Individual Details


(5 May 1611 - 6 May 1653)

Of Lynn, CT. It is likely there was a wife prior to Isabel and two possible children John & Susannah for whose care her 2nd husband Thomas Robbins was responsible.

Records of the Town of Cambridge
p.10 prime of Septembr 1634
Lots granted one the west side the River:
Michaell Spencer, 4 Ackrs; Garrad Spencer, 4 Achrs [William's other brothers]

I wonder if their older brothers set aside this land for Michael and Gerard - Gerard was accepted as a freeman, 9 Mar 1637; Michael in Mar of 1638.

The Register Book of the Lands & Houses in the "New Towne" and the Town of Cambridge with the Records of the Proprietors of the Common Lands, "The Proprietors Records" Cambridge, MA, 1896
p.30 10 Oct 1635
Michaell Spencer, on the south side the River about four acres, Samuell Wakeman, south east, the Common south west, and north west, Thomas Dudly, Esqr, Northeast.


Birth5 May 1611Stotfold, Bedfordshire, England
Christen5 May 1611Stotfold, Bedfordshire, England
MarriageAbt 1631Stotfold, Bedfordshire, England - Isabel [Spencer]
Death6 May 1653Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts


SpouseIsabel [Spencer] (1613 - 1674)
ChildJohn Spencer (1638 - 1684)
FatherGERARD SPENCER ( - 1646)
MotherALICE WHITBREAD (1578 - 1628)
SiblingWILLIAM SPENCER ( - 1640)
SiblingJohn Spencer (1603 - 1646)
SiblingHenry SPENCER ( - )
SiblingThomas SPENCER (1607 - 1687)
SiblingRichard SPENCER (1608 - )
Sibling[Son] SPENCER (1610 - )
SiblingGerard SPENCER ( - 1685)