Individual Details


(1707 - Bef May 1771)

Richard Fox is not a descendant of Henry Fox and Anne West of Virginia.

Most databases give the parents of Richard Fox as Henry Fox II and his (2) wife Mary Claiborne. Henry II said to have gone to Spotsylvania Co from King William. However, both Henry II and Richard are found in Brunswick Co later.
CAVALIERS, Vol 3, p.356 Henry Fox of King Wm Co. 1000 acres of New Land in Spotsyl. Co. in St. George's Par. N side Northanna Riv. 28 Sep 1728, PB13, p.279
[I don't think he ever moved to Spotsylvania as he sold this land within a few years.]

Email received from John Fox of Winston Salem NC 4 Nov 1799: John Fox believes the parents of Richard Fox to have been Thomas Fox and Mary Tunstall - Mary's stepfather was Richard Wyatt and she named her son Richard for him. The research of Lora B. Tindall who has joined both Colonial Dames & DAR on this family also indicates this is the correct parentage of Richard Fox. has an online CD, "Virginia Family Histories #2, 1600s-1800s" in which the articles come from both THE WILLIAM & MARY COLLEGE QUARTERLY HISTORICAL MAGAZINE which have been compiled into 5 volumes of GENEALOGIES OF VIRGINIA FAMILIES, and THE VIRGINIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY & BIOGRAPHY. In an article "Fox Family of King William Co VA", p.351, from Vol II, of Gen of VA Families, I believe I found one of the sources for stating that Richard was the son of Thomas Fox & Mary Tunstall. The article gives evidence for the family of John Fox the immigrant and states his sons as John & Thomas [named in a petition 1704 in King William Co] and probably Henry, sheriff of King William 1724-25. [Virginia Magazine, VIII, p.382,385] Thomas, a son of Henry, then married, about 1707, to Mary, daughter of Edmund Tunstall & his wife Catherine, who married as her 2nd husband, Richard Wyatt, of King William Co. [VA Magazine IX, p.310] Thomas & Mary's sons are listed as [1] Joseph Fox of Hanover, who married Susanna Smith,; [2] Thomas Fox of Spotsylvania Co, who married Philadelphia Claiborne, and probably [3] Richard, named for his mother's stepfather, Richard Wyatt. Richard being found in Lunenburg Co in 1762; his will proved in Mecklenburg Co in 1771.

Luke Matthews of Brunswick County, Virginia, 1739-1788 and His Descendants, by William Kennon Matthews, p.10. [Richard Fox] was probably the fourth son of Thomas Fox and Mary Tunstall, who was the daughter of Edmund Tunstall of King & Queen Co VA and his wife Catherine Smith..."Va Hist. Mag. Vol. 9, p310"
Thomas Fox was the second son of Henry Fox and grandson of Capt John Fox of Gloucester Co VA who died before 1683. Henry Fox lived in Gloucester, King & Queen and King William Counties. He was a member of the House of Burgesses in 1714. His wife was Anne West, daughter of Col. John West, 1633-1691 of Westover, New Kent Co VA and his wife Unity/Ursula Crowshaw.
The society in Washington D. C. called "Descendants of Henry Fox-Ann West" challenges the descent of Richard Fox on insufficient proof.
Mr. James Fox, dec'd, brother of John Fox the novelist, who spent much time tracing the history of the Fox family, accepted this descent as unquestioned.

DNA studies indicate that none of the above lineages is accurate. Tests on proved descendants of Col. Richard, one through his son Jacob, another via son William, does not match at all any of those who prove a relationship to Henry Fox who was the father of both Henry II and Thomas Fox.
"Another well known southern USA family line is that descending from Col. Richard Fox (died 1771) and Hannah Williamson. Some thought this line might trace back to Henry Fox and Anne West but our one documented member of this family is in an entirely different Haplogroup - probably Haplogroup I1b2*. We have recently acquired a new project member who matches him at 37 markers and traces back to Joaquin Fox who moved from New Orleans to Mexico in the mid-1800s. The paper trail connecting these two has yet to be developed. Truly these southern Fox families are proving a challenge but we now have an ample number of targets for new members to shoot at."

Further results from the Fox Project:
Haplogroup I-L39 Richard Fox of Virginia and Francisco Fox of Mexico Descendants
Two men of Fox ancestry match on 37 out of 37 markers. One from Virginia and one from Mexico via New Orleans. Latter has tested at 67 markers and has also tested Haplogroup I-L39 (or I2b2).
Jun 2013. Two tests have been completed on proved descendants of Richard Fox, matching 36 out of 37 markers - they are 5th cousins, once removed. Additional tests on descendants of Francisco Fox of Mexico also continue to substantiate this match.

