Individual Details
John Haden Jr
(23 Jan 1798 - )
1830 Census. Pittsylvania Co VA
John Haden Jr. 2m -5, 2m 5-10, 1m 30-40. 1f -5, 1f 30-40.
John Haden Jr was not in PIttsylvania Co for the 1840 Census. By 1850, some unidentified Hadens are living in Pittsylvania Co. They are of about the same age as his nephews and two of them are living with Charles Haden, son of his brother Charles. These young men could be family of the Anthony D. Haden, who had lived in Pittsylvania Co, but since they are living with a son of William and one is named "Young" which was John Haden Jr's father-in-law's given name, it would appear these young men belong here.
In 1840, there was an unknown James Haden in Pittsylvania Co. He was age 20-30, spouse was the same age, and there were three small children under age 5. Was he a son of John, or a member of the family of Anthony D. Haden? Or was this James, son of John & Susannah Roach and they got his age in the wrong column?
1850 Census, Pittsylvania Co VA, p.226, Hh 821
Wm. C. Haden, age 26, Wheelwright, living with the Lovelace family
William Haden, son of John & Susanna Roach, was a wheelwright or wagon maker, and most of his sons followed him in this profession. His son Charles was the same age as this William C. Haden.
p.225b, Hh 814
Charles Haden, age 26, Cabinet Maker, b. VA [son of William & Edy]
Mary age 23 [his wife, Mary Caroline Obertheir who Charles had married earlier in 1850]
Young Haden, age 22, Cabinet Maker, b. VA.
Harvey Haden, age 19, Cabinet Maker, b. MO
By 1860, the only one of these young men still living in Pittsylvania Co was William C. Haden. He was living in a Hotel, age 38, Wheelwright. In 1870, he was listed as age 47, same profession and still living in the Hotel. He wasn't found in 1880.
Charles Haden, son of William & Edy, was in Texas, Rusk Co, Hh 59, by 1860, and he had children born in Texas as early as 1854.
I also found in 1860 in Rusk Co TX, Hh 130:
S. Y. [Young?] Haden, age 33, b. VA, a Wagon Maker. Mary J. Haden, age 21, b. MS. Children born in TX: Alice, age 6. Ophelia, age 4. James, age 2.
Birth | 23 Jan 1798 | ||||
Marriage | 5 Feb 1817 | Pittsylvania County, Virginia - Jane Askew Shelton |
Spouse | Jane Askew Shelton ( - ) |
Father | John Haden (1767 - 1843) |
Mother | Susanna Roach (1764 - ) |
Sibling | Molly Haden (1792 - 1875) |
Sibling | William Haden (1795 - 1870) |
Sibling | Nancy M. Haden (1800 - 1839) |
Sibling | James M. Haden (1804 - 1855) |