Individual Details
(4 Jul 1595 - Abt 1683)
The following research results need additional substantiation. Please do not consider the following as absolute. I have used a reputable genealogist onsite that has not found anything more than what is indicated here - at least to date there were no more records of this family in England after the baptism of a son Christopher.
There is a baptism recorded at St. Martin in the Fields, the church in Trafalgar Square, London. The name is spelled William Coomstocke and no parents names are given - the date is most certainly 4 Jul 1596. The baptism can be found at There was also a Georg Constocke, baptized 24 Jun 1590 whose father's name was recorded as John Constocke.
That other Comstocks were there is further proved by C. B. Comstock's findings for his books on the family - he had found these burials.
From his book, "Descendants of William Comstock of New London, Connecticut", published 1907:
The Harleian Society publications gives among the burials of the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London:
"Mariana Combstocke, 30 Novr 1595.
"Joannes Combstocke, 26 Aug. 1597.
"Johannes Comstock, 1 Nov. 1603."
Unfortunately there is also a burial recorded at St. Martin in the Fields for William Comstock, 20 May 1598. No age or other details are given. This could very well be the child baptized two years earlier. On FindMyPast there is a database "Boy'd London Burials" which includes William Comstock and a John Comstock who was buried 1597 and a John Comstock, buried 1603. I have found other publications which contain transcripts of both the baptism and burial of this William Comstock, but not actual images of the original parish record.
We have no information or tradition that William Comstock, the immigrant ancestor of this study, ever lived in central London which is the location of St. Martin in the Fields. There are very few occurrences of the surname there at this time. I am inclined to believe this is not William, the immigrant, but a child who died very young.
Also from
Wm. Camstock married Eliz. Cock, 2 Sep 1623, High Wycombe, Buckingham, England
It can be found in the database "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 "
This location is west of London and between London and Devon where the village of Culmstocke is located - where a family could easily have drifted toward the larger center of population. There is a strong likelihood the Comstock name derived from that place, as many of the English surnames were derived from a location and early Comstocks may have been present there. I have found no record placing a Comstock in Devon, however, it this time frame.
Then from are the digital images, database "London, England, Baptisms, Marriages & Burials, 1538-1812". At Hillingdon, Uxbridge St. Margaret - a parish quite close to High Wycombe, I found the following baptisms. These images are difficult to read and spellings differ, but other colleagues have agreed with my interpretations as follows
1624, 21 Jul Indexed as "Damell", sonne to Willm Coomestone and Elizabeth his wife.
Note: I read the child's name as Daniell with an undotted i and the surname looks more like Coomestonk
1626, 10 Sep John, sonne to Willm Coomestocke and Elizabeth his wife
1629, 26 Apr Samuell, sonne to Willm Coomestock and Elizabeth uxor
Note: "uxor" is Latin for wife
1631, 18 Dec Elizabeth fillia William Coomstocke
Note: "filia" is Latin for daughter
1634, 18 Aug There is what appears to be an incomplete entry. The child is Christopher - the father's abbreviated first name, may indeed be Wm and the surname does look much like Coomestock in the other entries - it has been indexed as "Cumsters" which it certainly isn't.
1636, 17 May Christo'r. The father was William Coomestock, although this time indexed as "Cumscock". There is a word following the father's name - almost looks like "and" and doesn't seem to be "wife" or "uxor"
No other entries have been found in this database for any name resembling Comstock except in a Parish in Somerset, an area which lies immediately east of Devon and is closer to High Wycombe and Uxbridge than Devon would be. If the Comstock name came from Culmstocke, which is probable, it would seem they had drifted away by the late 1500's.
My conclusions are these:
...The child baptized at St Martin in the Fields cannot be ruled out - he is the approximate age of our immigrant William Comstock, and there is no way to tell if he is the same William that died two years after the baptism.
...The name of William Comstock's wife is proved as Elizabeth in Connecticut records - but her surname has never been proved as Daniel or Daniels. The fact that it appears as Daniel(s) in very many places cannot be taken as proof - I have found no substantiation for this name anywhere. It was given in a lineage society application when no proof documents were required and many of these early applications contain major errors. The marriage in 1623 to an Elizabeth (Cock, or perhaps Cocke) is timely and in a possible location either for a young groom born earlier in the inner city or an outlying parish. Although some claim William was married more than one time, there is no record that indicates he was - the term "my now wife" in New England in this time period was a common legal term indicating a present wife, whether she was the first and only, or one of several. There are instances in some of the southern colonies in later years when the term does have a different meaning - but not at this time in New England.
