Individual Details


(3 Apr 1737 - 1805)

John - Son of William and Mary Perkins born April 3, Baptism on May 7, 1737.

Family moved from New Kent County to Goochland in time to have the 3rd son Jesse baptized in 1766.

Goochland DB 12
p.93 29 Dec 1777 John Payne to John Perkins. 245£ 12sh 6p. Tract of 327 12 acres. Begin corner Black Oak on Wiat Wilkinson, Wm George on the side of a branch of Lickinghole Creek; thence on Wm George or Stephen Sampson… John Martins, his line; corner on William Britts, his line to George Richardsons, his line to William Mitchells. Across the upper fork of Lickinghole Creek, land said William Mitchell purchased of James Gissham Estate, Wiat Wilkersons line. Part of a larger tract.
Signed: John Payne
Wit: George Richardson, Wm. H.Miller, Rueben Mitchell. Jesse Lacey
16 Mar 1778 Ack by John Payne

23 Apr 1778 Wiat Wilkinson to John Perkins 140£ 150 acres. Corner James George's line …Robert Cardsin 's line, John Salmond's line, the creek, said Perkins line.
Signed: Wiat Wilkinson, Mary Wilkinson
Wit: Archibald Bryrd Junr.
Robert Cardin
John (x) Sammons
Archelaus Perkins
Ack by Wilkerson, 15 Jun 1778

Goochland DB 13
p.229 11 Sept 1782 Martin Mims to John Perkins. 120£. Tract of 50 acres bounded on Benjamin Salmons, Robert Cardin & John Perkins. Signed: Martin Mims
Wit: Reuben Michell, Archs Perkins, Henry Mullins
16 Sept 1782 Proved by witnesses

Goochland DB 14
p.20 Inventory of debts that appear on the books of Reuben Mitchell deceased.
Names include: Thomas Mitchell, Edmumd Mitchell, George Mitchell, Abner Mitchell, Archelaus Perkins, John Britt, John Perkins, Nathaniel Perkins, James Perkins, etc.
Inventory of Estate of Reuben Mitchell appraised, 12 Apr 1784
John Perkins, William Page, James Holman.
19 Apr 1784 presented in court.

p.200 Appraisal of estate of Robert Carden. John Perkins, Henry Mullins, William Britt Presented in Court 17 Oct 1785

p.234 22 Oct 1785 Wm Chick & Jane Chick his wife of the County of James City to John Perkins. 300£. Tract on Branches of Lickinghole Creek, 254 acres. Bounded: Martin Sampson & Perkins; corner John Thurston; meanders of branch; Pulliam & Cardin; corner to John Perkins. Signed: William Check
Wit: Archs. Perkins, Wm. H. Miller, Charles Kerr
20 Feb 1786 Proved by oaths of witnesses

p.237 16 Feb 1786 John Perkins to Archelaus Perkins. 5sh and for love & affection to his son. 263 ½ acres on waters of Lickinghold Creek. Begin corner of Benjamin Salmon & John Perkins; Robert Cardin & William Check; Chick's line; Stephen Sampson; Sampson & John Martin; prong of Lickinghole Creek, its meanders.
Signed: John Perkins
Ack. By John Perkins, 20 Feb 1786

p.239 20 Feb 1786 John Perkins to William Perkins for 10£. Tract on branches of Lickinghole Creek. Meanders of branch; Jenning Pulliam; Pulliam & Cardin; John Perkins'; Martin Sampson & Perkins; Carters Ferry Road; corner on John Houston; corner on Elam. 255 acres.
Ack. By John Perkins 20 Feb 1786

p.241 March Court 1785. Geo. Robards, Nathl. Massie, William H. Miller, Wm Britt, John Perkins or any three to lay off dower of Jane Matthews, relict & widow of Edward Matthews
Done 29 Mar 1785 by Massie, Miller & Perkins
20 Feb 1786. Presented in court

p.287 Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor at the Court House for parish of St. James Northam for laying the Parish levy. Friday 26 May 1786.
Present: Gideon Hatcher, Robert H. Saunders, Benjn. Hughes, John Curd, John Shelton, Thos. F. Bates, Stephen Sampson, Jno Perkins, Gent.
Ordered that Stephen Sampson, Gent. Make the above collections & disburseents.

