Individual Details
Daniel Comstock
(1624 - 1683) "London, England, Baptisms, Marriages & Burials, 1538-1812"
Baptisms at Hillingdon, Uxbridge St Margaret
1624, 21 Jul Indexed as "Damell", sonne to Willm Coomestone and Elizabeth his wife.
Note: I read the child's name as Daniell with an undotted i and the surname looks more like Coomestock
History of New London, Quintin Publication, found online at WorldVitalRecords and containing errors, states that "[Daniel Comstock] as appears from statements of his age, was born about 1630. His wife, whose name was Paltiah, was a daughter, or step-daughter, of John Elderkin. They had a son Daniel and eight daughters, whose births were not recorded, but they were all baptized by Mr. Bradstreet in April and November, 1671 [I find no son Daniel, unless there was an infant who died - I have not seen these baptisms, presumably they were at New London.]. After this two other sons were baptized: Kingland in 1673 and Samuel in 1677." [Daughter Patience was also baptized in 1673 according to "Comstock Family in America".]
The Early Records of the Town of Providence.
Vol. XV Preface: The name Danl. Comestock is included in the list of men of Providence (#0227) that is the Preface of this volume. The purpose of this list has not been determined.
Vol II, p.29 (also copy of actual document in front of book) 19th of Eleventh Month 1645. "Wee whose Names are heere after Subscribed, having obteyned a free Grante of Twenty five Akers of Land a peece with Right of Commoning...." This list includes the name of Daniel (his mark) Cumstocke. [Names could have been added to this list at any time as some were marked out. Daniel would have been just age 21 in 1645..]
Vol XV, p.16-17 24 Jun 1648. Daniel Cumstock was fined 10 lb for a false Indian alarm.
Vol. XV, p.21 1648, probably Dec. Robert Williams was drunk and John Olderkin left him to Daniell Comstocke "to looke to him" [John Olderkin likely John Elderkin, Daniel's father-in-law to be)
Vol.XV, p.33 2 Sep 1650 The town tax list did not include any Comstocks. However, Daniel would possibly have been only 20, not old enough to be taxed.
Vol XV, p.46 1 Jun 1651 Request of James Bradish for a fair trial concerning the differences between he and danill Cumstucke.
Vol XV, p.63 Tax list Jun 1652. daniell Comstocke 4s.
Vol II, p.83 2 Jun (1655) "Benjamine Smith & Dan. Cumbstock propounded theire houses with thir land to ye towne for sale."
Vol II, p.96 27 Aug 1656 "Ordered yt Dan: Cumbstock, Ste: Northup & Edw: Smith be received into Voat with ye Inhabitants of ye Towne & yt they have Common equall with any one Townseman" and "Ordered yt Dan: C[omsto]ck his bill is answered a graun ( ) parcell of land adjoineing to his land in ye great Swamp & so to goe to ye upper end of ye Swamp."
Vol II, p.110 27 Oct 1657 Ordered that Henry Neal have a 7 acre lot laid out adjoining his meadow he bought of Dan. Combstock.
Vol I, p.57 23 Nov 1660 Henry Neale of Braintree sold to Roger Mawrey of Providence his house and land in Providence that he purchased of Daniel Comstock.
Vol III, p.72 Division of land on the East Side of the Seven mile line 19 Feb 1665. Daniell Comstock was #40.
Vol. III:206-7 7 Mar 1671 Deed of sale. Stephen Paine of Rehoboth sold to Samuel Whipple three house lots, with a dwelling house, and all of the out housing standing upon the lots, which Stephen Paine purchased from Mary Mowry, executor of the estate of her deceased husband Roger Mowry. One lot originally belonged to Daniel Comstock, one to John Smith, and one to Richard Prey, all of Providence. Also one right of commoning, one 25 acre right of commoning both reaching westward as the seven mile line. [Rec. 21 Sep 1671]
Vol IV, p.45 Division of land beyond or on the West side of the Seven mile Line 12 Apr 1675. Dan Comstock #71.
p.47 24 May 1674. Division of Land between Seven mile Line and Four mile Line on the East side of the Seven mile Line: Dan Comstock #71 [even tho Daniel no longer lived in Providence, he was apparently still entitled as one of the early purchasers]
p.64 17 Mar 1684. Division of Lands on West side of Seven mile Line. Essentially the same list as in 1675. Daniell Comstock #23. Does come out to an even 100 men this time.
