Individual Details


( - 1640)

The birthdate given was the baptism date.

Admitted as Freeman, probably at Watertown, on 4 Mar 1632/3.
Cambridge town clerk for 1632-1635. Moved to Hartford in 1639.

William Spencer appeared on a list of early inhabitants of Cambridge in 1632.

The Records of the Town of Cambridge (Newe Towne), Mass. 1630-1702, Cambridge, 1901
p.2 "The Towne Newtowne Inhabitants then
Thos. Dudly, Esqr
Mr. Symon Bradstreet, Mr. Edmond Lockwwod, Mr. Daniell Patrike, John Poole, William Spencer, John Kirman, Symon Sackett.
p.5 7 Jan 1632/3
Comon Pales devided as follows:
[includes] William Spencer, 12 Roods
5 Aug 1633 Lotts Granted for Cowyardes.
William Spencer: 3 Roods
Thos. Spencer: 1 Rood [William's brother]
p.7 2 Mar 1633/4
Granted William Spencer the swampe on the other side the Creeks
p.10 prime of Septembr 1634
Lots granted one the west side the River:
Michaell Spencer, 4 Ackrs; Garrad Spencer, 4 Achrs [William's other brothers]
1st of December 1634
Granted William Spencer that Corner of Ground by Joseph Myats between the Swampt to bee sett out by John Haynes, Esqr.
3 Feb 1634/5
General Meeting of the Town to choose 7 men to do the business and so to continue until the 1st Monday, November Next. To meet every 1st Monday in the Month in the after noone. Also chosen to join were five more men, one was William Spencer, who were to survey the Towne lands and enter them in a book appointed for that purpose.
p.12 20 Aug 1635
William Spencer and George Steele to measure all the meadow ground undivided belonging to Newstowne. When it is measured and divided to every man his portion, they are to cause stakes to be set and to have three pence per acre for the measuring. A list of each person proportion is listed: William Spencer to have 2 1/2 shares. tho. Spencer, 1 share.
23 Nov 1635
Town General Meeting. Elected included William Spencer.
p.13 Furthur ordered that the towne books shall be at William Spencers house.
He is listed as "present" for the meetings, 7 Dec 1635, 4 Jan 1635/6, 8 Feb 1635/6. Perhaps a different person took over as clerk because there was no longer a list of those present.
p.15 4 Jan 1635. Ordered that a foot bridge be made over the Creek at the end of Spring Street - Thomas Hosmer and William Spencer to see it done at public charge.
p.18 8 Feb 1635/6 The names of those men who have houses in the Towne at this present as only are to be accounted as houses of the Towne: William Spencer, 2; Tho. Spencer, 1.
p.23 Jun 6th 1636 Mr. Spencer & Thomas Hossmer to make a sufficient pale and gate over the hey way over against their grown before the 20th day of the present month.

I found a book on Google Books: The practical surveyor: or, the art of land-measuring made easy - first printed in 1725. There are 4 Roods in an acre. An acre also contained 160 square perches or Poles. The book also referred to "Garden Pales" and "Orchard Pales" but did not further define them - would seem to be a garden plot of sorts, perhaps fenced.

The Register Book of the Lands & Houses in the "New Towne" and the Town of Cambridge with the Records of the Proprietors of the Common Lands, "The Proprietors Records" Cambridge, MA, 1896
p.5 1 May 1635
William Spencer in the towne, one dwellinge house with other out houses and a garden and Backside about one roode John Pratt southeast, Springs street on the southwest, Creeke Lane northwest
Thomas Spenser in the Towne, one house with a garden plott and Backside about one roode John Haynes Esqr on the south east, Long Streete southwest, Creeke Lane northwest, Springe street northeast
p.30 1st Apr 1636 Know ye, all men by these presents; that William Spencer of the New Towne have sould unto Nicholas Danforth, all right which he hath in three acres and half of land lying on the southwest side of the highway to the oyster banks in the neck of land late of James Olmsted on the southeast, land of John Prince on the southwest, his own land on the northwest and the land of Thomas Spencer northeast to him and his heirs to enjoy from this day forward as his or their prop Right. In Witness whereof the sd William Spencer hath set to his hand to deed of sale date as above written.
p.50 [Mrs. Glover] In the great Marsh, fifty and five Acres more or less, William Spencer northwest, Charles River southwest, John Steele northeast
p.58 Simon Crosby bought of William Spencer one house with three Acres of ground at the west End the way to Watertowne, Northeast, Robart Home, north, Mr. Cook, south.

