Individual Details

Glenn Bates Burleson

(8 Aug 1913 - 5 Jun 1951)

Arkansas Delayed Birth Certificate #4419
Glen Bates Burleson born Magnolia Columbia Co, AR on 8 Aug 1913. Father was David Jasper Burleson of Magnolia, age 32, born Hamilton, AL, agricultural agronomist. Mother, Alice Jewel Wesson, age 26, born Stephens, AR. First child in family. Signed by P.M. Smith, MD, who attended the birth at 1:00 PM. 24 Feb 1942.

1940 Census. Eldorado, Ward 3, Butler Co, Arkansas
Glen Bates Burleson was a lodger in the home of Harry R. Martin. Glen was age 25, born in Arkansas. In 1935 he had been living in Fayetteville. He was a refining Engineer at the Petroleum Refinery.

16 Oct 1940 World War II Draft Registration
Glen Bates Burleson of 302 N. Washington, El Dorado, Butler Co, Kans. was age 27, born 8 Aug 1913 in Magnolia, Ark. Mrs. David Jasper Burleson of 426 Highland Ave, Fayetteville, Ark, his mother, would always know his address. His employer in El Dorado was Shelly Oil Company. 5'9", 138 lb. Gray eyes, black hair.

Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteville, AR, 11 Oct 1945
Mr. and Mrs. Glen B. Burleson announce the birth of a daughter in New York City, October 7. Mr. Burleson is the son of Mrs. D. J. Burleson.

Northwest Arkasas Times, 9 Mar 1948
Mrs. David Burleson returned yesterday from Tulsa where she had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burleson and family.

Northwest Arkansas Times, Fayetteville, AR, 6 Jun 1951
Glen Burleson Dies Unexpectedly in Tulsa.
Gen Burleson, 37, son of Mrs. D. J. Burleson of Fayetteville, died unexpectedly at his home in Tulsa yesterday afternoon. An official of the Stanolind Oil Company, he formerly attended schools in Fayetteville and was a graduate of the University.
Funeral service will be held tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the Boston Avenue Methodist Church in Tulsa by Dr. Paul Galloway. A second service will be conducted in Fayetteville at the Central Methodist Church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Rev. D. J. Dykes, Jr. and the Rev. Robert Moffett. Burial will be in Fairview cemetery, with the Watson Mortuary in charge.
Pallbearers will be: George Scott, Paul Clinehens, Charles Cross, Virgil Blossom, Thad Rowden, Haskell Utley, James Toker in Ed Wilson.
In addition to his wife and mother, he is survived by a young son, Bill, and a daughter, Suzanne; a brother, David Burleson of Fayetteivlle, and a sister, Mrs. Graydon Comstock of Harrison.

The Emporia Weekly Gazette, Emporia, Kansas, 14 Jun 1951, Thursday, p. 2.
Glenn B. Burleson Dead
Glenn B. Burleson, 37, of Tulsa, Okla., died unexpectedly June 5 after a heart attack at his home in Tulsa. He was the son-in-law of Mrs. E. F. Nienstedt, 1009 Chestnut.
Funeral services were held Thursday at the Rose Chapel at the Boston Avenue Methodist Church in Tulsa and a second service, also Thursday was held at the Methodist church in Fayetteville, Ark. Burial was at Fayetteville.
Mr. Burleson was a chemical engineer for the Stanolind Oil & gas Company in Tulsa. He was born and reared in Fayetteville and was a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Wilma Nienstedt Burleson, two children, a son Bill, 7, and a daughter Suzanne, 5; his mother Mrs. Alice Burleson, and a brother David B. Burleson, of Fayetteville, Ark., and a sister, Mrs. Graydon Comstock of Harrison, Ark.
Mrs. Burleson and children are visiting Mrs. Burleson's mother, Mr.s W. F. Nienstedt, 1009 Chestnut.


Birth8 Aug 1913Magnolia, Columbia County, Arkansas
Death5 Jun 1951Tulsa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma


FatherDavid Jasper Burleson (1881 - 1936)
MotherAlice Jewel Wesson (1886 - 1963)
SiblingMary Clare Burleson (1916 - 1999)
SiblingDavid Jasper Burleson (1919 - 1996)