robert Jones, servant to Mr. George Poindexter produced certificate from the office at Gravesend, where he was bound. It appeared he had served his full time and was to be freed and to have his corn and clothes paid & delived to him.
George had other bound servants: 13 Apr 1672, Samuel Westly, servant to Mr. George Poindexter, imported in the "Rebecca", Capt. Christopher Evoling, Commander, was adjudged age 16 and is to serve until 24.
25 May 1674 Martin Gardner on behalf of Henry Tiler, dec'd. George Poindexter felled and carried away timber from Henry's land. Commissioners appointed to view the damage since the death of Tiler
22 Jun 1674 Morris Heard, Robert Cobbs, George Bates, Christopher Pierson, Peter Glanister, & Robert Reader did meet on the land of the orphans of Henry Tiler, dec'd to view damage done by Mr. George Poindexter and viewed the damages to be 500#'s tobacco.
24 Jul 1674 George Poindexter was ordered to pay Mr. Martin Gardiner, father in law [stepfather] and guardian of said orphan, 500 #'s tobacco, and to pay 230 #'s to the witnesses and 240#'s to the viewers.
24 Feb 1674/5 Will of Henry Townsend of Burton Parish, York Co. gave to Mathew Edwards, servant Thomas Dason, to serve two years from the time he was bought from Mr. George Poindexter.
p.131 Court held 25 Oct 1675 Thomas Bourke, having illegally absented himself from his master, George Poindexter, for 5 weeks, it is ordered he serve 10 weeks after the expiration of his service, and he is to make good what charges his master incurred.
p. 158 Court Held 1 Mar 1675/6 Hugh Steare, servant to Mr. George Poindexter, imported in the “Planters Adventure” is adj age 17 and is to serve to age 24. Jonathan Tickaray, servant to Mr. George Poindexter, imported same as above is adj age 16 and is to serve to age 24.
28 Aug 1675 George Poindexter was apparentley visiting his mother, etc. on the Isle of Jersey and wrote a letter concerning his prospective inheritance upon the death of his mother, Misstress Elizabeth Effard. He divided property and goods equally between nephew, Jean Poingdestre, and niece Marie Poingdestre.
Isle of Jersey Land Registry, Bk 24, p.106
York Co VA Records, 1672-1676, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
25 Oct 1675 Thomas Bourke, illegally absented himself from his master, George Poindexter, for 5 weeks. He was ordered to serve 10 weeks after the expiration of his service and to make good what charges his master had incurred.
22 Mar 1675/6 The land Poindexter & Otho Thorpe owned at Middle Planation was decided by the General Court of York County to legally belong to John Clarke of Kent Co in England, nephew of John Clarke, dec'd.
Otho Thorpe's house was used as the gathering place for a great number of people in response to Nathaniel Bacon Jr's summons ....Bacon's Rebellion...Thorpe later claimed his home was commandeered and requested reparations for items "stolen" from his house and cargo which Bacon's troops had confiscated from his ship "Planters Adventure".
York Co VA Records, 1672-1676, Benjamin B. Weisiger III, 1987
In 1676 George imported Hugh Steare aboard the "Planters Adventure". He was adjudge age 17 and was ordered to serve until age 24. Jonathan Tickaray was imported on the same ship; judged 16 and also to serve to age 24.
George Poindexter, as well as Nathaniel Bacon Sr, were part owners in "Planters Adventure", a Virginia built ship.
In 1679, George Poindexter was appointed Vestryman of Bruton Parish, Middle Plantation. His first appearance there although the Parish was formed in 1674.
In 1678, St. Peter's Church Parish was established - records of George would later to found there.
1691 New Kent County established
2 Jul 1681. St. Peter's Parish. Registration of birth of a slave owned by George Poindexter. His first listing at St. Peter's.
29 Nov 1683 The brick church at Middle Plantation was finished. There is a bronze memorial on the will commemorating the Vestry of 1674-1683 who erected the first brick church. George Poyndexter's name is there.
1685 George Poindexter built his home "Christ's Cross" or "Criss Cross" - one of the six oldest homes still standing and occupied in Virginia. The congregation of St. Peter's Parish met at Criss Cross until their church was complete in 1701.
St. Peter's Parish Vestry Book
6 Nov 1685 Accounts paid. To Mr. Poindexter on acct for Surplice & 2000 : 6: nailes - pd 925 lb. tobacco
May 1689 Mr. Poindexter, SR and Mr. Poindexter, JR selected a processioners.
12 May 1690 Geo. Poindexter Senr chosen & elected as a vetryman in room of Mr. Thom. Mitchell, deceased, p.23
20 Nov 1690 George Poindexter refused to serve on Vestry, p.26
Next Vestry meeting was Nov 1691.
16 Jun 1691 Said to have written his will - Questionable - not likely in a Vesty Register! Not in the Vestry Minutes.
1 Feb 1693 Registration of birth of a slave owned by Mrs. Susan Poindexter [George apparently died sometime between May of 1690 and Feb of 1693.]
15 Jul 1693 Burial of Susana Poindexter.
Another daughter Elizabeth who married George Hunt is seen in some databases - she was the daughter of George the II, NOT this George.
Spouse | SUSANNA ?NICOLLE (1630 - 1698) |
Child | George Poindexter II (1650 - 1737) |
Child | John Poindexter (1652 - ) |
Child | Elizabeth POINDEXTER (1664 - ) |
Child | THOMAS POINDEXTER (1664 - 1707) |
Child | Sarah Poindexter (1666 - ) |
Father | THOMAS POINGDESTRE (1581 - 1669) |
Mother | ELIZABETH EFFARD ( - ) |
Sibling | Philip Poingdestre ( - 1665) |
Sibling | Jacob Poingdestre ( - 1675) |
Sibling | Rachel Poingdestre ( - ) |
1. John Poindexter Landers, STB, MA, Poingdestre-Poindexter: A Norman Family Through the Ages 1250-1977 (Robert Downs Poindexter; Printed by Von Boeckmann-Jones, Austin, TX [1975]), p.21.
2. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
3. John Poindexter Landers, STB, MA, Poingdestre-Poindexter: A Norman Family Through the Ages 1250-1977 (Robert Downs Poindexter; Printed by Von Boeckmann-Jones, Austin, TX [1975]), p. 84-91.
4. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
5. Early-Poindexters-in-America Research Committee. Reports published in the PDA [Poindexter Descendants Assocation] Newsletter, Vol. VII, No. 3, p.20-25 [Jul 1988].