Individual Details

Noel Waddill

(1 Jun 1709 - )

13 Jun 1755. Noel "Waddel" [presumably this Noel] patented 30 acroes of land in New Kent County. It was on Vaughan's Branch in a line that divided the land from George Poindexters's and upon on Rumley Marsh Swamp, now Mr. John Smith's Mill Pond, between said Poindexter and Waddel and running down the Mill Pond to the mouth of Vaughan's Branch, and up the said Branch. PB 32, p.591.

Noel Waddill, born 1730, son of William & Sarah, and a nephew of this Noel, was also old enough by this time to patent land - he would have been about age 25, but he seems to have been in Amelia Co in the 1750's.
Southside Virginia Genealogies attaches these records to that nephew but I believe they could belong to this man [particularly that 30 acres in New Kent Co]
I suspect these next three records may be a different Noel - his uncle.
13 Jun 1755 Noel Waddill had 30 acres, New Kent Co and was of New Kent Co, 5 Feb 1755, when he purchased land both sides of Falling Creek from William Byrd.
Jul 1755 Said to be of Chesterfield Co [formed from Henrico 1749] when he purchased 524 acres on the James River from William Wiley.
9 Aug 1758 Noel Waddill of Cumberland Co [formed from Goochland 1748] purchased 100 acres on the west side of Saylers Creek from William Womack.

There is a deed from Noel Waddill to the children of his sister Frances Johnson in New Kent Co 1761, said to be in the Magazine of Virginia Genealogy, Vol. 40, 2002. This might indicate that this is the Noel Waddill who remained in New Kent Co.

Online sleuthing reveals that this deed was written 12 Mar 1761, and filed in Northampton Co NC on the 6th of May 1761. Noel Waddill had given a gift of a slave in New Kent Co VA. A copy also said to be filed in Sumter Co SC. The slave was given to sister Frances Johnson's children: Henry Clader, Noel Huchens Clader, and Naomi Sones. The slave was in the possession of William Johnson of Northampton Co NC. The database that gave the information concerning this deed also stated that Noel Waddill went to Sumter Co SC along with the family of his sister Frances. The apparent father of the three children was Clayder or Clayter Vaughan, implying they all had middle names - however another online source gives the father of these children as Vinson [Vincent] Vaughan who was on the 1704 tax list in New Kent and whose will was probated in Northampton Co NC Aug 1749. An abstract of the will indicates that Noel Huchens and Naomi were indeed children of Vinson Vaughan and possibly Henry Clader was actually a son of a Clader, since no Henry was in Vaughan's will. A Henry Vaughan died in Sumter District SC, will signed 9 Feb 1810, and he has been placed as Henry "Clayder" - he seems to have had a son named Vincent Vaughan. Noel Huchins Vaughan's estate was probated 23 Mar 1829 in Sumter Co. He had probably received a land grant in 1784 for service in the Revolution. Naomi Vaughan Sones Hampton died 24 Jul 1819, Santee, Sumter, SC. Her obituary states she was aged 83, or born about 1736. Her will named her brother Noel Vaughan, as well as Sones children - the South Carolina Archives has abstracted the name as Jones, rather than Sones.

A list of NC land deeds of the Tarver Family shows that DB 6, p.222 has a deed from Thomas Tarver to a Noel Waddill, filed 2 Jun 1778.

Virginia Gazette, Williamsburg, Apr 18, 1777
Hanover, Apr 1, 1777. Run away from the subscriber, a young Mulatto Fellow named Bob ......... I expect he is gone to Mr. John Oty who lives either in Mecklenburg or Lunenburg, and who bought his Sister at the same time I made a Purchase of him, which was of Noel Waddill's Estate in New Kent ......Samuel Pearson


Birth1 Jun 1709New Kent County, Virginia


FatherWilliam Waddill (1670 - 1738)
Mother?Judith [Waddill] ( - )
SiblingAnne Waddill (1691 - )
SiblingElizabeth Waddill (1692 - )
SiblingWilliam Waddill Jr ( - 1754)
SiblingJohn Waddill (1697 - )
SiblingHannah Waddill (1699 - )
SiblingPridgen Waddill (1704 - )
SiblingFrances Waddill (1706 - )
SiblingJacob Waddill (1711 - )
SiblingAnne Waddill ( - )