Haplogroup R-L47 Henry Fox/ Anne West Group
Five Foxes tracing back to Henry Fox, III, generally accepted as the grandson of Henry Fox and Anne West, plus an African American who matches them closely at 67 markers and is also tested Haplogroup R-L47 or R1b1a2a1a1a4a. This group can be traced back to Henry Fox, b 1521 in Missenden, Buckinghamshire, England. One researcher has proposed a line of descent from Robert de Vaux, a Norman invader. These men are part of a founder cluster that contains Norman names but there is, as yet, no direct evidence of a Vaux/Fox match. The Haplogroup assignment is consistent with a late arrival to Britain.
Jun 2013. A proved descendant of Thomas Fox and Mary Tunstall also matches this group.

There is yet another theory that the father of Richard was a George Fox of Surry Co whose wife was a Mabry/Mayberry. No doubt this theory springs from the fact that Richard's wife Hannah's sister Sarah was married to a George Mabry of Brunswick Co. I think this theory is too contrived to be plausible. Also the deed of Cuthbert Williamson's heirs, states that Sarah had died leaving a single child, also named Sarah Mabry, making this connection impossible.

I believe the children's birth order as well as the years of their birth are probably guesstimates.

Here are actual records of Richard Fox.

BRUNSWICK CO VA DEEDS, Vol 1 1732-1745; Dr. Stephen E. Bradley, Jr., 1997
DB/WB 1, p.296. Deeds of Lease & Release 1 & 2 Sep 1736. Charles Kimball planter of St. Andrew Parish of Brunswick Co to Richard Fox of same. 550 acres S side Roanoke River. Wit: Wm Maclin, William Wynne, Richard Burch. Proved 4 Nov 1736.
DB/WB 1, p.424 Deeds of lease & release of Thomas Wright Sparrow of NC to Henry Embry of Brunswick for 301 acres adj Charles King. The release witnessed by Richard Fox.
p.69 DB 2, p.204 2 Dec 1742 Hollum Sturdivant & his wife Elizabeth of Surry Co; John Rottenburry & his wife Susanna of same; Henry Ledbetter & his wife Edeth of Brunswick Co; Richard Fox & his wife Hannah alias Joanna; and Sarah Mabry sell to George Mabry of St. Andrew Parish in Brunswick Co for £30, 280 acres. The tract had been a patent to John Williamson dated 18 Feb 1722 & at his death fell to his daughters Elizabeth Sturdivant, Susanna Rottenburry, Edith Ledbetter, Hannah Fox, & Sarah Mabry. On S side Nottoway River joining the N side Rocky Run. Wit: M. Cadet Young, Moses Dunkley. Proved 2 Dec 1742.

3 Nov 1762. No 7, p. 588, Hening
An act to establish Ferries.
From Richard Fox land Lunenburg Co over Ronoake River to land of James Blanton opposite there.

MECKLENBURG CO VA DEEDS 1765-1771; TLC Genealogy
DB 5, p.485 [Lunenburg, I think, reprinted because of location in what would be Mecklenburg] 4 Sep 1759 Richard Fox to son-in-law John Kendrick [husband of Amy]. 230 acres N side of Roanoke adj Davis & Cole. signed: Richd Fox. Wit: John Speed, Jos Birtchett [another son-in-law], and William Fox.
DB 1, p.47 30 Jan 1765 Shippeallen Pucket & wife Mary to Richard Fox, all of Lunenburg Co. Plantation where he now lives. £100 198 acres in Luxemburg Co on Reedy Branch, Round Meadow Branch, Smith's Crk. Wit: John Kendrick, Jacob Fox, Alexander Morrison, Rec. 10 Jun 1765
[Mecklenburg Co was formed from Lunenburg Co this year 1765; this property became part of Mecklenburg]
DB 1, p.49 4 May 1765 Richard Fox to his son William Fox for natural love & affection. 400 acres on Roanoke River adj Coles & Blackmon. Signed: Richard Fox. Wit: John Pain, Alexander Morrison, James (x) Shaffell. Rec. 10 Jun 1765
DB 1, p.291 25 Aug 1766 Robert Wooding of Halifax to Richard Fox. 200 acres both sides Smith's Crk and the County line. Wit: George Baskervill, Jacob Fox, Hutchins Burton [This tract will be given to Isham & later sold after his death]
DB 1, p.344 25 Aug 1766 John King Rosser to Richard Fox. 100 acres where Rosser now lives. Smith's Crk and the County line. Wit: John Kendrick, Jacob Fox, Sarah Crews. Rec. 9 Feb 1767.

