Individual Details

Nathaniel Perkins

( - Abt 1782)

Nathaniel's debt was still on the books - he may have already been deceased.
Goochland DB 14
p.20 Inventory of debts that appear on the books of Reuben Mitchell deceased.
Names include: Thomas Mitchell, Edmumd Mitchell, George Mitchell, Abner Mitchell, Archelaus Perkins, John Britt, John Perkins, Nathaniel Perkins, James Perkins, etc.
Inventory of Estate of Reuben Mitchell appraised, 12 Apr 1784
John Perkins, William Page, James Holman.
19 Apr 1784 presented in court.

p.346 Dr. Estate of Nathl Perkins dec'd to John Perkins given to Sarah Perkins to Boarding Sarah Perkins her daughter …for 6 years
Expense for Schooling with John Poor; spelling book, bonnet, sundries
Examined by Samule Cosby, Archd Bryce, George Richardson, 11 Nov 1786
Oct Court 1786. Account of John Perkins as Guardian to Sarah Perkins daughter of Nathl Perkins dec'd. reported to court.
20 Nov 1786. Ordered recorded.
Would appear from this record that Nathaniel's widow was named Sarah as well as his daughter.

Goochland DB 15, p. 137
Order of Sept Court 1788. Examine accounts
Sary Perkins daughter of Nathl Perkins dec'd to John Perkins her guardian.
Examined by Geo Richardson, Archd. Bryce 16 Oct 1788
20 Oct 1788 Ordered recorded

Goochland DB 15
Goochland Sept Court 1788
Wm H Miller Gent, Geo Richardson & Archibald Bryce or any two to settle accounts of Archer Perkins the Guardian of Eliz Perkins, orphan of Nath. Perkins de'cd.
Richardson & Bryce - 20 Oct 1788 - reported and ordered recorded

Sarah Perkins orphan of Nath. Perkins Dec'd - John Perkins, Guardian accounts.for 1789
19 Oct 1789. Miscellaneous expenses. Ordered recorded.
Elizabeth Perkins orphan of Nathl Perkins to Archibald Perkins, her guardian, accounts for 1788 and early 1789
19 Oct 1789. Miscellaneous expenses. Ordered recorded.

p.406 Sep 20 1790 Archibald Bryce, George Richardson Jn, Britt & Henry Mullins or any three to audit and settle account of Jno. Perkins as guardian of Sarah Perkins orphan of Nathaniel Perkins dec'd.
Bryce, Richardson &John Britt examined 14 Oct 1790
Ordered recorded 18 Oct 1790
p.408 Sept 1790 Court. Same as above re Archelous Perkins as Guardian of Eliza Perkins orphan of Nathaniel Perkins.
Examined by Bryce, Richardson & John Birtt 14 Oct 1790. Ordered recorded 18 Oct 1790

Goochland DB 16 [page numbers not visible]
19 Oct 1791
George Richardson, Jno Britt & Archibald Bryce & Henry Mullins or any three audit accounts of Jno Perkins guardian of Sarah Perkins orphan of Nathaniel Perkins. Bryce, Mullins & Richardson did on 13 Oct 1791. Ret to court 17 Oct 1791
Same to audit account of Archelaus Perkins as guardian of Elizabeth Perkins, orphan of Nathaniel Perkins.. Same reported on 13 Oct 1791. Recorded 17 Oct 1791

15 Oct 1792 Goerge Richardson, Archd Bryce, John Britt & James Holman, examine accounts of John Perkins, guardian of Sarah Perkins, orphan of Nathaniel Perkins dec'd.
Sundries - just over 11 £
Ret. 21 Nov 1792
Same as above to examine accounts of Archelaus Perkins, guardian of Eliza. Perkins orphan of Nathaniel Perkins, dec'd. Sundries, just over 13 £
Ret. 21 Nov 1792

The estate of Nathl Perkins Dec'd to John Perkins for Sarah Perkins. 13£ Account audited & returned to Court 21 Apr 1794

Dr [Debit]. the Estate of Nathaniel Perkins on Account with John Perkins, Exr.
To Elizabeth Perkins, her half of balance settled with Archer Perkins, her Guardian
To Sarah Perkins her half to be settled with her as Guardian
Each rec'd 295 # 16sh 5 1/4p
Bonds - James Perkins, Henry Poindexter
Accounts with Thomas Michell & Jacob Poindexter
Subscribers have settled accounts on 16 Sep 1793. Archd Bryce, George Richardson, John Britt
Returned and ordered recorded 16 Jun 1794

Debit. Eliz. Perkins orphan of Nathl Perkins in accout with Archs Perkins her guardian
Shows her half. Approved by subscribers.
16 Jun 1794 - ordered recorded

Debit. Sarah Perkins orphan of Nathl. Perkins in account with John Perkins, her guardian
Shows her half. Approved by subscribers. Ordered recorded 16 Jun 1794


DeathAbt 1782Goochland County, Virginia


FatherWILLIAM PERKINS (1706 - 1755)
MotherMARY OTEY (1715 - )
SiblingJOHN PERKINS (1737 - 1805)
SiblingIsaac Otey Perkins ( - 1782)
SiblingJames Perkins ( - 1786)
SiblingMary Ann Perkins (1755 - )
