Individual Details

Lemuel McBee

(1783 - 23 May 1843)

1830 Census. Knox Co TN
Lemuel McBee: 2m -5, 1m 5-10, 2m 10-15, 1m 15-20, 1m 40-50, 1f 10-15, 1f 40-50.
G. C. McBee: 1m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 20-30, 1m 30-40. 1f -5, 1f 20-30, 1f 70-80
[probably Lemuel's brother]
William C. McBee. 1m 20-30, 1f 20-30 [probably Lemuel's oldest son]

1840 Census. Knox Co TN
Lemuel McBee: 2m 10-15, 2m 15-20, 1m 20-30, 1m 50-60. 1f 50-60
Gannum C. McBee: 1m -5, 2m 10-15, 1m 40-50. 1f -5, 1f 5-10, 1f 30-40
W. C. McBee: 1m -5, 1m 5-10, 1m 20-30. 1f -5, 1f 20-30.

Wills and Settlements
Grainger Co TN 1839-1847
LDS #0464102
Lemuel McBee of Granger, TN, formerly of the County of Knox.
1st My beloved wife Sarah McBee all the tract of land I now live on together with the tract I bought from Samuel Gill & Diannah Y. Gill his wife with the exception of a certain part that is set apart for my son William C. McBee here after mentioned. The Two Tracts containing 539 acres. For her lifetime. And after her death to my youngest son James A. McBee. His mother to give him possession of the following part at the time he becomes 21 years of age or should marry, to wit: All the west end of said tracts, commencing at the meadow branch running with the branch a NE course.
I also give to my wife the following Negroes: James, Dick, Fill, Henry, Cloe, Lucy, Lize, Lindy, Mariah, Netty and Ross. To have for her natural life and then be equally divided amongst my heirs together with their increase. Also to my wife all grain and provender that may be on hand at my Death together with the crop that may be growing and all other provisions. And to keep all the negroes to finish cultivating and gathering said growing crop.
I also give to my wife all my household and kitchen furniture of every kind. My wagon & farming tools of every kind. Cross cut saw & cloth, thread and what ever raw materials are on hand to make the same.
I give her the following stock, to wit, her choice of 12 head of cattle; fifty head of hogs; five head of horses, and my sheep and poultry of every kind, and $200
The household & kitchen furniture to be at her disposal at her death. All other property that may be on hand at her death to be equally divided among my heirs. She to raise and educate my minor children until they become of age.

2nd To my eldest son William C. McBee, a piece of land, acres not known it being a part of the former mentioned tracts, included in the following bounds, to wit: Commencing at the mouth of the Spring Branch where William now lives; running into the lick branch, then running up the branch to the Spring so as to include the Spring, then with the dry branch to McKinney's Road, thence with the road to McKinney's Line, then running out towards Sally Hodges 15 acre field & the Carruther place; with Sally Hodges line until it strikes the lick Branch not far from the Beginning, thence to the Beginning. I likewise give William the following Negroes: Andy given to him some time ago and now in his possession and John at my Death together with $600

3rd To my second son Adam H. McBee the tract of land he now lives on containing 245 acres in Jefferson County together with one Negro Boy, namely Jeff given to him some time ago and in his possession.

4th To my third son Israel [later entries and the censuses indicate that this son was named Issac, not Israel] M. McBee, the lower half of a tract forming an Island in Holstin River bought of Pleasant Jarnagin, lying in Jefferson County together with Negro boy named Tom given to him some time ago and in his possession

5th To my fourth son Ganum C. McBee, the upper half of the above mentioned Island where he now lives together with a Negro Boy to be equal in value to one now in his possession namely Manual., or two small ones to amount to the same in value as. Manual now in his possession will have to be divided amongst the heirs of Wm McBee dec'd agreeable to a decree of Chancery Court at Knoxville.

6th To my fifth son Lemuel J. McBee a tract of land 206 acres bought of Thomas Hankins in Jefferson Co together with a negro boy named Jurdon, given to him some time ago and in his possession.