...The names of the sons baptized coincide closely with the names and possible birth dates of the four probable sons of William Comstock, to include possibly an infant Christopher that died young and a second child named Christopher. There is also the baptism of the single daughter Elizabeth
...The Comstock records in this Parish end with the baptism of Christopher in May of 1636. William Comstock is listed on a list of settlers who came to Watertown, CT between 1636 and 1640 and he was not one of the original settlers - many of these that came between 1636-1640 are said to have come direct from England. A Wethersfield, CT record shows that William Comstock owned land in 1641 that he had purchaed from Richard Milles - Milles had left Wethersfield in 1639. This suggests William Comstock had come before 1639, but not before 1636, which coincides nicely with the end of the records in Uxbridge, England and the lack of records in Connecticut prior to 1636 even though some researchers have alluded to the possible presence of William Comstock, without actual citations, before 1636.
Records of William Comstock on this side of the Atlantic follow.
The History of Ancient Wethersfield by Adams & Stiles.
Possibly William Comstock and family first lived in Watertown, Massachusetts Bay Colony. Puritan settlers from Watertown asked permission to establish a new town in Connecticut 1634/1635. Although William Comstock was not among the first ten men to do so he is on a list of 108 additional settlers who came between 1636 and 1640.
In 1637 there was an attack on the Pequot Indians near Mystic. There were 61 men from Hartford, 43 men from Windsor, and 26 men from Wethersfield, under the leadership of a Capt John Mason. Adams and Stiles list 22 men from Wethersfield and Comstock is among them. Note: Unfortunately they do not list their data source, nor can the name Comstock be connected to this battle with any actual known record. 500 Indians were killed, many of them women and children.
In 1641, Jeffrey Ferris sold one acre of land to William Comstock - bounded by Fort Street on the northe, east by Jacob Waterhouse, south by the home of the late Samuel Ireland, and west by the land of George Chappell [father of Abigail that married William's son John]
It seems likely that William had immigrated by 1639:
This appears to be one the very first records of any Comstock in America.
24 Nov 1639. John Ressell in his will gave to his wife Jane "the remainder of his time to be served by John Comstock"
quoted from E. B. Comstock in The Comstock Family in America, 1938.
Quoted from E. B. Comstock's, The Comstock Family in America.
Wethersfield record: 2nd month and 28th day 1641 ...lands of William Comstock which he purchased of Richard Milles ...on Connecticut River ... one piece whereupon a barn with two cellars and other buildings standeth as is now fenced ....two acres or more
12th month 10th day, 1743 [sic - should be 1643]. upon bought by Andrew Langdon of William Comstock. One piece whereon a house standeth on three acres more or less.
The Connecticut Colonial Records, Vol. 1, p.109 [found online], state that Richard "Mylls" sued William Comstock and John Sadler for slander in the Court of Elections in Hartford in Aug of 1644. Damages were 200 pounds - a huge sum for that time. Disposition is unknown.
A book on the Douglas family says he moved to New London [first known as Pequot] about 1649 along with sons William and Daniel. [This statement is very confusing and may be the source of the possibility about a "son William". There is no other evidence there was ever a son named William. Maybe the deed re the grandsons was misread.] Also Daniel went to Rhode Island near this time. In fact William appears in Court records at Hartfort in 1644 and 1649, after which he no longer is found at that location - Connecticut Puritan Settlers by Royal R. Hinman.
Note: A New London old history cites sons of William as William and Gideon. - Wrong. on both counts.
Here is an explanation sent to me by Toby Webb of Portland, Maine, 29 Nov 2022.
First Church of Christ, New London, Conn., 1:82 [FHL 8137308], image 39 of 826, names eight of “G: Comstocks children” (Daniel, Elizabeth, Mary, Bethiah, Sarah, Anne, Hope, Zipporah) as baptized on 9 April 1671, but other records make clear that these were children of Daniel Comstock. Patience was baptized 2 Nov. 1671 as the child of “G.’” Comstock, that abbreviation being used elsewhere on the same page in contexts where it clearly meant “Goodman” (“G.’ prentice his child Hannah,” “G.’ Billings his children.” First Church of Christ, New London, Conn., 1:84 [FHL 8137308], image 40 of 826. Researchers have tried to explain the initial G by claiming that Daniel was sometimes called “Gideon” ( John Adams Comstock, A History and Genealogy of the Comstock Family in America (Los Angeles: Commonwealth Press, 1949), 3; “Research Notes” of John Adams Comstock [FHL 8128278, image 41 of 1942: “Daniel was generally known as “Gideon” by his church brethren.”) or that William1 had an additional son named Gideon (Henry A. Baker, History of Montville, Connecticut, Formerly the North Parish of New London, from 1640 to 1896 (Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard Company, 1896), 134). The better explanation is that these were the children of Peletiah, entered as “G:wife Comstock” in the original record when she was admitted to the church a week earlier, First Church of Christ, New London, Conn., 1:3 [FHL 8137308], image 10 of 826, or, less likely given the colon, that the G was for “Goodman” Daniel Comstock. A copy of the original record omitted the colon and the period/apostrophe used after G: ‘Manuscript Copy of Volume 1,” [FHL 8137308], images 228, 257 and 258 of 826; New London, Conn., “A Copy of the first book of Births, Marriages and Deaths,” [FHL 7,730,349].
