Individual Details

Allen Waddill

(Abt 1774 - )

Allen is proved as a son by Pittsylvania Deeds.

The first record is the witnessing of the Will of William Durrett of Pittsylvania Co on 13 Sep 1792. All three of Noel's sons - Charles, Allen, and Noel Jr. witnessed this deed. One had to be age fourteen to witness a deed or will. Noel, Jr. provided security indicating, he perhaps, was at least age 21.

DB 10
17 Apr 1795 Noell Waddill Senr for good will & affection to my son A. Waddill of Pittsylvania Co do grant 400 acres. Begin Hoskins line, down the Creek to Charles Waddill corner black oak, dividing line to Robert William Dec'd, Williams' line, to Woody's, to Adkinsons, thence Adkinsons to Burgessess thence Burgesses to Hoskins to the beginning. Delivered to said Allen Waddill. Signed: Noel Waddill, Senr.
20 Apr 1795 Acknowledged by Waddill

DB 10
6 Nov 1794
p.154 Noel Waddell Sr. to Allen Waddell, slaves, Suck & Jean.
Wit: William Waddell, Charles Waddell, Noel Waddell Jr.

In Feb of 1796, Allen sold his land back to his father for 300 #'s and Noel sold Allen ten slaves,
Frank, George, Joe, George, Easter, Amy, Lucy, Raney, Chaney [Fanny?], Dixon.

In 1794, Noel Senr had given 100 acres to his son Noel Junr. Another indication that Noel Junr was older.

The day before the following deed, Noel Waddill had sold Charles 800 acres, almost his total holdings. Seems to be a division between the sons.
Pittsylvania Co VA DB 11
p.270 4 Oct 1797 Charles Waddill to Allen Waddill 300#'s land on Sandy Creek of Dan River. 400 acres. Begin black oak S side of Sandy Creek, new dividing line to corner pin in Robert Williams, Woodes line, William Harrison dec'd line to Noell Waddill Junr corner in Harrisons line thence Noel Waddills line to his Spring branch, down the branch to Sandy Creek
Signed: Charles Waddill Wit: Henry Cook, Champness Terry, John Scott, Robt Walters, Wm Walters, Archer Walters 16 Apr 1798 Proved by three witnesses

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 12
p.392 24 Sep 1801 Allen Waddill, Nancy Waddill his wife to Allen Caldwell Senr of Halifax. 340#'s. 185 acres. Begin pointers in Allen Waddills line, to Noel Waddills line on his Spring Branch to William Harrisons Dec'd line, to James Woodys to Durrets. Signed: Allen Waddill, Nancy Waddill. Wit: David (x) Tearey, Daniel Everett Junr, William Rice, Larkin Ingram
Oct 19 1801 Ack by Allen Waddill
p.532 ___ of ____ 1802. James Woody to John Stamps. 10sh. One acre including the meeting house, it being for the use of public worship. Bounded by said James Woody's land. Signed: James Woody. Wit: R. Jones, Allen Waddill, John Walters. 19 Apr 1802, ack by James Woody.

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 14
p.88 9 Apr 1804. James Chalmers of Halifax Co to Archibald Walters of Pittsylvania. 238#'s, 15 sh. Tract on waters of Sandy Creek of Dann River. 238 ¾ acres. East side Sandy Creek in John Lewis's line, Kings Branch. Signed: James Chalmers. Wit: Allen Waddill, Levin Carter, John Walters, James Lucas. 18 Jun 1804, ack by Chalmers. Sarah, wife was examined 16 Feb 18??