7th to my Sixth son, Milo McBee. Two Negroes, Joseph & Frank together with $1000 likewise the mare he now claims.

8th to my Seventh son Daniel M. McBee. All that tract of land bought of James Hankins, the said land lying in two tracts. One piece which is a part of an Island known as Davises Island belonging to Grainger Co, the balance of said land lying in Jefferson County. Containing in the whole 198 ¾ acres Together with a Negro Boy namely Jupater and a two year old Bay Colt, Nancy Fines' colt.

9th to my Eighth son Callaway McBee, one Negro boy namely Alfred together with $1000 and one yearling gray filly

10th to my youngest son James A. McBee together with the before mentioned land at the death of his mother, at my death one Negro boy namely Major and my rifle gun. My new case of Rasors & Mary's sucking colt

11th to my daughter Patsey, five Negroes namely Charles & Rachel given to her some time ago now in her possession and Rhoda, Hannah & Adaline at my death.

12th to my daughter Mary Ann the tract of land bought of Stephen Graves containing 150 acres the land she now lives on together with one Negro choice of any of the female slaves I may draw at the Division of the slaves belonging to the Estate of William McBee dec'd. which is to take place at Knoxville betwixt this and next October.

All the remaining part of my property to be sold by my Executors in any manner they may think most advisable and the proceeds to be equally divided betwixt my heirs. If any of my heirs should be dissatisfied with this my will and commence a Lawsuit, he or she or they shall not have the part set apart for them. If there be any such, to such I give $10 apiece and nor more and when they law that out I would advise them to quit.

Appoint my two sons Israel M. McBee and Ganum C. McBee executors of this my LW&T. Set my hand and seal April 21st 1843. Lemuel McBee

Wit: G. C. McBee, T. D. Thornton, Samuel Shield. Rec. 5 Jul 1843

Inventory of the personal Estate of Lemuel McBee, Dec'd
Cash gold and Silver $1986.97
Tennessee Bank notes $15.00
Alabama Bank notes $128.00
Total $2729.97

One note on hand on George Graves, Aaron Harbinson & Daniel Graves, due Sept 17 1841 for $561.80
One note on George Groves due 17 Sep 1842 for $37.53; credits of $10.50

Note on H. G. Lea, Joseph Jackson & Samuel Shield, due 19 Jul 1842 $143.00
Note on H. G. Lea, Joseph Jackson & Samuel Shields due 19 Jul 1842 for $144
One note on James Kennon, John McKinney, Joseph Jackson, due 11 Sep 1838 for $200; credited 31 Jul 1841, $83.00
Note on M. J. Parrot & A. P. Cardwell due 7 Apr 1843 for $105.00, credited 31 Oct 1842, $75.00
Note on James Clark & Joseph Jackson due 22 Aug 1843, $53 payable in current bank notes
Note on P. Lovelace & A.M. Shipe due 25 Dec 1843 $3710 payable in state bank notes
Note on D. McCollvin due 10 Dec 1842 for $19.00 specie
Note on Jacob Dick, due 7 Jan 1838 for $54.45; credited 19 Oct 1842 for $52.00
Note on Isaac McBee, due 21 Feb 1843 for $12.67
Balance of two notes on Joseph & A. C. Jackson $52.36.
Total $600.08

List of property
Four Negro men: James, Dick, Fill, & Henry
Four Negro women: Cloe, Lize, Mariah, Rose
One girl Lucy
Two children Lind & Netty
5 head of horses
50 head of hogs
12 head of cattle
46 head of sheep
One wagon and cross cut saw
All farming utensils of every kind & all poultry , all the cloth and raw material to make the same
Written beside above: Bequeathed to Sarah McBee, her natural lifetime

All the household & kitchen furniture of every description bequeathed to Sarah McBee at her disposal
Negro man John to Wm. A. McBee
Two Negroes Joseph & Frank, one mare as specified to Milo McBee
One Negro boy Jupater and one two year old colt to Daniel McBee
One Negro boy Alfred and one yearling filly to Calloway McBee
One boy Major, one Rifle gun, one case of Rasors, bequeathed to James A. McBee
One Negro woman Rhody, children Hannan & Adeline, bequeathed to Patsey