Quoted in E. B. Comstock's, The Comstock Family in America, 1938
12 Jun 1647. William Comstock was granted a lot at Pequot (later New London) by the town, also 10 acres of upland, 10 acres on East side of River Thames
2 Dec 1651 William Comstock granted by the town 20 acres at Niantic, 8 acres of upland, 100 acres upland laid out to Mr. Tinker, 100 acres upon a high hill up Mohegan bounded by land laid out to Mr. Picket.
On 10 Nov 1650 at a town meeting in New London, he voted to cooperate with John Winthrop in erecting a corn mill. He also applied for a house lot 1650/51 and was a settler there by 1651 [see above]. His location was on Post Hill near the corner of Vauxhall & Williams Streets [1895]. John Elderkin whose daughter married Daniel Comstock adjoined on the south. This was an elevated neighborhood called Waller's Hill. [From History of New London CT by Caulkins.]
Quoted in E. B. Comstock's, The Comstock Family in America, 1938
25 Jan 1659. William Comstock of New London deeded 8 acres in New London to Will Houge, carpenter, with consent of wife Elizabeth.
Quoted in E. B. Comstock's, The Comstock Family in America, 1938
Old goodman Comstock was chosen Sexton to order youth in the meeting of 25 Feb 1662. The title "old goodman" could indicate a birth as early as 1590.
This is obviously the source of the appearance online of William Comstock, as "William Goodman Comstock" in many family trees. The term goodman, was not a name, but referred to an elder citizen.
From History of New London, pp.305-306:
[There are numerous errors in the following, particularly regarding the children of William Comstock, as he had more than the two sons listed. I post it here to show I have not overlooked this book.]
"William Comstock, father of Daniel, came from Hartford in 1649 and lived to old age in his house upon Post Hill; (near north corner of Williams and Vauxhall Streets.) His wife Elizabeth was aged fifty-five in 1663. No record has been found of the death of either. His land was inherited by his son Daniel, of New London, and grandson William, of Lyme. The latter was a son of John Comstock deceased -- and his mother Abigail, in 1680, was then the wife of Moses Huntley, of Lyme. It is probable that Daniel and John were the only children of William Comstock, sen., and his wife Elizabeth. John is the ancestor of the Lyme family of Comstocks, and Daniel of those of the North Parish or Montville. The latter, as appears from statements of his age, was born about 1630. His wife, whose name was Paltiah, was a daughter or step-daughter of John Elderkin. They had a son Daniel and eight daughters, whose births are not recorded; but they were all baptized by Mr. Bradstreet in April and November, 1671. After this two others sons were baptized; Kingland in 1673, and Samuel in 1677."
Quoted in E. B. Comstock's, The Comstock Family in America, 1938
William had sons John & Daniel as shown by deed of 4 Dec 1694 in which grandsons William Comstock of Lyme [son of John] and Daniel Comstock of New London [son of Daniel] conveyed land at Nyantik which said land was given to our grandfather William Comstock, deceased, by the town of New London, 20 acres. This is the 20 acres granted 21 Jun 1647, as above.
William also probably had a son Samuel.
Daniel Comstock moved from Providence to New London. He had been in Providence on 19 Feb 1645 when he accepted a grant of 25 acres of land.
24 Jun 1648, Daniel Comstock, with other young men, was arrested in Providence for giving a false Indian alarm.
In 1660, Daniel Comstock was paid 20 shillings in New London for killing a wolf.
Daniel and Samuel Comstock had adjoining lots in Providence and Samuel remained in Providence - Daniel returned to New London. Daniel named a son Samuel & Samuel named a son Daniel. Both William and a Samuel were in Hartford Court Records in 1648 and in 1653 Samuel was both at New London and Rhode Island; giving rise to the presumption that Samuel Comstock of Providence was also the son of William of New London.
William probably had a son Christopher:
Christopher Comstock of Fairfield and later of Norwalk, CT, made an affidavit about visiting good wife Knapp who was charged with being a witch at New Haven 29 May 1654. He named three of his children Elizabeth, Daniel & Samuel. These facts suggest that Christopher was a son of William.
