Individual Details

Walker Perkins

( - Bef 1782)

Marriage date is date of the bond. Security was William Hughes, who also consented to his daughter's marriage.

Goochland DB 13
p.174 Appraisal of Estate of Walker Perkins Dec'd. John Lewis, Reuben Jordan, Joseph Perkins Jr.
Presented 7 Feb 1782.

Goochland DB 14
p.131 22 Oct 1784 David Perkins of Mecklinburg Co to Charles Nicholas Perkins, orphan of Walker Perkins dec'd of Goochland. 200#'s paid by Walker Perkins. 260 acres devised to me by my dec'd father Constant Perkins. Bounded by William Pollard, Thomas Underwood, Joseph Perkins, Joseph Pollard, & John Shelton.
Signed: David Perkins
Wit: Joseph Perkins, Ezekiel Purkins, John Bowles
21 Feb 1785 Proved by oaths of witnesses.

p.247 Division of Estate of Walker Perkins dec'd.
To Matthew Nightingale who intermarried with the widow of the dec'd. Salve, 59 12 acres. Branch of Beaverdam Creek; Pollards Road; Pollards line; branch as it meanders; lawfull dower of the Estate of her former husband.
Also to the Widdow her lawfull dower in the lands held & occupied by Mary Perkins, mother of the Deceased
Unto Charles Nicholas Perkins, son & only heir of Walker Perkins dec'd …all the remainder of the land and negroes.
John Guerant Jr, Joseph Lewis, John Lewis.
Presented to court 23 Dec 1785

Goochland DB 15, p.515
List of Insolvent lands on lower end of Goochland returned by Reuben Turner, Collector for William Royster, late sheriff for year 1788.
Estate of Walker Perkins 111 34 acres
Benjamin Perkins 250 acres
J____ Perkins two dark to read three digits, 225 or 335, etc.
William Perkins Jr 265 acres

Returned to Court 19 Apr 1791 and Ordered Recorded.
List of lands on lower end of Goochland on which taxes have not been paid. Returned by Thomas Royster for Stephen Sampson, Sheriff, year 1784
Estate Walker Perkins 171 ½ a
Ret. to Court 19 Apr 1791

List of land lower end on which taxes have not been paid Thomas Royster for Stephen Sampson, Sheriff, year 1785
Walker Perkins, 171 1/2 a
Ret to Court 19 Apr1791

List of lands in lower end of Goochland on which no Tax have been paid, Thos Royster for Stephen Sampson, Sheriff, year 1786
Estate Walker Perkins dec'd 111 ¾ [possibly dower has been laid off]
Ret 19 Apr 1791

List of lands lower end on which taxes have not been paid …1787
Estate Walker Perkins dec'd 111 ¾
Ret to Court 19 Apr 1791

Goochland DB 16
A list of land returnd in Goochland Co for 1791
Upper end:
Walker Perkins Estate, 111 ¾ a


Marriage5 Jun 1778Goochland County, Virginia - Judith Hughes
DeathBef 1782Goochland County, Virginia


SpouseJudith Hughes ( - )
ChildCharles Nicholas Perkins ( - )
FatherConstantine Perkins (1720 - 1769)
MotherMary Walker (1722 - 1797)
SiblingDavid Perkins ( - )
SiblingWilliam Perkins ( - )
SiblingJudith Perkins (1753 - )
SiblingMary Perkins ( - )
SiblingAnn Perkins ( - )
SiblingConstantine "Constant" Perkins ( - )
SiblingNicholas Perkins ( - 1777)
SiblingElizabeth Perkins ( - )
SiblingStephen Perkins ( - 1782)