Undisposed of:
14 head of horses, various sizes
67 head of hogs, various sizes
One Negro woman Priscilla, 55 to 60 years
One negro girl Amanda, aged near 2 months
14 head of cattle, various sizes
One mans Saddle

The above is a true and perfect Inventory ….estate of Lemuel McBee Dec'd. July, 1843
Isaac & G. C. McBee, Executors
Rec. 19 Oct 1843, E. Tate Clk.

Account of Sale
A list of the property of Lemuel McBee, dec'd. 30 Sep 1843
Names of purchasers: Sarah McBee, J. S. Waters, John Nance Junr., A. H. McBee, C. B. Nance, Jacob Dick , Milo McBee, John S. Walters, L. J. McBee, James McBee, Silas Mynatt, Jacob C. Smith, Wm. C McBee, H. Crews [1 cow to settle account]
Total $433.70
The above in a true and perfect account of the Sales made on the 30th Sep 1843 of the personal Estate of Lemuel [copied as Samuel here] McBee dec'd after having given sufficient Notice of the Same. Signed: Isaac & G. C. McBee, Executors. Sworn to in open court, approved, Recorded 19 Oct 1843. E. Tate, Clerk.

Guardian Report.
Report of all the money & property which has come into my hands by viture of my appointment at a former term of your Court as Guardian of Calliway McBee one of the children and heirs at law of Samuel [sic] McBee Decd.
Cash and notes taken as cash. $1068.00
1 boy Alfred, age 16 years last March the 6th
1 gray mare, 3 years old last Spring
Rec'd of J. M. & G. M. Housley for hire of slaves $30
Amt of Interest rec'd and due on notes in my hands at this Date Aug 1 1845 $76.34
Amount of Disbursements for Ward $38.55
Which leaves in my hands 1 August $1135.82
Signed: I. M. McBee [initial written as “J” but it's signed as Isaac]
The above is a true account …as Guardian for Calliway McBee. August 1st, 1845.
Signed: Isaac M. McBee
Sworn before me, 6 Aug 1845. E. Tate Clerk
Recorded 12 Aug 1845.

An account of the Settlement made with Israel M. & G. C. McBee, Executors of the Estate of Lemuel McBee Dec'd done the 28th Day of September, 1846.
Amount of the Sales of the personal Estate sold under the provisions of the LW&T of said Dec'd. $433.70
Amount of Cash on hand at the time of the death of Lemuel McBee $2229.97
Amt of money collect by said Executors on notes due sd estate $1397.93
Amount rec'd from Estate of Wm. McBee decd $110.61

Notes returned in Inventory as Doubtful & not yet collected. $92.53

Isaac M. & G. D. McBee, Executors etc. Credit by the following vouchers to me produced
1. M. J. Prrott, shff, Tax Receipt for 1843 $2.35
2. E. Tate, Clerks Receipt $2
3. Wm. C. McBee one of the Legatees recipt dated 8 Apr 1846 $68
4. L. J. McBee on of the legatees receipt dated 18 FEby 1845 $60
5. Sarah McBee the widow of sd Lemuel McBee dec'd Receipt dated 11 Aug 1843 $200
6. A. H. McBee, legatee, 18 Feb 1845 $60
7. Sarah McBee, widow, as guardian of James A. McBee, 25 May 1845 $41.14
8. Jesse Renew atts. Receipt, 30 Apr 1846 $5
9. Daniel McBee, 25 Apr 1844 $.50
10. L. J. McBee, Legatee, 15 May 1846 $41.14
11. A. H. McBee, Legatee, 15 May 1846 $41.14
12. John S. Walters who intermarried with Mary Ann McBee, legatee, 23 Jul 1845 $68
13. Lemuel McBee decd order to Jos. Jackson, 22 Dec 1842 $5.27
14. Milo McBee, Legatee, 3 Feby 1845 $1000
15. Robert Loyd, Shff Taxes for 1843 $17.50
16. Jacob Dick & Martha M. Dick, legatees 18 May 1846 $41.14
17. Israel McBee, guardian of Calloway McBee, Legatee, 19 May 1846 $41.14
18. Danl McBee, Legatee, 23 May 1846 $41.14
19. G. C. McBee, Legatee, 29 Apr 1847 $2.85
20. Jacob Dick who intermarried with Martha McBee, Legatee, 18 Feby 1846 $60
21. J. C. Smith, 14 Oct 1843 $10.75
22. E. Tate, clerk, 2 Oct 1843 $1.50
23. Wm. Murry, receipt for Tomb Stone, 1 Mar 1846 $44
24 Henry Crews, Feb 1844 $12
25. Sarah McBee, guardian of James & Daniel McBee, two of Legatees, 18 Feb 1844 $120