William is also said to have had a daughter Elizabeth Comstock who married Edward Shipman in Saybrook, CT.
I believe the ages of the children are all estimates in online databases. The discovery of the baptisms at Uxbridge St. Margaret are really quite close to the supposed ages. Elizabeth is often reported to have been a second wife based on a statement in a record that she was William's "now wife". This is an incorrect interpretation of the New England records as most wives were referred to as the "now wife" whether they were the first, second, third, etc. This was customary legal language in that time and place. There is nothing I've found that indicates whether or not William Comstock was married to more than one lady.
The Comstock DNA Project so far has tests only from descendants of Samuel and Christopher and John - they do match well enough for them to share a common ancestor within this time period.
Four descendants of William Comstock, who still carried the surname, have served in Congress and their brief biographies may be found in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress online and their lineages traced in John A. Comstock's book, The Comstock Family in America.
Descended through son John:
Charles Carter Comstock (1818-1900), Democrat from Michigan in the House of Representatives, 1885-1886.
Daniel Webster Comstock, (1840-1917) Republican from Indiana in the House of Representatives, 1917-1918 [died in office]
Descended through son Samuel:
Oliver Cromwell Comstock, (1780-1860) Republican from New York in the House of Representatives, three terms, 1813-1818.
Solomon Gilman Comstock, (1842-1933) Republican from Minnesota in the House of Representatives, 1889-1890.
Kinship to Gerald Ford....
Sat, 30 Dec 2006
From: "David Hoffman"
Subject: Re: [CTNEWLON] Gerald's Ford's New London County Ancestry
Gerald Ford 's additional New London County ancestry--William Comstock,
George Chappell, Richard Ely and short-time resident of Lyme Joseph
My Note: This relationship of Gerald Ford is likely through William's son John who married Abigail Chappel Ely & Seldon also seem to be connected to this line.
A more recent book on the Comstock family - The Family of John Everett Comstock written by Rogers Henry Comstock, Syracuse, NY, 1981 - has a quite good summary of some of the early discoveries of the name Comstock in England and a good discussion of some of the various theories of origin of the family, as well as disputing any "coat of arms" for the Comstock name. All of it seems to have been taken from the earlier Comstock books, but does provide a rather good summation.
“G” didn’t stand for Gideon, but for Goodwife or Goodman.
Spouse | ELIZABETH Cock (1608 - 1665) |
Child | Daniel Comstock (1624 - 1683) |
Child | John Comstock (1626 - 1680) |
Child | SAMUEL COMSTOCK (1629 - 1657) |
Child | Elizabeth Comstock (1631 - 1659) |
Child | Christopher Comstock ( - 1636) |
Child | Christopher Comstock (1636 - 1702) |
Please be aware that Comstock may not yet have been in America during the Pequot War in spite of the many references that claim he "might" have been or "probably" was a part of that War. There has been no actual document found that he participated.
A Comstock Genealogy: Descendants of William Comstock
Digital format at FamilySearch Books. PDF. Searchable.Some Descendants of Samuel Comstock of Providence, RI
Digital copy at FamilySearch Books. Searchable.Marriage Record at
name: Wm. Camstock birth date: birthplace: age: spouse's name: Eliz. Cock spouse's birth date: spouse's birthplace: spouse's age: event date: 02 Sep 1623 event place: High Wycombe,Buckingham,England father's name: mother's name: spouse's father's name: spouse's mother's name: race: marital status: previous wife's name: spouse's race: spouse's marital status: spouse's previous husband's name: indexing project (batch) number: M13026-1 system origin: England-ODM gs film number: 496694 reference id: Citing this Record "England, Marriages, 1538–1973 ," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 27 Feb 2013), Wm. Camstock and Eliz. Cock, 02 Sep 1623.Endnotes
1. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973), p 5 Also WFT Vol 3, #4060.
2. Email.
3. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).
4. Church records, "England Marriages, 1538-1973," database, LDS, ( accessed February 2013), Marriage of William Comstock; High Wycombe; citing Film #496694; Batch M13026-1.
5. McMartin, Internet Home Page: Comstock>McMartin (
6. Cyrus B. Comstock, Editor, A Comstock Genealogy; Descendants of William Comstock of New London, Conn. who died after 1662. Ten Generations (New York: The Knickerbocker Press, 1907) Now available online at FamilySearch Books, p.2 cites "History of Wethersfield" by Stiles.
7. Mary Jane Comstock, Compiler; Comstock-Haggard and Allied Families; (Chicago: Adams Press, 1973).