Individual Details

William Haydon

(Abt 1740 - 1820)

County Record, Oct. 1764 - Bland Ballard and Thomas Haydon each gave a gift of a slave to William Haydon and wife, Ann. Probably wedding gifts.
In 1776 he preempted 1000 acres of land on the Kentucky River, two miles above Lees Town (now Franklin Co) He and two of his sons, Benjamin and James, settled in Lexington KY in 1779.
from Hayden Quarterly: "The Shawnees were hostile against all Whites and had a village..... which was their chief town in 1779, and was called Chillicothe. ....command was given to Colonel Bowman; who left four or five to guard families and provisions, Benjamin Hayden being one of them. Father William Hayden himself, old Blan Ballard and his son Blan enlisted under Col. Bowman at Harrodsburg KY in April 1779"

Found online: The History of Pioneer Lexington, 1779-1806 by Charles R. Staples, p.8. "The actual day on which the first block house was built in Lexington has also been a much discussed subject, but evidently it was between April 15th and April 19th, 1779, when the first tree for the blockhouse was cut down by a party of pioneers from Harrodsburg." The book goes on to relate that in the Draper collection, is an interview from Josiah Collins in Bath Co, May 1841, which contains names of the party from Harrodsburg who were the actual founders of the town of Lexington. The names include William Hayden and Benjamin Hayden.

Burnt Records of Fayette Co KY
Vol. 5, p.388 William Haydon to David James. For 60£. Tract on the Kentucky River, On Potts ____
River bank, meanders thereof. Lower side of Haydon's mill creek, up said creek. 200 acres. Haydon and Ann his wife.
Court held 9 Oct 1787. [next deed dated 6 Oct 1787]

KY Land grants to William Haydon:
Preemption of 1000 acres dated 22 Mar 1780 & surveyed 22 Jan 1783 on Kentucky River. Benjamin & James Haydon were chaincarriers.
425 acres bordering his preemption on the KY River, 4 Jan 1783; he claimed 1000 acres adjoining. This was in Fayette Co, now Franklin Co.
Collins History of Kentucky cites the two above surveys and states that they were just East of where Frankfort, KY now stands.
He had a third grant on the north fork of the Elkhorn.

LDS #1464008
Fayette Co Land Entries. Index
Book 1
Name, Watercourse, Acres, Page
William Hayden preemption 400a p.357 Book 1
William Haydon waters of Elkhorn 500a p.77 Book 1
Same amended 500a p.79 Book 1
William Haydon amended 500a p.104 Book 1
William Haydon adj 500a p.148 Book 2
William Hayden, on the Kentucky 200a p.175 Book2
William Hayden, amend 500a p.202 Book 2
William Hayden, waters of Licking 500a p.322 Book 2
William Hayden amended 258a p.323 Book 2
William Hayden waters of Kentucky 200a p113 Book 4

There were also four daughters, one of whom married John Bartlett.


BirthAbt 1740Spotsylvania County, Virginia
MarriageAbt 1760Ann Ballard
Death1820Carroll County, Kentucky


SpouseAnn Ballard ( - )
ChildBenjamin Haydon (1760 - 1834)
ChildJames Haydon (1766 - 1840)
ChildWilliam Haydon ( - )
ChildBland Ballard Haydon (1774 - 1838)
ChildThomas Haydon ( - )
FatherThomas Haydon (1698 - 1782)
MotherSarah [Haydon] ( - )
SiblingSarah Ann Haydon (1741 - )
SiblingElizabeth Haydon (1743 - )
SiblingMildred Louise Haydon (1744 - )
SiblingJames Haydon (1747 - 1815)
SiblingEzekiel Haydon (1753 - 1818)