Original Distribution of Lands In Hartford Among the Settlers, 1639, Hartford, 1912
The first two books, divided by the river, have been lost - not until they were combined in 1639, do we have more detailed records.
Sectretary's Record Book, Vol I, Part I [north side of River - prob Feb 1639/40]
Several parcels of land in Hartford upon the River of Connecticut belonging to the Inhabitants thereof as followeth:
Thomas Spencer 13
William Spencer 42
p.4 Several parcels of land in Hartford on the Connecticut River belonging to John Haynes, Esqr ... one at the end of the old oxpasture, about 40 acres, in a greater parcel belonging to Mr. Hooker, Mr. Stone & Mr. John Haynes which abuts on the little river on the South, the old oxpasture on the west & North and on Will: Spensers land and the highway on the East.
Feb 1639 Several parcels belonging to Richard Church:
One parcel on which his dwelling house stands with outhouses, yards or gardens, one acre more less which he bought of Willm Spencer & bought by Willm Spencer of Thomas Spencer & bought by Thomas Spenser of Thomas Fisher and was a parcel of his house lot abutting upon the Sentinal Hill on the south, Thomas Spensers land on the East, on Willm Kelsyes land on the north, & Zachary Fields land on the west.
1640. Several parcels in Hartford upon the River of Connecticut belonging to William Spenser & to his heirs for ever
One parcel on which his dwelling house stands with out houses, yards & gardens, two acres which he bought of John Halles. Abuts the little River on the South and the highway from the mill in to the Countre on the North & East and on the old oxpasture on the West
One parcel in the middle oxpasture, 63 acres. Part he bought of Edward Stebing and another part he bought of William Kelse and another part he bought of Thomas Spenser. Abuts the highway from the old oxpasture to the blue hill on the East, on land now Common on the west and north, on land now of or late a highway lying by the old oxpasture on the South
One parcel in the Pinefield, four acres, he bought of John Halles. Abuts John Moreses land & Robard Wades land on the East, John Skiners land on the West, one the highway from the mill in to the Countre on the South, on John Giniges and Robbard Wades land on the North.
One parcel more in the Pynefield, 10 acres, part he bought of Edward Stebing and part of John Beddell. Abuts John Marches land on the [prob east and west], on the highway from the mill into the Countre on the South, on Benjamin Bures land the highway leading from the mill into the cowpasture on the North.
One parcel in the North meadow of meadow and swamp, 11 acres, two roods; eight acres of meadow and three acres, two roods of swamp. Abuts the Neck of land on the west; on Mr. John Higifounnes land on the East, Mr. Allens land on the South & William Roscoes land on the north.
One parcel on the East side of the Great river of Meadow & Swamp, 10 acres; five of meadow and five of swamp. Abuts the Great River & John Skiners land on the West, land now Common on the East, Steven Hartes land & a hyway from the great River to the meadow and land now Common on the South and Thomas Spensers & William Kelses land on the North.

The Great Migration Begins contains a long list of offices held and committees served by William Spencer in Cambridge and in Hartford. Some of those include:
Several terms as Deputy from Cambridge to the General Court from 1632 through March of 1637/8. He is sometimes referenced as Lt. Spenser.
4 Mar 1634/5 - he was an observer to the committee to set bounds between Cambridge & Watertown
28 Mar 1636 - Spencer served on the committeee on bounds between Boston & Charleston
1 Aug 1637 - Committee to view Shaushin & to consider whether if was fit for a plantation [new town]
He served as Cambridge town clerk, 1632-1635.
He was a Cambridge selectman, 23 Nov 1635
11 Apr 1639, and later, he was a deputy for Hartford to the Connecticut General Court
8 Aug 1639 - surveyor of armor & military provisions for Hartford

In the Cambridge land inventory of 1 May 1635, William Spencer held at least eleven parcels to include his dwelling house and acreage in the Great Marsh.

In the Hartford land inventory in 1640, William Spencer held six parcels including one of two acres on which his dwelling house was located, and other properties.

William Spencer's nuncupative will, dated 4 May 1640, probate 4 Mar 1640/1. Elizabeth Spencer is mentioned in the will.
The will refers to the estate he hath in New England and anything which may come to his wife hereafter [inferring she might be a heir to someone else]. Wife to receive one third part. Son Samuel to receive one third part. Two daughters Sarah and Elizabeth, one third part. Children to be brought up with the improvement of the whol estate. Cousin Matthew Allyn [could be a nephew], brother John Pratt [brother-in-law] and John Taylcoate to be the overseers. They shall have the power to take up the children if the estate is being wasted, and to pay their portions. My wife shall have no power to sell my house or any part of my land without the consent of two of the overseers.

An undated inventory listed £67.12s.2d in moveable estate. There were debts owed, most in the hands of some of his kindred that are poor. There was a supplement which included the lands.

It was agreed [apparently by the overseers] that If any of the children died, that portion would go to the survivors - if all died, to their mother Agnes Edwards [Agnes remarried].

William Spencer's name is on a monument to the founders, Ancient Burying Ground - at Center Church, Hartford - the first minister was Thomas Hooker.
The Founders Monument, a tall obelisk, is located at the corner of Main & God Street. At the top, "In Memory of the First Settlers of Hartford". The inscription at the bottom, "Erected by the Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford; 1986; To Celebrate the 350th Anniversary of the City; This Stone Replaces the Original Sandstone Monument of 1837". Names are inscribed on all sides - the photo showing George Stocking's as well as that of William Spencer. Names are on all four sides - likely if I could see all of them, I'd see other direct ancestors.


Christen11 Oct 1601Stotfold, Bedfordshire, England
MarriageAbt 1633AGNES HARRIS
Death1640Hartford, Hartford/Middlesex County, Connecticut


SpouseAGNES HARRIS ( - 1680)
ChildELIZABETH SPENCER (1634 - 1680)
ChildSarah Spencer (1636 - )
ChildSamuel Spencer (1639 - )
FatherGERARD SPENCER ( - 1646)
MotherALICE WHITBREAD (1578 - 1628)
SiblingJohn Spencer (1603 - 1646)
SiblingHenry SPENCER ( - )
SiblingThomas SPENCER (1607 - 1687)
SiblingRichard SPENCER (1608 - )
Sibling[Son] SPENCER (1610 - )
SiblingMichael SPENCER (1611 - 1653)
SiblingGerard SPENCER ( - 1685)