p.342 1 Aug 1786 Ancel George to John Perkins of Trinity Parish in Louisa Co. 150£. 174 acres whereon the said George now lives. Begin head of a drain on Louisa Co line. Signed: Ancel George Ann George
Wit: Richard Johnson, Jesse Perkins, ???? (her X mark) Perkins
16 Oct 1786 Presented & court & proved by Richard Johnson, Jesse Perkins & ?Hannah Perkins.

p.346 Dr. Estate of Nathl Perkins dec'd to John Perkins given to Sarah Perkins to Boarding Sarah Perkins her daughter …for 6 years
Expense for Schooling with John Poor; spelling book, bonnet, sundries
Examined by Samule Cosby, Archsd Bryce, George Richardson, 11 Nov 1786
Oct Court 1786. Account of John Perkins as Guardian to Sarah Perkins daughter of Nathl Perkins dec'd. reported to court.
20 Nov 1786. Ordered recorded.

p.410 Meeting of the Overseers of the Poor…. 2 Apr 1787 for laying the Parrish Levy. Present: Benjamin Hughes, John Curd, Stephen Sampson, Nathaniel Massie, John Perkins, Robert H. Saunders, Frances T. Bates, Gent. William Royster, Gent. To make collection of above
20 May 1787 Ordered recorded

p.440 Justices sent to get dower release … Waite Wilkerson & Mary his wife, 23 Apr 1778 sold 150 acres to John Perkins. Mary cannot travel
16Jul 1787 Relinquishment of Mary Wilkerson presented to court.

p.481 John Perkins and Jno Poor were two of the winesses to the will of Edmond (x) Duke, 10 Apr 1787. Jno Poor was also one of the witnesses who proved the will

p.512 Est of Nathl Perkins dec'd. John Perkins Guardian, Sarah his Daughter.
7 Dec 1787

Goochland DB 15, p. 137
Order of Sept Court 1788. Examine accounts
Sary Perkins daughter of Nathl Perkins dec'd to John Perkins her guardian.
Examined by Geo Richardson, Archd. Bryce 16 Oct 1788
20 Oct 1788 Ordered recorded
I would assume this to be this John Perkins as Nathaniel was his brother.

Goochland DB 15, p.286
Jul 20 1789
Motion of John Perkins, ordered that William H. Miller, George Richardson, Smith Payne & George W Payne or any three do view the way on which the said Perkins proposes his road from James Robards to the Main road and report.
Ret. 21 Sep 1789, Ordered recorded

p.544 13 Jun 1791 John Perkins to William Michell. 150£. Tract on Lickingwhole Creek, 150 acres.. Begin on one of branches of Lickinghole Creek, running on my line to William Britt & myself, on sd Britts line, Brit & George Richardson, said Richardsons line, to the aforsd Wm Michell. Signed: John Perkins
Wit: Jos. Payne, Thos. Michell, William Perkins, Archs. Perkins
18 Jul 1791 Ack by John Perkins

Goochland DB 16
13 Jun 1791 William Michell to John Perkins. 150£. tract on waters of Lickinghole Creek, 150 acres. Branch of Creek running to corner on Robert Pages & myself, James Robards, Robard & Archs Perkins, branch of Lickinghole. Signed: Wm Michell
Wit: Jas Payne, Wm Perkins, Thos. Michell, Archs. Perkins
18 Jul 1791, proved by Archelaus & William Perkins.
19 Dec 1791 further proved by Thomas Michell. And ordered recorded

Goochland Co Court March 19 1792
John Britt, William H. Miller, John Perkins & Archibald [sic] Perkins or any three to appraise slaves and personal estate of Abraham Poor.

22 May 1792
Wm Johnson, Samuel Richardson, Thomas Michell, Stephen Granger, John Perkins, Archelas Perkins & John Thomas or any five view a way proposed for turning the road the way thro Solomon Williams plantation on a near way that the said Williams shall propose to them to lead from the little Byrd Creek to New Market.
Following are of the opinion that the new way proposed by Solomon Williams will be attended with no inconvenience to the publick and are of the opinion that the old way through the plantation will be attended with considerable disadvantage . 31 May 1792.
Said Williams obliges himself to open the said new way according to law.
Signed: Wm Johnson, John Perkins, Saml. Richardson, Thos. Michell, Archs. Perkins.
Returned 18 Jun 1792