Vol XVII p.30-34 Here followeth the List of the draught which was made the: 17th of March: 1684 for the division of the Lands on the west side of Seven Mile line. [there follows a list of 100 names - at the end it says "A list of ye Original Purchasers". I believe this to be a copy of the orginal list made 17 Mar 1684. Included as #23 is Daniel Comstock. The list appears to have been presented by John Smith, son of John Smith known as Jameco as his petition for his right of inheritance follows.]
Vol XIV Deed Book 1, p.154 "Upon ye 5th day of September in ye yeare 1685. Layd out unto Samuell Whipple in ye Right of Roger Mawry & of Daniell Comstock 13 acres of land leiing in ye neck.....two percells." One parcel of 10 acres on West side of the great Swamp; the other parcel of 3 acres between the head of Benjamin Hearnton Senr's house lot and the Swamp, bounded on the East by Daniel Browne and Samuel Whipple, on the South by Samuel Whipple and land of John Smith the Mason, on the north by the Comon. Thomas Olney, Surveior.
Vol XIV Deed Book 1 p.155 "Upon ye 11th day of November in ye yeare 1685. In ye Right of Daniell Comstock in a five & twenty acre Right with a full Right of Comon as by Record appears. Layd out unto Samuell Whipple 23 acres of land"
Vol XVII p.258-259; 280-281 Nathaniel, Ebenezer, and William Jenckes petition the Proprietors concerning land their father bought of the widow Morey who could not furnish him with clear title - she sold him two Rights she thought belonged to Daniel Comstock and Henry Neal. Later it was determined that Neal's Right had been sold to William Carpenter by Roger Morey in his lifetime. Samuel Whipple laid out both Daniel's and Morey's Rights. The widow may have also sold the Rights to Stephen Paine. For about 30 years, the Jenckes have paid all taxes on this land. Petition dated 29 Aug 1709. Settled 25 Feb 1712. ( The deed from Roger Mawry to Wm Carpenter re the Right of Henry Neale is in Vol. 1, p. 85 dated 3 Feb 1661,)
Daniel Comstock, Sen'r was presented for a freeman of New London CT in Oct of 1669. "Connecticut Puritan Settlers" by Royal R. Hinman
New London CT Probate Records:
Comstock,Daniel, of New London. File #1392. Inventory taken 13 Nov 1683 by Daniel Witherell and Charles Hill, Townsmen. Proved and administration granted his widow Paltiel, she to improve the whole estate for the bringing up of the children.
The American Genealogist, 1933, Vol. 10, p.169
Also on is the Probate papers, but they have also included a very different Daniel who died in Lyme in 1725.
Birth | 1624 | England | |||
Baptism | 21 Jul 1624 | St. Margaret, Uxbridge, Middlesex, England | |||
Marriage | Abt 1653 | Lynn, Essex County, Massachusetts - Palthiah Elderkin | |||
Death | 1683 | New London, New London County, Connecticut |
Spouse | Palthiah Elderkin (1635 - 1713) |
Child | Daniel Comstock (1653 - 1746) |
Child | Bethia Comstock (1658 - 1713) |
Child | Elizabeth Comstock (1659 - 1734) |
Child | Anna Comstock (1660 - 1727) |
Child | Mary Comstock (1661 - 1690) |
Child | Hope Comstock (1667 - 1733) |
Child | Zipporah Comstock ( - ) |
Child | Sarah Comstock (1671 - ) |
Child | Kingsland Comstock (1673 - 1722) |
Child | Patience Comstock ( - ) |
Child | Samuel Comstock (1673 - 1757) |
Father | WILLIAM COMSTOCK (1595 - 1683) |
Mother | ELIZABETH Cock (1608 - 1665) |
Sibling | John Comstock (1626 - 1680) |
Sibling | SAMUEL COMSTOCK (1629 - 1657) |
Sibling | Elizabeth Comstock (1631 - 1659) |
Sibling | Christopher Comstock ( - 1636) |
Sibling | Christopher Comstock (1636 - 1702) |
1. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
2. Family Tree Maker CD-ROM, WFT- Volume 3, Pedigree 4060.
3. Family Tree Maker CD-ROM, WFT- Volume 3, Pedigree 4060.