Total $1986.61

26. G. C. McBee, legatee, 18 Feby 1846 $60
27. Milo McBee, legatee, 18 Feb 1846 $60
28. James Sawyers, att. Fee $25
29. John H. Crozier, att. Fee 17 Feby 1845 $30
30. James C. Moses, Printer, 17 Feb 1843 $1.16
31. Wm. H. & J. S. Moffat proved accompt $13.28
32. A. Blackburn proved accompt $13.50
33. G. C. McBee, 4 Jul 1843 $39.46
34. M. J. Parrott, Coroner, 11 Dec 1844 $19.70
35. Wm. C. McBee, Legatee, 11 Aug 1843 $600
36. Isaac McBee, guardian of Calloway McBee, Legatee, 4 Feby 1845 $1000
37. G. C. McBee, Legatee, 18 Feb 1846 $41.16
38 John S. Walters & Mary Ann Walters, Legatees, 15 May 1846 $33.15
39. I.M. McBee, Guardian of Calloway, Legatee, 21 Feby 1845 $60
40 Milo McBee, Legatee, 25 May 1846 $41.14
41. Wm. C McBee, Legatee, 25 May 1846 $33.14
42. Israel M. McBee, Legatee, 25 May 1846 $41.14

By cash paid Harvey Goss, Minister of the Gospel $4
Amount due John H. Crozier $3
Amount of E. Tate Clerks fee for making this settlement and Recording the same $2.50
Amount of Executors accompt. For their services 75.00
Two notes not yet collected [Temporary Credit] $92.53

Amount of Credits $4274.48
Amount of Debits 4263.84


I find on settlement with Isaac M. McBee & G. C. McBee, Executors of the Estate of Lemuel McBee Dec'd that said Executors have paid and disbursed more than has come into their hands the sum of $10.63, all of which is Respectfully submitted. E. Tate Clerk
Recorded 22 Oct 1846.

Lemuel McBee is apparently buried near his parents in Eastern Knox Co TN in the McBee Cemetery.


Marriage22 Jan 1806Jefferson County, Tennessee - Sarah Meek
Death23 May 1843Grainger County, Tennessee


SpouseSarah Meek (1787 - 1864)
ChildMartha M. "Patsy" McBee (1807 - )
ChildMary Ann McBee (1808 - 1854)
ChildWilliam Claiborn McBee (1808 - 1874)
ChildAdam H. McBee (1812 - )
ChildIsaac M. McBee (1814 - )
ChildGanum Cox McBee (1816 - 1863)
ChildLemuel J. McBee (1818 - )
ChildMilo McBee (1824 - )
ChildDaniel M. McBee (1825 - )
ChildCallaway McBee (1828 - )
ChildJames A. McBee (1829 - )
FatherWilliam McBee (1756 - 1826)
MotherMary Ann Cox (1756 - 1840)
SiblingLibby McBee ( - )
SiblingBetsey Ann McBee (1780 - )
SiblingAbigail McBee (1789 - )
SiblingGainum C. McBee (1799 - )