Posted on Ancestry Message Board "Fox" by Peggy Wallace
Last Will and Testament of Richard Fox.
In the name of God, Amen, I Richard FOX of the County of Mecklenburg in the Colony of Virginia being weak in body but sound in mind and memory praised be Almighty God for the same do make and ordain this my last will and testament
in the manner and form following viz:
First and principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Maker hoping through the meritorious death of Jesus Christ my Savior to receive all pardon of all my sins and as for my body to be buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter nominated, and calling to mind what worldly estate it hath pleased Almighty God to help me with, I give and dispose in manner and form following.
I give and bequeath to my grandchildren Amy BURCHETT, James BURCHETT and Joseph BURCHETT, John BURCHETT, Mary Ann BURCHETT and Isaac BURCHETT my Negro woman ANACA and all her present and future increase to be equally divided
amongst them after the death of their father Joseph BURCHETT. I desire he may have the use of them all during his life.
Item: I give and devise to my son Jacob FOX my mill and one acre of land on the South side of Mill Creek at the end of the dam and also all the land I bought of George KING and John King ROSSER that lays on the North Side of the Mill Creek to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give and devise to my son Richard FOX all the tract of land that I now live on with the Ferry and all other conveniences of the same to him and his heirs and assigns forever together with two cows and calves to him and his assigns forever.
Item: I give and devise to my son Isham FOX all the land that I now own on the South side of Mill Creek except the acre I give to my son Jacob FOX too him and his heirs and assigns forever, together with two cows and calves to him and his heirs forever, also I give to my son Isham FOX all that tract or parcel of land I bought of Shippe Allen PUCKETT after the death of my daughter Sarah PRICE, to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give to my daughter Nancy FOX, the use of my Negro boy ABRAM and my Negro girl PHEBEE to be and continue in the hands of my wife during her life and after death for my daughter Nancy to go in care of John KENDRICK and Amy his wife, also I give to my daughter Nancy one featherbed and furniture and two cows and calves to be and continue with her Mother during her life and after her death to go to John KENDRICK for the use of my daughter, and if my said daughter Nancy should died without heirs lawfully begotten of her body my will and desire is that the said Negro's ABRAM and PHEBEE go to John KENDRICK and his wife, and their heirs forever.
Item: I give and bequeath to my daughter Hannah my Negro girl ANACA and a good bed and furniture together with two cows and calves to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give to my son Richard FOX one Negro named KITT and a good bed and furniture to him and his heirs and assigns forever. My will and desire is that the land I bought of James DOZER to be sold to defray the charges in
buying the said land.
Item: I give to my daughter Ann FOX my Negro girl MOLLY together with a good bed and furniture and two cows and calves to her and her heirs forever.
Item: I give to my son Isham FOX my Negro girl PAUL [sic] together with one good bed and furniture two cows and calves to him his heirs and assigns forever.
Item: I give to my son Isham FOX that land that I bought of Hutchens BURTON to him and his heirs forever.
Item: I give to my beloved wife all the rest of my estate during her lifeand after her decease my will and desire is that all that part I give my wife the use of during her life to be equally divided amongst my children except Nancy who I don't allott to have any part of my estate.
Item: My will and desire further is that if any of my children die before they come of age or have lawfull issue that his or their part shall be equally divided amongst my surviving children.
Lastly I noiminate and appoint my son Jacob FOX and John KENDRICK Executors of this my last will and testament, Revoking and disannulling all former wills and ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal this fourth day of January One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy One.
Signed, Sealed and Delivered by the said Richard FOX and said to be his last will and testament. S/Rich. FOX
Wm. C. [His Mark] MORRISON
Elizabeth DAVIS

Probated 13 May 1771, Mecklinburg County Virginia Will Book 1, p. 94: Old Book 3, p. 3.
[Daughters Mary & Lucy are not named in the will. An eldest son John is not mentioned in this will, nor do I believe there even was a son by this name. William his son, is not mentioned in this will, but he had already received some 400 acres as a gift from his father. He was married to Mary Kendrick, sister of John Kendrick on 10 June 1765. Richard acknowledged a deed in Mecklinburg co., VA., to his son William Fox. [Old Book 1765-1768, p. 34. It would also appear that Nancy Fox is perhaps impaired in some way as her care is to be provided for by first her mother and then her sister Amy & her husband John Kendrick - as she does not appear again in the records she may have died soon after the writing of this will.]

Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1767-1779
12 February 1771 (I think this was likely 1777!)
James Dozier and Mary his wife (She being first privately Examined and thereto freely Consenting) acknowledged a Deed of Bargain & Sale to Jacob Fox & John Kendrick executors of Richard Fox dece'd, and on motion the same is Ordered to be registered. Bute County, North Carolina

Minutes of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, 1767-1779
15 May 1777
A Deed from Jacob Fox, Richard Fox, John Kendrick, Amey Kendrick, Joseph Price and Sarah Price to Edward Davis was proved by the oath of Stephen Kirk a witness thereto and on Motion the same is ordered to be Registered. Bute County, North Carolina

MECKLENBURG CO VA DEEDS 1777-1779; TLC Genealogy, 1994
p.21 DB 5, p.122 7 Feb 1777 William Fox, Jacob Fox, Richard Fox, Anne Fox, John Kindrick and Amy his wife, all of Mecklenburg Co; Joseph Price & Sarah his wife, David Towns & Hannah his wife of Bute Co NC; Samuel Jones & Mary his wife of GA; Luke Matthews & Lucy his wife of Brunswick Co VA [sd William, Jacob, Richard, Anne, Amy, Sarah, Hannah, Mary & Lucy are devisees of Richard Fox late of Mecklenburg, dec'd. For £85 have sold to William Davis the following tract. Richard Fox, dec'd, by his Will devised to his son Isham Fox among other tracts of land, the land sd Richard Fox bought of Hutchings Burton, but which was conveyed to sd Richard by Robert Wooding by deed recorded 12 Oct 1766. Richard directed by will that if any of his children died before they came of age or had lawful issue, their part whould be equally divided among all his children. Sd Isham died under the age of 21 years and without lawful issues, the devisees afd became possessed of sd tract. It contains about 200 acres, both sides Smith's Crk, bounded by Ballard's formerly Fowler's corner, thence to Kirk's formerly Robertson's line, then sd Davis' formerly King's corner, the Country Line. Signed by all parties. Wit to all but Anne Fox were James Blanton, Charles Davis, Henry Cradle & Stephen Kirk. Thomas Puryear, Allen Robison apparently witnesses to her signature. Rec. 10 Nov 1777.

DB 5, p.124 The exact same date and parties as above, except William Davis is added as a seller and as a devisee. Sold for £40, 196 acres to Edward Davis. Tract on N side Smith's Crk, bounded by the Reedy branch, the Round Meadow Branch, Stephen Kirk's line, Wallace, & William Davis. Rec. 10 Nov 1777

Warren Co Deeds (was Bute Co), Book 5, p.186-188. The same Fox heirs along William Davis sold 100 acres that had been Isham's to Edward Davis for 35 #'s. Mentions "country line" so apparently some of Isham's inheritance lay on both sides of the county line.

[The daughter Nancy named in Richard Fox's Will does not appear in these deeds of the estate of Isham; she is probably deceased.]

Note that in the second deed for land sold to Edward Davis, Samuel & Mary Jones are not included but William Davis has been added. They had previously relinquished their share to him:
Mecklenburg DB 4, p.485 22 Sep 1775 Samuel Jones & Mary Jones of Bute Co NC bind ourselves to Wm Davis in the sum of 500£. By the Will of Richard Fox, late of Mecklenburg, the said Mary Jones was a legatee as daughter to said Fox in an equal division of the personal estate. Samuel & Mary Jones will give up their part of said estate after the death of Joanna Fox, widow of Richard Fox. Signed: Samuel Jones, Mary (x) Jones. Wit: John Burton, Charles Davis, J. Rooker, Bennett Wade, Thomas Newman. Rec. 13 Nov 1775.


DeathBef May 1771Mecklenburg County, Virginia


ChildJohn FOX (1729 - )
Child[Daughter] FOX ( - )
ChildJacob FOX (1730 - 1807)
ChildWILLIAM FOX (1732 - 1783)
ChildRichard FOX (1734 - )
ChildAnne FOX (1736 - )
ChildAmy FOX (1740 - )
ChildSarah FOX (1742 - )
ChildHannah FOX (1744 - 1805)
ChildMary FOX (1746 - )
ChildLucy FOX (1747 - 1831)
ChildNancy FOX (1751 - 1777)
ChildIsham FOX (1757 - 1777)

