Individual Details

John Comstock

(Abt 1626 - Bef 1680) "London, England, Baptisms, Marriages & Burials, 1538-1812"
Baptisms at Hillingdon, Uxbridge St Margaret
1626, 10 Sep John, sonne to Willm Coomestocke and Elizabeth his wife

[Year of marriage based on birth of oldest child.]

This appears to be one the very first record of any Comstock in America.
24 Nov 1639. John Ressell in his will gave to his wife Jane "the remainder of his time to be served by John Comstock"
quoted from E. B. Comstock in The Comstock Family in America, 1938.

Estimates of John's birth, guess him to be about age 15 when his "time to be served" was mentioned. If he was an apprentice to John Russell, he could have been of most any age from 9 or 10 to 21. If the above baptism is correct, he was perhaps age 13 in 1639. He probably married 1660 or 61 since his first child was born in April of 1662. Most men of this time married around age 25 to 30 or born by 1630, so he might have been quite young in 1639.

John lived in Saybrook CT.
Appointed one of a committe of six to divide the town of Saybrook and form the town of Lyme in Feb of 1666. "Connecticut Puritan Settlers" by Royal R. Hinman

Abigail Comstock dau. of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 12 Apr 1662
Elizabeth Comstock dau. of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 9 Jun 1665
William Comstock son of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 9 Jul 1669
Christian Comstock child of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 11 Dec 1671
Hanna Comstock dau. of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 22 Jan 1673
John Comstock son of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 31 Sep 1676
Samuel Comstock son of John Comstock & [not given] - b. 6 Jul 1678
Marah Comstock dau. of John Comstock & Alea [was this Aba. - abbreviated for Abigail?] - b. 4 Apr 1685
Ann Comstock dau. of John Comstock & Alea - b. 13 Mar 1686
Births extracted from Lyme Town Records, Book 1
transcribed by Rev. F.A. Chapman; NEGHR Vol 23 (1869) & subsequent issues

A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records (Online database:, New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2006), (A Digest of the Early Connecticut Probate Records, by Charles W. Manwaring, R. S. Peck & Co. Printers, Hartford, CT, 1904.).
Volume 1, Page 188
Colles, Tobiah, Saybrook. Died ( ) August, 1664. Invt. £23-18-
oo. Taken 2 September, 1664, by William Waller & Rennel Marvin. Will
dated 12 August, 1664:
The last Will & Testament of Tobiah Colles: I give to John Corn-
one Axe and 2 days Work; to Henry Champion 2 days work and
one payre of Woosted Stockings; to William Waller 5 Shillings; to
Reinold Marvin 2 days work; to Richard Smith I days work; to Wolstone
Brokeway 1 days work. I do allso give my Cloth Suite & Drawers that
be at Wolstone Brockwayes to John Bordon. Also my Sarge Suite and
Drawers and my Hatt I doe by this my Will give to Peter Laye, and also
my Woosted stockings and Showes I give to Peter Laye. To Abigail
Laye, my Chest which is in John Prentice House. My Come in Timothy
Brooks lot, my 2 Steers & my Hogs, & my Land on Black Hall Playne
which I bought of William Backhus, all these do I leave with Mr. Laye
as his owne. I make John Laye my Executor. My Will is that My Child
and its friends shall rest satisfied with that which I have formerly done for
it and them in bringing it up.
Witness: Henry Champion, tobiah colls.
John Comstock, John Bordon,
Court Record, Page 24—10 October, 1664: Will & Invt. exhibited.
Adms. to John Laye.


BirthAbt 1626England
Baptism10 Sep 1626Saint Margaret of Uxbridge, Middlesex, England
MarriageAbt 1661Abigail Chappel
DeathBef 1680Lyme, New London County, Connecticut


SpouseAbigail Chappel (1644 - )
ChildAbigail Comstock (1662 - )
ChildElizabeth Comstock (1665 - 1692)
ChildWilliam Comstock (1669 - 1728)
ChildChristian Comstock (1671 - )
ChildHannah Comstock (1673 - )
ChildJohn Comstock (1676 - 1748)
ChildSamuel Comstock (1678 - 1743)
FatherWILLIAM COMSTOCK (1595 - 1683)
MotherELIZABETH Cock (1608 - 1665)
SiblingDaniel Comstock (1624 - 1683)
SiblingSAMUEL COMSTOCK (1629 - 1657)
SiblingElizabeth Comstock (1631 - 1659)
SiblingChristopher Comstock ( - 1636)
SiblingChristopher Comstock (1636 - 1702)
