Individual Details
Isham FOX
(Abt 1757 - Bef Feb 1777)
Although 1749 is given for the birthyear of Isham, it is incorrect. He may have been born later than that year. In 1777, his siblings sold the land Isham had inherited in his father's will because Isham had died before he reached the age of 21, without isuue. Richard Fox's will was written in 1771 and obviously Isham was not yet 21 at that time so he was born sometime in the 1750's, perhaps even later.
Strangely there is a deed of 10 February of 1777 when Isham Fox witnessed a deed for his brother Richard. [A young man age 14 could witness deeds at that time.] The deeds of sale for his property after his decease were dated 7 Feb 1777. Would seem to be an error in one of these records.
DB 5, p.20 10 Feb 1777 Richard Fox to James Blanton. 1 acres S side Roanoke bounded by corner of Fox & Capt William Davis, together with the Ferry on the South side of the river. Signed: Richard Fox. Wit: Mason Samford, Isham Fox, Rowland Andrews, John (x) Patrick, Nath'l (x) Huskey, Isham Eppes, Tabitha (x) Archer. Rec. 10 Mar 1777.
Filed with Warren Co, NC Deeds, Book 5, p.186
Made in Bute Co before its discontinuance. William Davis is listed as one of the devises - he had previously purchased the rights of Samuel Jones & wife Mary (formerly Mary Fox).
This Indenture made the seventh Day of February in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven hundred & seventy seven Between William Fox, Jacob Fox, Richard Fox, Anne Fox & John Kendrick & Amy his wife & William Davis of the County of Mecklenburg, Virginia, Joseph Price & Sarah his wife & David Towns & Hannah his wife of the County of Bute, North Carolina, Luke Matthews & Lucy his wife of the County of Brunswick in Virginia aforesaid, which siad William, Jacob, Richard, Anne, Amy, Sarah, Hannah & Lucy & William Davis are Devises of Richard Fox late of the County aforesaid Deceas'd of the one part and Edward Davis of the other part whereas the said Richard Fox did by his Last Will and Testament tive and Devise unto his son Isham Fox amongst other tracts of Lands the Land he the said Richard Bought of George King and farther the said Richard Fox did by his sd Last Will Testament direct that if any of his Children should die before they came of age or had Lawfull Issue, his or their parts should be Equally divided among all his surviving Children as by the said will, will more fully appear & the said Isham Fox having died under age of Twenty one years and without Lawfully Issue, the Devises aforesaid Became possessed of the said Tract of Land aforesaid with others under the clause aforesaid of the Richard Fox Will. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that said William Fox, Jacob Fox, Richard Fox, Anne Fox, John Kendrick & Amy his wife, Joseph Price & Sarah his wife, David Towns & Hannah his wife, William Davis & Luke Matthews and Lucy his wife for and in consideration of Thirty five Pounds to them in hand paid the receipt whereof the do hereby acknowledge have given granted bargained & aold and by these Presents Do give grant bargain and sell unto the said Edward Daivd & his heirs part of the aforesaid Tract of parsell of Land it Lying the South side of Smiths Creek, Bute County, North Carolina aforesaid Containing one hundred acres more or less and bounded as followeth to wit: Beginning at Little Ready branch in the Country line thence up the said branch to Bennett Woods line thence West along said Woods line to Smiths Creek thence Down the said Creek to one acre of Land belonging to Bennitt Goodes at the end of his mill Dam on the Country Line thence East along the said line to the Beginning To have and To hold the said Tract or parcell of Land together with all its appurtinances to him the said Edward Davis his Heirs and assigns to the only use and behoof of him the said Edward Davis his Heirs and assigns forever and the said William Fox, Jacob Fox, Richard Fox, Anne Fox, John Kendrick & Amy his wife, Joseph Price & Sarah his wife, David Towns & Hannah his wife, William Davis, Luke Matthews & Lucy his wife their and each of their Heirs Executors and administrators the said Tract or parcell of Land with the appertenances to him the said Edward David his heirs and assigns shall and will forever warrant and Defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said William Fox, Jacob Fox, richard Fox, Anne Fox & John Kendrick & Amy his wife, Joseph Price & Sarah his wife, David Towns & Hannah his wife, William Davis, Luke Matthews & Lucy his wife have hereunto set their hands & seals the Day & year above written.
Signed: Jacob Fox, John Kendrick, Amy (her mark) Kendrick, Jos Price, Sarah (her mark) Price. [Blanks were present beside seals for the others who apparently never signed]
Seald & Deliverd in Presents of: James Blanton, Charles Davis, Thomas Renyear, Henry Cradle, Stephen Kirk
Bute County August Court 1777
This Deed was proved by the Oath of Stephen Kirck a witness thereto and on motion the same is Ordered to be Registered. Test: Thos. Machen CC
The aforegoing Deed from Wm Fox Etc to Edward Davis having been proved in Bute Inferior Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions & ordered to be Registered the same is truly Registered this 14th day of October 1777 by Jos. Johnson, CR
Father | RICHARD FOX (1707 - 1771) |
Mother | JOHANNAH WILLIAMSON (1710 - ) |
Sibling | John FOX (1729 - ) |
Sibling | [Daughter] FOX ( - ) |
Sibling | Jacob FOX (1730 - 1807) |
Sibling | WILLIAM FOX (1732 - 1783) |
Sibling | Richard FOX (1734 - ) |
Sibling | Anne FOX (1736 - ) |
Sibling | Amy FOX (1740 - ) |
Sibling | Sarah FOX (1742 - ) |
Sibling | Hannah FOX (1744 - 1805) |
Sibling | Mary FOX (1746 - ) |
Sibling | Lucy FOX (1747 - 1831) |
Sibling | Nancy FOX (1751 - 1777) |
1. Lora B. Tindall, Fox family research. She is a member of the National Society of Colonial Dames and the DAR through ancestor of this line..