20 Feb 1792 John Perkins, Archelaus Perkins & Sollomon Williams & Stephen Grainge or any three to appraise estate of David Layne dec'd.
Appraisal signed by John Perkins, A. Perkins, Stephn. Grainge. 7 Jul 1792
Returned to Court 16 Jul 1792

20 Feb 1792 Nathl. Holland & David Hudson ordered that Thos. Miller, Wm. R. Fleming, Archd. Bryce, John Perkins & George Richardson or any three appraise the accounts of John Barnerd & Walter Clopton as admin of Benjamin Clopton, dec'd.
Payment to Agness Clopton, 18 Jul, 1790
1792 Payment to Agness Clopton on 16 Apr
Report signed by Tho. Miller, George Richardson, Jno Perkins 10 Apr 1792
Rec. 21 Aug 1792

Will of Benjamin (x) Salmonds, dated 26 Dec 1786
Wit: by John Perkins, Archs. Perkins, Grief Perkins
Proved by oaths of John Perkins & Grief Perkins on 17 Nov 1794

Ancestral File gives date of death 18 Jan 1805, but that is the date of his will, proved 16 Sep 1805.
His will names beloved wife Lucy. Children, Grief, Isaac O. and daughter Ann French are to proved for support of their mother. Archelaus & William already have received land. Executors are Grief, Isaac & Mason French.

Found on Bob Juch's website
In the name of God Amen. I John Perkins of the county of Goochland and Parrish of St. James northam State of Virginia being at this present time of sound mind and memory (thanks to almighty God,) do make and ordain this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others by me heretofore made.
Item, My will and desire is first after my death that my body be decently buried at the discretion of my executors hereafter named.
Item, My will and desire is that as soon after my death as conveniently can be all my just debts be duly paid out of my estate not particularly hereafter given.
Item, My will and desire is that if my beloved wife Lucy Perkins should be the longest lived of us two that she shall have one choice feather bed and furniture, one horse saddle and bridle, also a home during her life where I now live, also that my three children (to wit) Grief Perkins, Isaac O. Perkins and my daughter Ann French for and in consideration of what is hereafter given them shall give bond with approved security for the future support of their mother, Lucy Perkins.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Grief Perkins one negroe girl named Chloe, also one third part of all my live stock to him and his heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Isaac O. Perkins one negroe named Matt, to him and his heirs forever also my still.
Item, I give and bequeath to my daughter Ann French one negroe woman nam'd Bett, and her child (Mary) to her and her heirs forever.
Item, I give and bequeath to my son Isaac O. Perkins, and my daughter Ann French all the residue of my estate both real and personal to be equally divided between them.
Item, My desire is that Elizabeth Sadler shall have a home on my estate during her natural life.
Item, My will and desire is that my two sons Archelaus and William [illegible] to have and enjoy all the lands heredetaiments and appurtenances thereunto belonging whereon they now live and hold together with all other property heretofore given them and to their heirs forever having no further claim to any part of my estate.
Lastly, I do constitute and appoint Grief Perkins, Isaac O. Perkins and Mason French executors of this my last Will and testament reposing that trust and confidence in them as they or do from others expect to receive. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my seal this 18th day of January one thousand eight hundred and five.
Sign'd seal'd & deliver'd to be my last ] John Perkins [seal]
Will and testament in presence of ]
Jos. Payne
William Page (his mark X)
Reuben Page (his mark +)


Birth3 Apr 1737New Kent County, Virginia
Baptism7 May 1737
Marriage2 Sep 1757New Kent County, Virginia - LUCY MITCHELL
Death1805Goochland County, Virginia


SpouseLUCY MITCHELL (1736 - 1805)
ChildArchelaus Mitchell Perkins (1760 - 1849)
ChildWILLIAM PERKINS (1763 - 1827)
ChildJesse Perkins (1766 - )
ChildJohn Perkins (1769 - )
ChildGrief Perkins (1772 - 1831)
ChildMitchell Perkins (1775 - )
ChildIsaac Otey Perkins (1777 - 1812)
ChildAnn "Nancy" Perkins (1782 - 1853)
FatherWILLIAM PERKINS (1706 - 1755)
MotherMARY OTEY (1715 - )
SiblingIsaac Otey Perkins ( - 1782)
SiblingJames Perkins ( - 1786)
SiblingNathaniel Perkins ( - 1782)
SiblingMary Ann Perkins (1755 - )