p.268 15 Dec 1804 Leonard Beall and Storah his wife to Allen Waddill. $500. Tract on Cain Creek, 8 acres. Metes & bounds. Signed: Leonard Beall, Storah R. Beall. Wit: W. Clark, Hickman Spiller, Charles Payne, Daniel Coleman. Wife could not travel. - she relinq to Daniel Coleman & Charles Payne on 21 Dec 1804. 18 Feb 1805, indenture proved by one witness, 22 May, two other witnesses proved

p.513 16 Jan 1806 Durrett Richards & Asa Thomas, Executors of John Thomas to John Lewis. 201#'s, 6sh paid by John Lewis. On the 4th day of this present month agreeable to the Last Will & Testament of said John Thomas, sold at Publick auction to John Lewis a certain tract in Pittsylvania Co. Begin pointers in Wm Thomas's line, red oak on Nathaniel Thomas's line and along the same, Byrd's line, John Thomas's corner pointers on the road, along his line 281 acres. Signed: D. Richards, Asa Thomas Wit: John Walters, Jesse Harper, Jacob Johns, Thos. Gatewood, Allen Waddill, Daniel Everitt, James Woodey, Thomas Vaughan, John Akin
20 Jan 1806, presented in court and proved by three of the witnesses.

p.516 1 Jan 1806 Allen Waddill & Nancy his wife to Thomas Wilkinson. 100#'s. Tract of 18 acres by survey, including the mill which we purchased of Leonard Beal. Signed: Allen Waddill, Nancy Waddill. Wit: Sto. Turner, Richd Jones, Ro. Wynne, Charles (x) Pertole. 20 Jan 1806 ack by Allen Waddill

Pittsylvania Co VA DB 15
p.269 9 Apr 1804 James Chalmers of Halifx to Allan Waddle [Waddill] of Pittsylvania. 919# 15sh. Tract both sides Sandy Creek of Dan River, 319 ¾ acres. Begin West side Kings Spring branch in Duretts line ….John Walters corner pine …..Wynns old line ….crossing Sandy Creek, Davis Spring Branch, down the branch as it meanders, mouth of Kings branch. Signed: James Chalmers. Wit: Archer Walters, Lewis Carter, John Walters, William Waddell. 15 Oct 1804, proved by oath of one of wit. 17 Day 1805 proved by another witness. 16 Feb 1807, proved by third witness & ordered recorded.

p.285 Robt Payne, Joshua Stone, Richard Jones, Gent. Justices - Allen Waddel & Nancy his wife - deed dated 1 Jan 1806 to Thomas Wilkinson. Nancy cannot travel. Joshua Stone & R. Jones got release on 2 Jun 1806. Recorded 16 Feb 1807.

p.385 Allen Waddill do sell to William Wadill the following slaves and their future increase: Joe, Hanner, Betty, Easter, Raney, Fanny, Letty for the consideration of 400#'s. Signed: 9 Apr 1807 Allin Waddill. Wit: Thos. Stanfield, John Waddill, John Baynes. 7 Aug 1807, proved by two of witnesses.
[At least some of the slaves were sold to Allen by his father Noel - Joe, Easter, Raney, possibly Fanny]
Apparently this is at the time Allen Waddill left for Tennessee. William Waddill's relationship is unknown, as is the John Waddill that witness the sale of the slaves.

p.386 William Waddill have appointed Thomas Stanfield of Pittsylvania Co VA my true and lawful attorney to receive the following Negroes: Joe, Hanner, Betty Easter, Raney, Fanny, Etc. Letty and their increase, I purchased from Allin Waddill late of this county but at present probably of the State of Tennessee and to recover damages from any persons who have heretofore had the said Negroes in their possession since I purchased them and when he shall have recovered the same to sell them and make conveyances therefore. 7 Aug 1807 Signed: William Waddill
17 Aug 1807. The PofA from William Waddill to Thos Stanfield was presented & ack by William Waddill

18 May 1807
Caswell Co NC Deed Book P, p.294
Allen Waddell and William Waddell of Pittsylvania Co VA to William Johnston, for $126, Negro boy Elliott.
Wit: John Stanfield, Saml. Johnston


BirthAbt 1774


FatherNoel Waddill ( - 1807)
MotherMartha ?Osborne ( - )
SiblingFrances Waddill (1760 - )
SiblingMartha Waddill ( - )
SiblingAnne Waddill (1768 - )
SiblingNoel Waddill Jr (1770 - )
SiblingCharles Waddill (1775 - 1834)